UPDATE 05/04/14: Status of QEG Build Morocco: Build Day 9 – Additional Capacitors Arrive: Comments from an Engineer
Early this morning the QEG Build team here in Morocco successfully got resonance! No hard
data to reveal yet but we maintained five 100 Watt Light Bulbs for several minutes.
We will begin to tune the QEG so that we can start increasing the power output. Jamie was surprised that no major tweaking was needed after the first assembly.
We took the day off on Sunday and relaxed after the team spent nearly the whole day on Saturday assembling the QEG. After dinner, Jamie decided to do the prep work for testing her out.
There was a large gathering of people huddled inside the small garage as the work unfolded. It felt like waiting outside a delivery room, when Jamie would announce we are ready for testing everyone would gather to watch. There were so many tablets and cell phones recording the scene that those in the back of the garage had multiple perspectives to watch and see up close.
When we finally pushed her to resonance the first time the entire room began to chant the tone the QEG was making. After the QEG achieved Resonance several Orbs were captured by people taking photos and Hans was able to capture some amazing footage of Orbs on video, which will be uploaded as soon as possible.
Heres a short clip of the Aouchtam team achieving resonance for the first time, job well done!
In the next week we will begin to test the best configuration for the QEG with the goal of having a maximum output strategy worked out for others to use in their own QEG builds.
Day Two of the build, with an excellent update on the community in Aouchtam can be read HERE
Late last night- at approximately 12:22- the QEG was turned on in front of the entire community and I’m pretty sure the cheering was heard on Mars when the QEG achieved resonance!!!! Brian has posted a brief video of the second resonance test on his facebook page which you can watch at this link:
Today will be a day of fine tuning and replacing a few parts (most notably a fan belt needs to be replaced with a better quality one), and many more testings will go on.
During this entire build time every step, every process, every piece of the QEG has been filmed and documented and Jamie has spent a lot of time recording video footage of instructions and explanations. Hope and Val have also led several discussions on the history of the QEG- from the very first inception to this point in time- the open sourcing of the plans, and their adventures in getting the QEG out to the public. All of this has been filmed and there are several amazing people working on editing it all together into a full movie.
Along with waiting for Sherrie to arrive from the US to deliver the “Shaft” that we couldn’t get here, and the waiting to get the core out of customs (which was a grand adventure all on it’s own!), we’ve had some incredible people show up here in Aouchtam to help with the build and testing process of the QEG. We have engineers from at least 5 different countries, builders, specialists etc… plus two lovely gentlemen arrived from the UK a few days ago with a professional video camera AND very high tech equipment for measuring all aspects of the QEG output and “over unity”!!! Basically, Every single thing that has been needed, every single person that had a part to play…. have all shown up here at exactly the right moment!!! Manifestation at it’s best.
When all the data has been gathered and tested and measured, and all the information is compiled, and all the instructional videos and recordings etc edited and put together, then everything will be released publicly all at once. Until then, we will be posting updates on all that is happening here, and we will keep you all informed ….. as best we can with limited internet, lol!!!!
I will leave you with some pictures with a few notes:
Andrew Johnson says
Congratulations – wonderful achievement, which I hope is repeated in countries across the world!
Anonymous says
Congratulation Have a look at here http://www.sharingtechnology.net/Free_energy.html
Anonymous says
Excellent work ladies and gentleman, been trying to keep up from PA and we hope to be able to build one and test as well, God speed
Anonymous says
If you think it is exciting now, you have no conception of the excitement that will occur once the QEG is proven to put out more energy than it consumes. Currently it is just an ordinary generator in resonance, putting out less actual energy than it consumes. That's not really much cause for excitement. Here's to manifesting the extraordinary: pumping water or providing significant light or heat without being connected to an external wire or other obvious source of energy.
Anonymous says
I agree with you. I was all excited at first about this device, but now I just want to see real actual over unity power generation. Until I see that, this is beginning to look to me like another money-making scam at the public's expense.
Justin Deschamps says
Correct there has been, to my knowledge no over unity effect achieved yet. That process is unfolding now, and given the precise nature of these devices, it could take some time and much discovery before we get there. Just because it hasn't been demonstrated thus far in the public domain does not mean that throwing the baby out with the bath water is of benefit; especially with incomplete knowledge of the physical principles and dynamics at work. What is of benefit is pooling our collective knowledge and insight to bring one into existence that works.
Anonymous says
@ Justin Deschamps,
"Thus far"" The claims is to already have produced over unity. What is this time to discovery to which you refer? What is this get there you wrote about? QEG team was supposed to already have produced a working over unity device. If this is but a research project why then travel to places with limited sources and availability of parts instead of continuing the research at the original location (assuming the state of PA) having access to all the parts in your own country.
Ask yourself why would something claimed to exist not be demonstrated when in fact those involved make it clear their works are to be freely shared with the world as an effort to help those in need and end the energy conflict. What is the best choice of action: 1. To shroud your claim with mysticism. Only have you and your team at locations. 2. Demonstrate your claim DAY ONE locally, invite any one of countless local experimenters and engineers well know for their efforts to get off the grid to test your claim before traveling long expensive distances to places not equipped to handle your endeavor.
Multi level marking of CICUs.
Justin Deschamps says
No, the claim has been resonance, not over unity. The Discovery process is determining the mechanics of how to tune the QEG for maximum output to later power the motor and produce excess power for other uses; this will allow for the key understanding to be transferred to others.
QEG team did not, and has not, claimed over unity, they have claimed the potential for over unity given the design of the WITTS motor or QEG; and have successfully achieved resonance effect.
I suggest contemplating the actual data and reflecting on your misconceptions as they are the source of your confusion. The Second choice you refer to is what is unfolding now, while you may not agree with the choices of the team, they are pursuing your stated course.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you obviously have a good grasp of many of the concepts at work, and your energy is an asset brother.
arewealmostthereyet says
While this is nice, it is not new. Sorry. For the real deal see witts.ws
Justin Deschamps says
Thanks, the witts motor was the inspiration for the QEG from what I understand.
Robert Tomkinson says
The tank circuit in this device is way out of balance. Its like a seesaw with a 500 lb man on one end and a 20 lb kid on the other end. The inductive reactance in the primary coil needs to be as equal as possible to the capacitive reactance. Until they realise this, there not going to achieve over unity.
Anonymous says
Interesting work, Could you not have a motor receiving power instead of a couple of the light bulbs? this motor would then provide the "input" to keep the generator running?
Anonymous says
A quick update on this "from the ground". I have been in Morocco building the QEG for the past 10 days, and arrived home yesterday. I am an engineer and am independent of the QEG group. I went out to Morocco to be involved in the QEG build and to make independent 3rd party measurements. As suggested by Justin & Julian's comments, this video represents only the first step in truly testing the claims of the QEG – it was the first time it was turned on, and was completely un-tuned. We measured this un-tuned set-up using voltage/current probes on an oscilloscope and showed about 1000W power from the wall, and 350W across the load (in this case 3 x 100W bulbs), so a COP (co-efficiency of performance) of about 35%. This was a few days ago, and in this set-up we would not expect a COP greater than than 100% even when tuned because the circuit is not complete. As of yesterday, the final parts arrived to tune the system (capacitors), and it will take a few days to complete that process. In addition to the set-up shown in this video, the 'exciter circuit' has been added, which Witts says is the important aspect for creating the over-unity effect. The tuning will attempt to match the LC tank resonance to the mechanical resonance of the core (around 400Hz). Then the exciter circuit will create a regular 1.3MHz pulse to "condition" the core and apparently allow over-unity to take place. Should over-unity be measured, the final part of the plan is to extract some of the excess generated power on the output side and loop it back into the input (the variac & motor), meaning the mains cable can be unplugged. However, there is some work to do before this stage is reached. We have been spending a lot of time trying to understand the Witts work, and there are a few gaps in our knowledge that we are trying to figure out. I plan to go back out there in a few days to continue the assessment. The QEG team (Jamie, Val & Hope) are the most genuine, selfless and lovely people I have ever met. I would ask that you all have some patience with this. The right people are there to make this happen, just hold the space open to allow this to come about. Mr. Jalapeno
Anonymous says
Please how us the variations to the standard electromagnetic and resonance equations which would permit over-unity to be achieved in this type of build. Mathematics is the only fully transparent truth. The rest looks like showmanship. the WITTS and various other devices produced over the last 30 odd years have not demonstrated over-unity for the simple reason is that they need to defy the laws of science in order to do so. And none have.
Anonymous says
What about Taiwan, the Men In China that visited Taiwan, and the 5,000 engineers in China to have been shared information about this particular QEG. This because there is a long list of them.
Anonymous says
Have a look at here http://www.sharingtechnology.net/Free_energy.html http://www.sharingtechnology.net/Tecnologie/Magnetic_motors.html
Erik Leitner says
Congratulations on functional device and I want to ask you about the electric wiring diagram. We would like such a device built here in Slovakia, but we need electricity respectively wiring diagram of the device that is already in use.
Can You help us with this problem, please?
Thank you, Erik Leitner from Slovakia
Justin Deschamps says
I dont have access to the diagram unfortunately, but when the device has been perfected, which appears to be an eventuality, the data you require will be released. We will post an undate as soon as we get it.
paddyo68 says
Sorry friend, but this technology is NOT functional, and I am beginning to think that it never will be. This device is being constantly kept from real knowledgeable engineers for a reason.
paddyo68 says
Justin Deschamps, I HOPE I end up being 100% wrong, for the sake of us all! But what I am seeing thus far are a group of people making money and still not showing any useful results. I will be greatly surprised if this device runs at all unplugged, let alone produce excess power!
Justin Deschamps says
Paddy – thanks for sharing your thoughts. Other then some erroneous assumptions about people making money and your assertions it won't work, without evidence supporting, it seems your more interested in trolling then having a discussion.
Do some research about their expenditures.
Anonymous says
Pure scam. There is no over-unity nowhere. You just pay them fro 'researching' into a completely impossible absurdity. Energy in = energy out. This is in a perfect machine. Tear and other loss of energy means output is always far much less. Who should I pity, the crooks behind this or the idiots who fall for their schemes?
paddyo68 says
Pity all the people who are donating their hard-earned money to these scammers! They have been given MUCH more money than needed to build the initial device, yet they CONTINUE to accept more?? For what exactly? I have submitted requests to them, asking to see their balance sheet of funds donated thus far, only to be predictably ignored! I was initially ALL FOR this project, but now I am becoming horrified by their real actual agenda, which is to make money! Why do they continue to move around, building non-working devices, with the public's money??