As many of you know, Julian and I have been fundraising to fly back to the United States. We had many questions as to why the US was our destination. If you haven’t already seen our diary, The Beginning is the End is the Beginning it explains a lot of the reasons why.
One of the more practical reasons is our ATM card we use to access funds here in Morocco expires in July. Additionally, our sole computer and various electronics are beginning to show signs of deterioration. We feel that a good place to address that is the States.
SITS is a reader supported blog and all the contributions help us greatly to continue our work of sharing empowering information and trying to make sense of what is happening in this world.
We are happy to announce that a generous party was willing to lend us the funds needed to fly back. The flight leaves Casablanca on the 13th. We will be doing some work for them over the summer in New England, where I (Justin) was raised as partial exchange of energy. Your continued support through these shifting times is wholeheartedly appreciated.
Going back to the US will mean a sharp increase in daily living expenses, which of course means we will need to get creative about finding time to ‘earn a living’ and continue our work there. If you find yourself gaining value from the information and knowledge shared on this site, and are able to make a small monthly contribution, it will enable us not only to continue, but also expand our work.
We are currently in the planning stages of developing a tour through the United States for meeting and speaking engagements. As well as to get to know and network with some of the people we have met throughout the years online. At the same time we have taken actions recently to expand our reach in disseminating information and have been unifying with other proactive groups to take decisive actions in making this world a better place.
We have the Practical Knowledge for the Awakening series on Galactic U with Sierra Neblina. For our last episode we discussed many of the newer information coming out and what it could mean. At the same time we have partnered with a few other groups such as: New Earth Nation, the International Tribunal for Natural Justice being featured in their online publication The Sovereign Voice, Soul Talk, Lamplight Group, Manifest Destiny Triforce, and to better help understand some of these large and obfuscated concepts. We also plan to restart the Stillness in the Storm Show which previously aired on Wednesdays on the Soul Talk Radio Network.
SITS Funding
SITS is funded primarily through ad revenue at this time. Outside of a minor distraction, the blog ads do not cost the reader anything. For clarity, the ad revenue is generated by clicking the ad itself. I know some have thought that simply having the ads on the site provides income but unless the ad is clicked no revenue is generated.
We use the funds generated to provide basic living needs and maintain the equipment needed to produce content, create images and interact with others; radio shows, networking, research, interviews etc. This allows us to pour our time and energy into the work and sharing information. With your continued support, we hope to continue this effort into the future.
Thank you for seeking the truth with us, you really are making a difference, and we’re happy we could be a part of that.

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If it was not for the galant support of readers, we could not devote so much energy into continuing this blog. We greatly appreciate any support you provide!
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