Thanks AK for putting this out. We have been feeling the pull to go ever since we left the OPAL Tour and hearing the logistical details helps puts things into perspective. The idea of going, and being on the ‘front lines’ as it were is appealing, especially after the wonderful experiences we had on the […]
american kabuki
Irish banking world rocked as three financiers in court
Source – American Kabuki A former chief executive of Irish Life & Permanent (IL&P) and two other former bankers will stand trial on charges of conspiring to mislead Anglo Irish Bank investors in the run-up to the banking crisis of September 2008. One of the three men charged is Denis Casey (54) from Raheny, Dublin, who […]
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American Kabuki’s Truth: The Elephant in the Room
The sharing of our personal truths and experience is what helps others share their truth and experience. The deeper and more personal the sharing, the greater the unconditional love space that is created. For another’s truth, fully reconciled and contemplated, will expand and enrich your own. American Kabuki has a wealth of wisdom and knowledge […]
Blossom Goodchild – 10 December, 2013 – COMET ISON & Why the Galactic Confed Shares Data
This was a very interesting read. I went ahead and not only posted the Data regarding the Galactic Confederation, but also Blossoms latest post from Dec 10th 2013. Source – 2012 The Big Picture The Galactic Federation Explains How They Decide What to Tell Us via Blossom Goodchild Now this confirms what I’ve known for some years—and it […]
Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco (excerpt)
This post is originally from American Kabuki. There is much to the original post which may not seem ‘relevant’ but I would argue all things can be understood in a context of great meaning. That being said, I will follow D’s president and post the ‘important’ parts from Bills Diary. – Justin Source – American […]
Blossom Goodchild – November 21, 2013 (As suggested by Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf)
I usually do not post a channeled messages, not because I think they are all dis-info, or a waste of time, just they are just usually ubiquitous. If a message DOES happen to come into focus, and this one did, I will voraciously look into it for deep personal meanings; as I do all things. Remember there are […]
Bigger than Libor? Forex probe hangs over banks
Source – American Kabuki A global investigation into forex trading abuses is the latest legal headache for the banking industry. Bigger than Libor? Forex probe hangs over banksBy Virginia Harrison @vharrisoncnn November 20, 2013: 8:30 AM ET forex probe lawyersA global investigation into forex trading abuses is the latest legal headache for the banking industry.LONDON […]
Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA (Revealing MASS MIND CONTROL)
LOL really? Come on now, if you honestly think walnuts are a drug, then your under heavy mind control. This is one of the data points we can use to reveal the total fraud of the FDA. As others, and yourself, do these people really have our best interest at heart? If the answer is […]
Heather Tucci-Jarraf: Absolute Transparency of What Is, The Structure of a Value Bond with Routing Numbers for the USA
Source – American Kabuki AK Note: The D_CALL bond is a damages bond, the E_CALL bond is an equity bond. These are templates those wishing to play with the banking system can use for their own purposes. The ABA routing number is for the USA only, you will need to locate the routing number for your country […]
Andrew Huszar: Confessions of a Quantitative Easer
Source – American Kabuki Andrew Huszar: Confessions of a Quantitative EaserWe went on a bond-buying spree that was supposed to help Main Street. Instead, it was a feast for Wall Street. By ANDREW HUSZARNov. 11, 2013 7:00 p.m. ET I can only say: I’m sorry, America. As a former Federal Reserve official, I was responsible […]
Royal Family granted new right of secrecy
Source – American Kabuki Hmmmm… could financial disclosures and the Jimmy Saville scandal be playing into this move? – Bill Royal Family granted new right of secrecySpecial exemptions to be written into Freedom of Information Act BY ROBERT VERKAIK , HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR SATURDAY 08 JANUARY 2011 The Royal ‘we’ in 3D: Queen’s Christmas message to […]
Triangular UFO over Amsterdam, Netherlands on 10/28/2013
Source American Kabuki Published on 29 Oct 2013 This triangle shaped object was sighted near Amsterdam in Wormeveer, Netherlands. The film-maker discovered it to the east outside the village. Since it was windy he first thought at a kite. But it looked larger on the sky and it looked like made of some sort of metal. […]
United Nations: Disarmament Commission Civilian Weapon Confiscation Study Group
Source Click on image to Enlarge Nations Unies United Nations UNODAUnited Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs A/CN.11/L.72Distr.: Restricted5 August 2013Original: English Disarmament Commission – Civilian Weapon Confiscation Study Group New York, 29-31 July […]
Half of nation’s foreclosed homes still occupied
Source Its quite amazing this nonsense still goes on almost 5 years after 2008, banks who had no real money at risk of their own, insured against mortgage failures and collected it (and in many cases insured with 4 or 5 different insurance companies – which is insurance fraud – remember AIG insured debt against […]
Gold found growing in eucalyptus trees in world-first CSIRO research
Source See here for video: Gold found growing in eucalyptus trees in world-first CSIRO researchGeoscientists in Perth have discovered gold particles in the leaves, twigs and bark of eucalyptus trees, claiming a “eureka” moment which could revolutionise gold mining. CSIRO researchers believe the trees, sitting on top of gold deposits buried deep underground, suck […]