In this weeks show we provide an update with the QEG build and how others can dismiss the potential of the QEG out of hand. We are each having our own personal journey of discovery in this emerging New Paradigm world, and depending on the degree of personal trauma we can dismiss promises of change out of hand to protect ourselves from emotional upheaval; a certain hell is preferable to an uncertain heaven.
Yet we can grow profoundly by holding an open mind, and realizing that a dualistic discernment processes, whereby we either believe a thing absolutely true or not, is far from effective as a way to discern whether a thing IS. Discernment in its best form, is an acknowledgement that your awareness is limited and expands only through the receipt of new data, changing our perspectives, revealing that one can only be certain of a probability; absolute knowledge of a thing is beyond our grasp. And, some make claims of absolute knowledge (dismissal of a concept) when encountering something new, to protect their emotional state and their Egocentric concept of Self and the Universe.
The QEG, like all ‘new’ inventions will be shunned, dismissed and ridiculed by those who do not understand it and embraced by those who are open to it. Once Over Unity has been recorded by the team here in Morocco, and that data becomes public knowledge, the agreement of ‘facts’ which shape our society will change and with it our perspectives for what is possible.
I'm not a scientist but perhaps there's something missing in Tesla's schematic, maybe the high power transmitter that he constructed was part of this Quantum Energy Generator,just saying, I'm an ignorant.
The image in the Open Source Release was not meant to be a complete diagram, as far as I understand it.
Justin and Julian,
I just listened to your May 1st SITS Show – Commentary on QEG Build & Discernment.
I RESONATE with your discussion on the release of of the QEG open sourcing and appreciate your perspective. I am following progress of the QEG thru the skype rooms and thru updates that are announced with progress videos. This is a very exciting time to be on this planet for multiple reasons. I'm curious how Morocco came to be a focus point? I understand over 30 countries are in the process of building QEG's but it seems much attention is going toward Morocco.
I am posting links below that I have been aware of and even invested some in several years ago in anticipation of the technology becoming more mainstream but it was bought by a large investment firm and stocks plummeted (of course!) The technology is still very valid, proven and being used commercially. It just occurred to me the QEG and the Beacon flywheels are similar and wondered if any of the Beacon tech might help further the QEG's progress? I am most definitely not any type of engineer to be able to understand HOW it may help, but more of an intuitive or gut feel about it while listening to your show. Keep up the good work and I will now be following your updates as they come out as well. There is some fairly detailed info on the flywheel tech below and if you think Jamie may be interested please send it along. He may already know about it but felt I should try. Be well.
Thanks for your support John. Morocco was chosen for the One People Community as part of a transition from the OPAL Tour, the 3 main spokes people being Brian Kelly, Lisa Harrison and Bob Wright. It was in the beginning of march I believe that Aouchtam was chosen as the location for perfecting the QEG design. I cannot speak for the Intentions of The FTW organization, but there are several advantages to the location here in Morocco, cheap living, peaceful environment, and freedom from oppressive intrusion from governments; we do not need permits to continue our work here.
I will see if I can pass your links along. Thanks for participating in the process!
Justin. Have you been in contact with the Thrive Movement under Foster Gamble? I understand his site has a means of providing funding or connecting people such as yourselves to funders. Also have you heard of the Keshe Institute?
Namaste and God speed!