(Dr Michael Salla) Shortly before his death in 1977, Werner Von Braun, a pioneer in both German and US rocket programs, warned that a group of global controllers, aka Deep State, would systematically move through a series of false flag events or “cards”, that would be played in a sequence designed to ultimately militarize space and usher in a New World Order.
Alien fear
Government Proof Surfaces That UFOs Exist
(Duke Brickhouse) Recently, we discovered that the government has recently been researching UFOs as real phenomena reported by military pilots whose sightings and reports cannot be ignored. With this news, we find that UFOs are not a figment of the imaginations of the insane. UFOs are real and the reason they have come to Earth will […]
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The Secret Space Program – a Brief Overview (Video)
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Dr Steven Greer Urgent Update! Global Briefing & Universal Peace. Carol Rosin Show Jan. 2018 (Video)
(Enerchi) Steven Greer’s time sensitive SPECIAL UPDATE BRIEFING: For superpower leaders and all world leaders, for those who can influence them, including for all listening. This unique presentation ranges from relevant global history to the universal happenings today, related to all interconnected global and universal issues and HOW TO get from here to real peace in […]
Steven Greer Comments on the Arrival of the False Flag Alien Invasion
(Dylan Charles) For decades the U.S. public has been programmed to believe that disclosure of any genuine alien or extraterrestrial presence on earth will come as a threat, likely in the form of an all out hostile invasion of our planet. In such a scenario, our only savior would be a united human race armed […]
Steven Spielberg’s Interesting Story About Real Aliens & The White House (video)
(Arjun Walia) Many of you reading this already know that the truth really is out there. Discussing possible intelligent extraterrestrial contact/visitation is no longer simply a fringe conversation, and it’s something that’s been discussed at the highest levels of government for decades. Whether it’s a five-star Admiral of the Royal Navy and Chairman of the NATO […]
Ancient Astronauts and a Government File On George Van Tassel
(Nick Redfern) In the early 1950’s, George Van Tassel claimed to have met with human-like but technologically advanced extraterrestrials. This legend grew into UFO conferences at his home at Giant Rock near Joshua Tree, California, drawing thousands annually. Related: It’s a Legitimate Scientific Hypothesis: Are We Living in a Giant Computer Game Simulation? Source – ExoNews by Nick […]
Declassified CIA Docs Reveal Hitler Survived WW2, With Picture to Prove it
(Jay Syrmopoulos) Washington, DC – Newly declassified CIA files seem to confirm certain FBI documents related to Adolf Hilter, which claimed the Nazi Fuehrer escaped Germany and took up residence in South America after World War II. The files indicate that in 1955, the chief of the CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) received a secret memo […]
Government Geologist’s Terrifying Encounter with Extraterrestrials – after Drilling on Top of Their Base 2 Miles Underground
(Arjun Walia) “On the Southwest part of the Archuleta Mesa, we built an underground facility the better part of three cubic miles hollowed out underground. And to the southwest of that, we were in the process of the early stages of building, we drilled four large tunnel-like holes, some of them ran two and a half […]
Executive Order — Safeguarding the Nation from the Impacts of Invasive (ALIEN) Species
Image Source. (Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following Executive Order or decree from the President (dictator) of the U.S. deals with “Invasive Species.” The document explicitly defines an Invasive and Non-Native Species as: (e) ‘Invasive species’ means, with regard to a particular ecosystem, a non-native organism whose introduction causes or is likely to cause […]
“Invasion from Mars,” Deja Vu? – Alabama Residents Panic After Radio Station’s Joke Alien Invasion
The Huffington Post | By Amanda ScherkerPosted: 08/30/2013 4:40 pm EDT Source When it comes to media, the line between truth and fiction is sometimes hazier than the Milky Way. Just ask Star 94.9, the Alabama radio station that aired a mock warning of an extra-terrestrial invasion on Aug. 27 and subsequently sent the town of Tuscumbia […]