photo by Julian Robles |
The Over Unity Reported here is what I am calling “effective over unity”; meaning there is a measurable amount of energy being generated in the QEG which is greater the the energy used to produce it. However, this energy is what John, one of the Engeneeirs at one time working here in Morocco on the QEG, has called “reactive” and at present unusable.
For the consumer, this means a tangible amount of power being generated but it is not being used in any application yet. Similar to having a Car Engine spinning 2500 RPM with no load applied to the rotating drive shaft. The next step is developing a method to draw the power out of of the QEG, making it available for diverse applications. Jamie and the FTW Team are in their new QEG location developing this phase of the project now; ‘Self Running.’
Morocco was intended to be the final development location, but do to technical setbacks in being able to acquire the needed components, a change of location was desirable.
As a final comment, there is much questioning of the FTW team in relation to their methods of open sourcing of the QEG development Data and why it is not as frequent and complete as some would like. I cannot speak to the specifics as to why this is the case, but I can share that they are working to reveal as much as they can. Jamie, Val and Hope, in my opinion, feel a deep sensitivity to the public and the skeptical population whom is looking for any excuse to call the QEG project a scam, which in turn probably causes a hesitation to reveal data which may fuel further consternation from the close minded public.
It is important to remember that the QEG and the FTW team are people with hearts which are just as sensitive to name calling as anyone else, and given they have completely turned their lives upside down to peruse this humanitarian effort, hearing from the public that the QEG project is a scam, can be most hurtful. While being skeptical and objective, in my view is always advantageous, it must be guided by compassion leaving absolute conclusions about your point of view at the door.
World changing emergence’s will only impact our lives if we are open to receiving them, otherwise we build a wall of close mindedness, and remaining in a world of limitation.
We are making history together! Because of the commitment of The People to bypass the usual production nightmare, set up by the powers that be (were), we were able to build the QEG and achieve the overunity phase of development in Morocco! What began with a conversion of 600 Watts into the generator motor to produce approximately 2000 Watts out (see 1st overunity video here), currently James is reporting 3000 Watts (5X), and some points 4500, 9460, 13,326, even 28,000 Watts!” That’s all output with 600Watts input! (More videos to come showing these readings, as well as “How to build a QEG” videos, which can be found on HopeGirl’s youtube channel!) One of the most valuable documents that has come from the Morocco build is the QEG Test & Measurement Report.
Video links of what we are all making possible – keep watching for new videos!!):Resonance in Pennsylvania
Resonance in Taiwan
Resonance in Morocco
Resonance in Germany
Resonance in Orlando (video coming soon!)
Initial Overunity in Morocco
The QEG project continues to be blessed, thanks to a very generous sponsorship offer! Our UK sponsor has agreed to buy all the parts and provide a building environment replete with equipment from one of the biggest systems development companies in the world. We will be building a 4th QEG, bring it to resonance and overunity, design the converter and reach self-running within 1 month. Below is the budget for the build:
Morocco is only one example of ending the insanity of poverty, and while the Moroccan people have no idea the village of Aouchtam is now known around the world, thanks to the Internet, they certainly understand what free energy can do for them. (Please see “What it’s like trying to build a free energy generator in an underdeveloped country” , QEG development update May 10th.) For example, five thousand Chinese engineers have given their word to us that they will opensource any QEG building and improvements as they, too, can see the end of suffering for their people.
Folks, we are well on our way! Please help us ALL get there! To our knowledge this has never been done quite this way before. The end of energy tyranny is in sight and We The People are making it real! We can easily start imagining what life will be like when we are free to live off the grid: no more robbery, no more domination/control by the powers that be (were), and no more feelings of helplessness to stop the suffering on the planet.
Love the progress!!! Perhaps a step-down transformer may work? Similar to the transformers on a utility pole. A commercial electrician can advise on this. . .
The word scam is not calling a person a name, a scammer perhaps, a fraud not really.
Where is this life being turned upside down? The group is being paid free vacations around the world.
The report release shows 17% efficiency before the exciter coil was added. 17% is for the RESONANCE raving and shouting under the guise of over unity. Where is the report for the over unity claim? I know, we must "wait and see" for the 30 engineers to compile their data am I correct!! As for building yet again a 4th unit, why not simply take THE EXISTING UNIT from Pennsylvania or Taiwan. Add the needed inverter to those EXISTING units.
With 30 engineers + inventor James (LOL we already know it was taken from witts), I find it disappointing for them to not accomplish the inversion of power and wonder why they proudly quote such a large number of engineers in small location. This is analogous to a contractor bragging about employing 30 electricians who failed to install a wall socket.
The above comment of "perhaps a step-down transformer may work" Do you understand what you are saying and admitting to? That is similar to suggesting to a 20 year experienced doctor perhaps some iodine and a bandage over a bruised knee will help. If you have to make such a suggestion because the doctor could no figure this out it would be best to never use the services of that doctor ever again. 26 years of motor designing with the aid of 30 engineers just on site let alone remotely.
Thank you for your kind words, TheOne. I intended no trouble. I will stay out of it.
Isn't it obvious that the very own behaviour of QEG team causes most of the criticism?
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 02/20/2014) —
Most of the entire research and development process is complete, the only thing we have left to do is the careful write up of the plans for opensourcing.
The instructions will be complete and correct. For the experienced engineer who should choose to follow them carefully they will produce a safe working product.
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 03/25/2014) —
Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.
We’ve open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.
— QUOTE (Sterling Allan interview on 04/03/2014) —
Sterling Allan: Have you actually run it through an inverter and self-looped it yourself?
James Robitaille: No, we haven't done that yet. We didn't have the inverter.
— QUOTE (James Robitaille on 05/08/2014) —
Apparently some groups and individuals were expecting a completely finished product to be delivered into their hands, with nothing left to do. We have always said that as soon as we got the basic resonance from the machine, we would open source all the information we had, and that’s what we’ve done. The intent was to co-develop the machine in an open source platform […].
Retroactively changing a story massively undermines credibility. Another example:
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 01/27/2014) —
The inventor of the QEG is my stepfather James Robitaille.
— QUOTE (FTW QEG Consulting) —
James Robitaille, the QEG inventor will be available for technical consulting […].
— QUOTE (Valerie Robitaille on 04/20/2014) —
This is not Jamie's invention, this is only Jamie kicking the door open, so that people can have it. Because this company [WITTS] wouldn't do it any way that people could have it. If you wanna buy this generator from them, they charge you a 100,000 dollars. I know, it's really quite a price. So we're just trying to make it accessible, really. Jamie took one class with Sir Timothy Thrapp and they said that they were gonna give us all this information. They gave us a piece of paper drawn like, you know, a very juvenile drawing.
Another issue that upsetted many technically inclined people:
Why are there two completely different Tesla patents (No. 390,414, titled "Dynamo-Electric Machine", from 1888, and No. 511,916, titled "Electric Generator", from 1894) given in different places (the Fix-the-World website and the QEG manual) as the foundation for the QEG? A technical analysis of these patents show that both are ordinary electrical machines, which have nothing to do with free energy or overunity in general and (nearly) nothing with the QEG in particular. It is quite obvious that the QEG team searched for a suitable Tesla patent for marketing purposes *after* they came up with the QEG and had difficulties deciding which one to use, because they couldn't find a really appropriate one.
I had to split this comment up because of a blogspot size limitation. Part 2 follows.
Part 2:
Concerning transparency:
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 06/15/2013) —
At the Fix the World Organization, we are pioneering a new paradigm way of doing business. Part of this is complete transparency, and we wish to be the example that other organizations can follow.
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 09/10/2013) —
To reiterate: transparency is key, and we continue to set all before you.
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 09/10/2013) —
[W]e are presenting this information in a completely transparent manner. We are letting everyone know up front exactly what has been lined up. No more secrets.
The actual behaviour massively contradicts these promises. There is still nearly no technical information available about the original prototype and the Taiwanese QEG, and only very meager information about the Moroccan QEG. Especially the "Morocco QEG — May 2014 Test and Measurement Report" was very disappointing in this regard.
— QUOTE (HopeGirl on 05/25/2014) —
We know you have been eagerly and excitedly waiting for data and here it is in template form.
This sentence is a contradiction in itself. It is equivalent to: "We know you have been eagerly and excitedly waiting for payment and here you have a piggybank."
— QUOTE (James Robitaille on 05/08/2014) —
How close are we to overunity? Well, here in Morocco, we are very close, within about 200 Watts (800 Watts out for 1000 Watts in at this point in development).
This corresponds to 80% efficiency. But the attached table contains only measurements with efficiencies around 35%. This is not transparency. This creates doubt and mistrust.
Probably the most problematic issue is the overunity claim based on the Dave Starbuck article and the corresponding video. As many competent people have already pointed out, the output power calculation used for the overunity claim is just plain wrong. All relevant scope readings are clearly visible at certain points of the video. The setup (as far as it is relevant for the measurement) is sufficiently known for those following the project for some time. The output power is calculated based on peak-to-peak values for voltage and current. This is a fundamental mistake, and makes no sense in any way.
To get to an even remotely accurate output power value (assuming neglectible phase shift, which seems appropriate based on the scope readings), it is neccessary to determine the RMS values for voltage and current. Assuming sine waveforms (which, again, seems appropriate based on the scope readings) the RMS values equal the respective peak-to-peak value divided by 2*squareroot(2). This is basic electrical engineering knowledge. Since voltage and current are multiplied afterwards to determine power, the resulting factor is (2*squareroot(2))^2 = 8. This means the alleged "overunity" output power value in the video is too high by a factor of 8. The actual, practically usable output power in the video equals 1900 W / 8 = about 238 W. At 655 W input power this is way underunity and corresponds to an efficiency of about 36%. This is a credible value, and remarkably similar to the values in the table published on May 10th.
The recently stated even higher power values ("…, 13,326, even 28,000 Watts") are seemingly measured in the primary tank circuit. This doesn't make sense. This is a single "energy packet" circulating between the coils and the capacitors. This isn't usable output power. Trying to take this power out (more than what is added at each oscillation — which obviously corresponds approximately to what is available on the secondary side) will lead to a breakdown of resonance. It is absolutely irresponsible to publish such values without having ensured that this is actually available output power (which it isn't, as any practical attempt will prove).
Is the intense criticism really surprising?
This is probably the most well rounded objective and critical commentary to date, and I commend your patience in putting this together.
There are many questionable aspects to this that could be addressed and put the public at ease.
As for the confusion regarding whether Over Unity was claimed or not, it appears that Jamie was not claiming over unity while it was implied by hope and FTW that there was a finished product. The lack of clarity caused much confusion and I, for my part, have tried to address this as much as I am able being a third party. Now that we know what we are dealing with hopefully we can move forward to get the job done.
I will pass this along and for some kind of response to these questions.
Thank you for Sharing.
The two women should never open their mouths! They know zip about electronics, even less of business acumen. Whether or nor James is qualified to even understand what he is measuring, the whole thing looks like a disjointed circus act. How do you expect to raise $ when it is so apparent the nonsense is amplified further along their 'trips'? Seriously, these people should get on a boat and row back to PA!
to AnonymousThu May 29, 01:57:00 PM 2014
Thank-you so much for the work that you did to lay this out in this timeline. I'm using your basic work to give to others, and have updated it. Hope it is fine … if not, tell me to 'cease and desist'. I do think this needs to be distributed.
How do you convert the electrical reactive energy (VARs) into active energy (Watts)?
Is it technically possible??
Reactive is simply then energy from the source to the load that did not make it to the load. Sort of like passing buckets of water from one water well to another well. Some of it get spilled and the spilled water runs back to the source well. But for electricity instead of being spilled it is returned to the source. Problem is the source then needs to put out more energy to fully power the load. None of this is extra power by means of reactivity. The coils of motors cause this reactivity.
When is does get corrected its a small amount of power. The power has to be in phase to be used. qeg team is not taking account for their out of phase power and are only quoting the peak values as opposed to the phased real values. Also, the VARS energy is stored over time hence why it appears to be a large number. When you pull energy out at the same rate you put in you get out what you put in. When you pull energy out at a slower rate of what you put in you have left over for a later timer. The LEFT OVERS is not more, it is only stored.
Thanks for your answer!!
However I am sad to say it is ununderstandable, thus your great intent.
If possible let talk in more specifical electrical terms, – the example with water and wells make us more distant for understanding.
The problem looks as follow:
– any kind of serial or derivative electrical connexion in which the reactive inductance XL is equal to capacitive inductance XC provides in ideal conditions thus:
> the serial circuit provides a high voltage resonance at an almost to zero current
> the derivative circuit provides high amperage at a very low voltage.
The OEG in discution looks as a rotative inductance (an electrical motor or generator) which provides voltage resonance, – depends on motor's RPM.
It is almost alike with the first example with serial coil and capacitor resonance.
Realisticaly speaking about it seem to not look more than, (even if it can be in fact).
Furthermore, you have to convert the reactive energy into active one, and it must be in a way or other technically possible…
Your example with correcting power factor, let say, from 0.7 to 0.95 means not a conversion of reactive energy into active one, but it in fact a balancing of it in the sense of introducing a capacitor so that to bring the XL (of the motor) to be some equql to an XC (of the capacitor).
And even so, your example is not right because you realize an curent (amperage) resonance in this case, while in case of QEG is a voltage resonance.
But not this is the limiting problem!
It is in fact that: as actual science we learn – the reactive energy can be 'eaten' by only reactive elements, (coils and condenser) but not also by rezistive consumers (eg. light bulbs). An improving of power factor represents at least a directioning of the reactive energy only between the reactive elements avoiding the power source. It is in fact not a conversion of reactive energy (VAR) into active one (W)!!!
If any answer, please in specifical electrical terms, as long this serious problem must be understended first, and then solved!
With kindest regarda to everybody for their efforte concerning overunityies
I will have some of what you are smoking!
What else… from what else do we smoke?? … :-)
The problem in discussion is:
How do you convert the electrical reactive energy (VARs) into active energy (Watts)?
Is it technically possible??
The problem looks as follow:
– any kind of serial or derivative electrical connexion in which the reactive inductance XL is equal to capacitive inductance XC provides in ideal conditions thus:
> the serial circuit provides a high voltage resonance at an almost to zero current
> the derivative circuit provides high amperage at a very low voltage.
The OEG in discution looks as a rotative inductance (an electrical motor or generator) which provides voltage resonance, – depends on motor's RPM.
It is almost alike with the first example with serial coil and capacitor resonance.
Realisticaly speaking about it seem to not look more than, (even if it can be in fact).
Furthermore, you have to convert the reactive energy into active one, and it must be in a way or other technically possible…
The example with correcting power factor, let say, from 0.7 to 0.95 means not a conversion of reactive energy into active one, but is in fact a balancing of it in the sense of introducing a capacitor so that to bring the XL (of the motor) to be some equal to an XC (of the capacitor).
And even so, the example is not right because you realize an curent (amperage) resonance in this case, while in case of QEG is a voltage resonance.
But not this is the limiting problem!
It is in fact that: as actual science we learn – the reactive energy can be 'eaten' by only reactive elements, (coils and condenser) but not also by rezistive consumers (eg. light bulbs). An improving of power factor represents at least a redirectioning of the reactive energy only between the reactive elements in order to avoid the power source. It is in fact not a conversion of reactive energy (VAR) into active one (W)!!!
If any answer, please give it in specifical electrical terms, as long this serious problem must be understended first, and then solved!
With kindest regards to everybody for their efforts concerning overunityies
Morocco was intended to be the final development location, but do to technical setbacks in being able to acquire the needed components, a change of location was desirable.
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It is important to remember that the QEG and the FTW team are people with hearts which are just as sensitive to name calling as anyone else, and given they have completely turned their lives upside down to peruse this humanitarian effort
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IWW Sandeep,
Its important to remember…. say what? Why must we "remember" period let alone make it important? Are you in on the scam also?
If there is a scam, a lot of 'shills' still haven't got their paycheck yet lol