(Tom Pappert) American flags are burning on the streets of Seattle as Joe Biden takes the White House.
1933 bankruptcy
The Bankruptcy of America – 1933
(Judge Dale) Hint: A Lot More Happened than Just the Confiscation of the People’s Gold!
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Birth Certificates, Bonds, Negotiable Instruments, Banknotes and Your Relationship to them | You Don’t Own Yourself — The Federal Reserve Does
Source – Humans Are Free For a while I have been receiving e-mails from a good friend who has asked me to investigate something weird about the Birth Certificates. He wanted me to take a look at them because they have certain numbers and other things printed on them that need an explanation.by Gary VeyWhen I […]
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and it’s evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.
Trust Law: How You Became A Commodity – The Creation of Constructive Trusts … “This power over us is, or is about to become, SLAVERY. We are squarely to blame”
This post is filled with key knowledge and understanding regarding our relationship to the “Governments” claiming ownership of us and how the slavery system actually works. The laws on Earth, despite being regarded as a failure by most, is actually a perfect tapestry of technology acting on consciousness which descend on down from the ages. […]
Creation of the Strawman: Hidden Legal and Financial History of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Inc. – WHY THE UCC FILING (to discharge a debt)?
Source – Stop the Pirates Short Explanation as is Understood at this Time (Subject to further clarification) Around the time of the war between the United States and the southern states of the American union, the United States was busy putting together a plan that would increase the jurisdiction of the United States. This plan […]
The Daily Paul Confirms ‘All Debt is Prepaid!’ – HJR 192 and why your House was paid for when you signed the note
This post goes well with Irrefutable Data: The USA, Inc. is a Corporation, the ‘Slave Management Co.” of the Vatican. Source – Daily Paul Does anyone remember HJR-192? It is against public policy to pay off any debt. All debt must be discharged. When you signed the promissory note and gave it to the bank, you […]
Forbidden History: This United States is in its fourth (4th) bankruptcy
Source – Stop The Pirates 1. The first (1st) bankruptcy was officially declared in 1791. This was a time of many changes in America. Perhaps most notable of these, was the signing of the Bill Of Rights representing the first ten amendments to and the final passing of the Constitution for the United States, which happened […]
USA is Bankrupt (since 1933): House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933
Here is the irrefutable Data revealing that the Corporation of the USA, Inc. went bankrupt in 1933. Since then, due to a lack of “lawful money” to pay obligations and debts, all of our debts have been prepaid, and are dischargeable to the redemption account held in your name, your legal fiction, according to the legal system remedies must be in place. […]
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Hidden Messages in New $100 Dollar Bill?
Source Published on Oct 15, 2013 A video blogger claims that there are hidden messages in the new $100 dollar bill which warn of future nuclear devastation in the United States. Back in 2002, it emerged that when a $20 dollar bill was folded in a certain way it revealed images that resembled the 9/11 attacks, […]
SOVEREIGNTY – bit of U.S. HISTORY rewritten by WINSTON SHROUT and A4V (Accepted for Value)
I found this on a forum and it has a lot of good points in it. After Winston’s Piece there is another fascinating Article about Acceptance for Value. – Justin Source WINSTON SHROUT – Solutions in Commerce #4 HISTORY People have believed for almost 250 years that they have a sovereignty, when in fact they don’t. The United […]
Brian Kelly’s Blog: GalacticU Radio – Sierra Neblina – Part I and 2 MUST SEE
Here are both parts of Brian Kelly’s recent appearances on GalacticU Radio ~ Sierra Neblina. This is a wonderful set of information, going into a lot of detail behind the Bankruptcy in 1933, no lawful money, Strawman and Redemption Accounts, Accepted for Value, the OPPT filings, and much, much more! This is a must see for […]
Federal Reserve Act Remedy – No Lawful Money, Redemption Account
Thank you Maria from the Facebook Group OPPT USA for posting this. This is yet more information confirming the data in these posts The Government MUST pay all your DEBTS! – History of your Exemption Account and Exemption Account is Public Law – Your debts are Pre-Paid. Source – Justin Federal Reserve Act Remedy TITLE 12 TITLE 12 […]
What Is The Accepted For Value – Process? Access the Strawman/Redemption Account
I found this post when I was researching this topic. I have not tried any of this myself, and I strongly warn anyone who does that the US Treasury issued a publication stating this was all fraud. It would appear the goons at the top are trying to withhold our lawful Remedy proving that the […]
US Treasury – A4V, Redemption Accounts, ‘Strawman Accounts’ are Fraud – But where’s the proof?
Acceptance for Value, Redemption Account, ‘Strawman Account’ are all considered fraud according to this publication found by Angel Lucci. What I love about this Fraud Alert from the US Treasury is that there are no legal references anywhere to validate what they are saying. This also means that your average Police Officer is not going […]