Thank you Angel Lucci for sharing this, I really needed to see it today. This is an old video, but the message is important now more then ever. A former CIA agent discloses the key method of defeating the cabal; unity of thought and action. He reveals that sharing information from a boots on the […]
angel lucci
STAND DOWN Order issued to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Inc. | Public Service Announcement: Public Order of Revocation December 1st 2014
A Natural Law Court, using the principles of trust and consent, has issued an order to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IncSTAND DOWN, effective December 1st 2014. Whether this order is recognized by the defunct corporate government remains to seen. This order is in harmony with the concepts proffered by the OPPT filings of late […]
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Mortgageholders…the 10 most important questions to ask your Bank!! “If all the Nations of the World are in Debt! Where did all the Money go?”
Source – Angel Lucci – Streets of Love “If all the Nations of the World are in Debt! Where did all the Money go? “ January 15, 2013 by nacainte THE TEN QUESTIONS ANYBODY WHO HAS A MORTGAGE SHOULD BE ASKING THEIR BANK! YOU ARE ENTITLED TO KNOW! 1. Am I indebted to the bank right […]
Have You Heard of The Great Forgetting? It Happened 10,000 Years Ago & Completely Affects Your Life – by Deep Ecology Hub
Great find Angel! This data is helpful to gain perspective on why the world is the way it is and why personal sovereignty is key to freeing yourself, and becoming the custodian of earth, that we were meant to be. – Justin Source – Angel Lucci – Streets of Love Unconventional FILMS FOR ACTION Republished from deep-ecology-hub.comBy Deep […]
Satire: There Is No Hell Fire; Adam & Eve Not Real – Pope Francis Exposes
Updated 1.01.2014 2:30pm Looks like this is a Satire Post. I had a feeling, but wasn’t sure, a Commenter sent in the Data. Thanks! – Justin Source – Angel Lucci – Streets of Love One man who is out to open many old “secrets” in the Catholic church is Pope Francis. Some of the beliefs that are held […]
The Book’ – ‘The Culture Is I-God’ – By Divine Understanding Born Allah – ‘Introduction’ – ‘The Key’
Im not sure how to interpret this data, as it seems to touch on so many different points. Which is always nice to find new data to process, contemplate and distill! On Data distillation: my process is very similar Thomas Campbell‘s wherein One simply try to understand ALL data fully, and then after a whole picture is taken in, […]
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Disclosure: The Jesuits Are Using Celestiophysics To Rule The World – by William Dean A. Garner (Video)
Source – Angel Lucci – Streets of Love William Dean A. Garner – World Control, Gold & The Jesuits RedIce Radio August 19, 2012 William Dean A. Garner was formally trained as a research biophysicist, with a background in physics and electrical engineering. Following his tour in Army special operations, he worked for […]
Transparency: New York’s U.S. Bankruptcy Court Rules MERS’s Business Model Is Illegal – by L. Randall Wray
There is so much fraud in our society is staggering. In our shifting times this is all part of the absolute plan for humanity. This is because long ago, in our great experiment on Earth, we decided we would give our personal responsibility and liability to a group of ‘father figures’ who were ‘wise’ and were going to take care of our every need. […]
Discernment Lesson: New Earth Project Founder Sacha Stone Comments to Post about New Earth Project
This is a great find Angel. There is an earnest effort to discredit people whom are doing wonderful work, and this is for many reasons. But we should be careful not to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’ for this is how we get deceived into accepting a BELIEF as true, instead of doing the discernment […]
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Understanding our Legal System: “CORPUS DELICTI” – Knowledge will lead to True Power
“For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party (Corpus Delicti) There can be no sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional right.” Sherer v. Cullen 481 F. 945:
Ancient Origins: The Relic of Bir Hooker Proof of a Race of Giants? – Part 1 and 2
Source – Angel Lucci – Streets of Love In April 1988 the Swiss club owner Gregor Spörri traveled to Egypt armed with a number of books recommended by a friend to learn about the ancient Egyptian culture. It was a journey that would change his life forever. During this trip to Egypt, Spörri was often found […]
“The ‘Dollar’ ends on 13th December 2013″. Will it indeed? – by Judge Dale
Source – Angel Lucci “The ‘Dollar’ ends on 13th December 2013″. Will it indeed?(Posted by Rique Seraphico). Greetings: This guy may be completely “NUTS” but then he may be completely “RIGHT”! Use your discernment. D~That is my retired Judge friend Dale’s opinion. I happen to believe there is far more TRUTH in this article than fiction […]
Scientific Research and Real Facts about the Cannabinoids in Cannabis (Video)
Source – Angel Lucci | Streets of Love | Unconventional Posted from: XIxItalianoxIX YouTube Channel on Feb 12, 2013 PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE THIS VIDEO Mobile Version – Marijuana, Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research – PubMed – Cannabinoid Research —————————————– Cholangiocarcinomas are cancers that have poor prognosis and limited treatment options. […]
The Galactic Roundtable – NESARA Law
Thank you Angel for posting this. This has become infamous in the alternative news and truth movements. The data is interesting and good to hold on to and it is what i like to call nebulous data. Data that is difficult to directly tie to something, but has not been refuted either. I have no […]
Dispelling Common Illusions about Attorney’s – Five Things Your Attorney Won’t Tell You… (intrinsic knowledge is key)
Great post Angel! On earth we are conditioned to accept things at face value and almost never question and dig deeper. Yet it is this process of expanding our consciousness into all spheres of our existence that empowers us with key knowledge and understanding; enabling us to create our world instead of being victims of it. The […]