Update April 16th 2015 – The CreditXchange website has been down for several weeks. We have been receiving reports from others to this effect. We reached out to Kiri but have not heard back from her. If more information becomes available we will update this post accordly. In mid-2013, Kiri Campbell shocked the world by […]
Kiri Campbell
Strawman Trust Understood (Kiri Campbell’s Exchange System) | The End of Debt Slavery? Perhaps…You Decide
As Brian points out below, none of this is ‘new’ information, but is essential for understanding our TRUE relationship to government, banking and money. Money as it is used today on earth is to facilitate the incompetent masses in trade, commerce and the flow of goods and services. I say incompetent because if everyone on […]
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SUCCESS STORY: Kiri Lee Campbell $15 Million Court Case settled in ‘Private’ – Sovereign [de jure] status was KEY
Nice find Lucas. Source COURT CASE: KIRI LEE CAMPBELL New Plymouth, New Zealand3rd October Personal Representative of Birth Certificate [Kiri Lee][deceased estate], has formally notified the Sovereign [de jure] Original Land Court, Paremata [Parliament] of Baludarri Rangihou that the case against her in the Public Judicial System, has finally been laid to rest in the […]
Kiri Campbell on Vinny Eastwood Radio – Latest News and Outlook for Kiri
This is a great video. Vinny obviously has a good grasp of the truth and how our would-be masters like to mess with our minds by distracting us from the facts; obfuscation to control the mind. Kiri helped reveal the fraud of the system, and the Powers that Were would have you believe it was […]
UPDATE: Kiri Campbell Catches a Break
UPDATED – I just got word for Kiri, she has NOT accessed her 15,000,000 DOV. No other updates at this time. Further Information will be released in time. It would appear from Kiri’s status update that she has no access to her previous funds with TSB bank. However earlier today at around 10:30AM Kiri contacted […]
Kiri Campbell clears the Air – Small Bob Wright Update
The following was taken directly from the One People Show 12/13 August 2013. Kiri Called in to the One People Show 12/13 August 2013. She Clarified on some misconceptions about her and her motives, as well as some of the details about the DOV funds which were purportedly used but bounced. She also reveals a project she has been working […]
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Kiri Campbell’s DOV makes Daily News of New Zealand
Kiri Campbell put $15 million in TSB account before arrest Source Submitted by admin on Mon, 07/29/2013 – 23:20 While the media has already reported on the 200 protesters who shut down the courtroom in Hawera and the screams which were heard coming from the cells, there is far more to the Kiri Campbell case. Taranaki Savings Bank appears […]
Understanding No LAWFUL MONEY – Brian Kelly’s Blog: Kiri Campbell’s Innocence…
Thanks Brian Kelly for putting this together as it highlights more reasons why there is in fact NO LAWFUL MONEY and lists a possible way for us to lawfully Settle Charges on our strawman. I went in and summarized some of the key points of the article for ease of understanding as these concepts can […]
MEDIA STATEMENT – Kiri Campbell Speaks
I just received this message from a friend of Kiri’s. It would appear she has an statement to make about the system and the world at large. Turikatuku Gumada via Kiri Campbell about an hour ago MEDIA STATEMENT: BANK FRAUD PROVIDED A HAVEN IN THE CRIMINAL COURT Sovereign Kiri did this to provide basic needs […]
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Brian Kelly’s Blog: Mel Ve from Freedom Central Interviews Heather and D — August 1, 2013
Mel Ve from Freedom Central Interviews Heather and D — August 1, 2013 Mel Ve Interviews Heather and D — August 1, 2013 Heather D and Mel discuss everything from SWISSINDO, Kiri Campbell, the RV, DOV docs and many other exciting developments. This is an interview everyone needs to hear. ~BK Source: http://briankellysblog.blogspot.com/2013/08/mel-ve-from-freedom-central-interviews.html
Kiri Campbell Released – Court date in October
Kiri Status Update – According to the Free Kiri Campbell facebook group, and a post by Paul Burch, at approximately 4pm on August the 1st 2013 Kiri was released awaiting her up coming Court Appearance in October. It is suspected the foreclosed court system which was put on additional notice last week, is attempting to […]
Kiri’s Court Appearance set for “Next Week” – More details about Kiri’s Case
Kiri Status Update – Kiri is set to appear in court “next week” according to a police officer during the failed hearing on July 30th 2013. No confirmed date as of yet. No other details to report at this time. The official story below cites the judge and some interesting details and clarifications regarding her appearance […]
Discussion Points and Articles 31 July 2013 – Stillness in the Storm
Photography by Julian Robles This was a great show! Actual archive is about 95min and we have a discussion about transformation, transitioning, how we as individuals contribute to this, how truth is healing, how conflict is an opportunity to heal, etc. Don’t miss this one! – Justin Discussion Points and Articles 31 July 2013 – Stillness in the Storm Listen to […]
Stillness in the Storm Show 31 July 2013 10:00AM EST
Photo by Julian Robles Live this Wednesday 7/31/2013 10am EST. Stillness in the Storm show with Justin & Julian. Join in the conversation # (646) 929-1371. show link:http://tobtr.com/s/5065289 Theme: True Transparency – Avoiding the “Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil” Show Topics:– Julian’s Blog Post: Do we live in a Universe of Coincidence or Intent? […]
Bob Wright Deposits a DOV – Transcript of One People Show 29/30 July 2013
This is a transcript of the One People Show from the 29th of July 2013. Bob discusses his DOV deposit from last thursday and the reactions he got from the bank. This is really powerful information because this phase of the process is all about INTERNAL work. Once the documents come out and everything is […]