When we discovered Ken’s blog Redefining God, we found it refreshing to see another perspective on many of the popular alternative media guru’s of these shifting times. A lot of us have come to read alternative information because we realized our would-be masters, the Cabal or the Elite, are in fact pushing untold horrors on to humanity; part of our awakening experience. And due to the profound level of dependence on experts to tell us what is ‘true or untrue, most of the population of earth never questions that status quo, or fully questions alternative media when concepts are offered.
This ruling class, that has operated from deep in earth’s past have a profound understanding of Natural Law and as a result humanity. There are many tools of manipulation which work on consciousness at its core, keeping it locked into systems of belief and modes of thought. Today we find those tools in the form of: TV programming, movies, books, magazines, websites, major countries, major religions, education, air, food, water and fear.
Under this umbrella you can find Channelings, prophecies, creation stories (God, ETs, Big Bang etc), which have some truth in them, but do little to impart consciousness expanding skills onto their followers. By NO MEANS are we stating that everything these revealers speak of is “disinfo”, not at all. To give you an example, David Wilcock has spoken about many alternative sciences and and brings forth a great deal of raw data that can be understood personally (without blind acceptance). This type of data can be verified by us personally developing true knowledge.
However, when he gives a prediction such as “we will all ascend on December 21st, 2012” and yet we are all still here, we have to start to look at the data and not be distracted by the messenger. A prediction is a theory, based on raw data, and is can only be as good as the person who interprets it. While David and his data can be very expansive, we would do well not to place absolute belief on a prediction. It’s like buying a lottery ticket as a plan for raising funds, most likely you won’t win. And here if on earth at this time, placing all our faith in the hands of anyone is like trying to cheat at the game. The whole point for why we are here, which is echoed in countless works (channelings, insiders, guru’s etc) is to learn. Therefore, it would stand to reason that if a belief system requires no personal growth or learning; we’re probably missing the mark.
With all this in mind, we want to share some interesting predictions that did not come to pass, encouraging you to contemplate what it all means. We are NOT trying to offer one set of beliefs for another, but we are attempting to give everyone the raw data themselves, so they can use their own discernment and think for themselves. The Law of free will is paramount, and here each person can develop their own process personally.
Dismantling the Channelers: Part 1 – Here Comes the Boom
…and you will soon encounter the promised changes.” – Ascended Master Hamstron
– a popular paraphrase of a Nazi propaganda principle
– a quote ascribed to Vladimir Lenin
…and go back to 1996, a year when Bill Clinton was President, dinosaurs roamed the Earth (in cable reruns of Jurassic Park), and Sheldan Nidle was preparing us for the arrival of a massive alien fleet on December 17.
Greg Diablo says
Great post. Nidle is such an obvious disinfo agent, it's almost superfluous to bother, but I appreciate the effort for those who are relatively new to his gibberish and are still being taken in.