(Justin Deschamps) Are you the kind of person that wants to know about corruption and fraud, especially when it affects the health and safety of you and your family? If you are, you’ll want to read this.
by Justin Deschamps, November 9th, 2019
The zeolite industry promises solutions, by helping us remove toxic heavy metals. But what we discovered in our investigation is that, like other industries, some companies don’t care as much about quality as they do their bottom line.
Buckle up, because, in this part of our series on zeolite, we’re going to expose the seedy side of the natural health industry.
In part one of this series, we talked about secret toxins ignored by mainstream medicine. In part two, we revealed the science behind how you can detox your body with zeolite.
While we were investigating zeolite’s health benefits, we reached out to a manufacturer that revealed something truly shocking.
They told us that most of the zeolite out there is contaminated with the very toxins it’s supposed to remove!
Given this, I want to do more than just report the facts. I’m going to teach you how to know good zeolite when you see it.

How to Trust?
As we discussed in part two, heavy metals are pro-oxidant positively charged ions that cause major health problems when they accumulate in your body, like fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, auto-immune diseases, and chronic inflammation. In short, while science hasn’t made the link official yet, heavy metals contribute to the degradation of the body, causing mutations in DNA that seems to accelerate aging.
Given this, finding a solution that helps us remove heavy metals is very important. Arguably, if we want to live a happy disease-free life into old age, we need to get ahead of this problem now.
But how do you know who you can trust?
There are many zeolite products out there, as an amazon search shows.
I’m not going to just tell you what is good and what isn’t. I don’t want to be your expert. I want you to learn how to see the quality yourself so you feel the satisfaction that comes with making a good choice.
How to Know?
When it comes to knowing what something is, we need to know how to do several things.
The experts use tried and true principles called epistemologically valid arguments, which are founded on proven scientific methods investigators use to gather evidence to prove a claim.
Buy Book How Do We Know?: An Introduction to Epistemology (The Philosophy of Discernment)
We need to know what the question is that we’re trying to answer. In this case:
“What does a high-quality zeolite look like?”
Then we need to familiarize ourselves with the science—a set of studies and observations that give us the power to recognize something good when we see it.
Then we need to learn how to interpret that science, which calibrates our mind so we can know what we’re studying. For instance, by becoming familiar with different types of apples, you can recognize them in the world.
Lastly, we want to review our knowledge so it makes sense, ideally comparing it to others who’ve taken similar steps.
In the end, you’ll be able to trust yourself because you know why one product is better than another.
The premise is simple: If there’s one truth about zeolite out there, and we’re good investigators and researchers, then we should arrive at the same answer when asking the zeolite question, so long as we’re being honest.
What I’m going to do is take you, step-by-step, through the process of knowing what a high-quality zeolite looks like. Then we’ll compare that against studies of inferior products so you know what to watch out for.
After you become an expert on high-quality zeolite, we’ll talk about the corruption we uncovered.
We’ll name names and cite whistleblowers.
What is Good Zeolite?
We need to understand what zeolite is.
The form of zeolite used in detox products is clinoptilolite, which has been proven to remove heavy metals through a process called Chelation Therapy.
In the mid 20th century, this therapy was developed by the medical industry as a way to deal with life-threatening dosages of heavy metals, like a toxic exposure of lead. It’s been proven to work—there’s no question there.
What has yet to be accepted is that the same basic technique can be used to remove lower doses of heavy metals, the doses that get overlooked by doctors that cause all the health issues we’ve been talking about. But as you’ll discover, we already have the science we need to back up heavy metal detox through zeolite.
So the issue isn’t whether or not zeolite detoxification works. The question is: what form of zeolite is the good kind we need?
Clinoptilolite is a form of zeolite that acts like a magnet for removing heavy metals from the body. It does so because zeolite crystals contain cavities where ionically charged polarized molecules, like water and heavy metals, can be inserted and exchanged.
Clinoptilolite is a naturally occurring form of zeolite that is mined from various types of rock.
This is what the molecular lattice structure of zeolite looks like:

The empty spaces in the figure above form a structure that has what’s called an affinity for heavy metals and other polarized molecules.
Good zeolite comes in a form that is “open” to absorbing heavy metals in the body.
But there’s a problem.
Clinoptilolite zeolite is so good at sucking up toxins when it’s mined out of the ground, it’s already “loaded” with heavy metals.
This is a critical point to understand. So let’s dial-in.
As you might imagine, because clinoptilolite is so good at sucking up heavy metals, in nature, they’re already filled up. The zeolite can’t absorb toxins within our bodies unless it’s cleaned out.
This is the critical step many zeolite manufacturers miss, which a whistleblower working for a company testified to. A lot of the zeolite you can buy online, especially the powdered form is ground up zeolite ore that came straight out of the ground. It can’t detox your body in this unpurified form.
Think of it this way. Your vacuum can’t suck up dirt if it’s full. A sponge can’t clean a dish if it’s full of dirt.
The process of purifying zeolite is what makes it useful for detoxification. Without this step, which also needs to be done properly, the zeolite is almost useless. It may even be harmful because it will leak heavy metals into the body—we don’t want this!
Thus, the answer to the question of what makes a good zeolite is that it has been purified, wherein all heavy metals are removed. But that’s not the only step.
A place holder needs to be put in the cage so it won’t absorb toxins, this way it can stay pure until you’re ready to use it. Good manufacturers know how to insert a place holder during production, as we’ll discover.
Book Toxic Constituents of Animal Foodstuffs (Food Science & Technology Monographs)
Purifying Zeolite
The technical process of purification is fairly complex. Most companies have their own proprietary process, of which, the company we reached out to seemed to be very knowledgeable about what works and what doesn’t. That’s good news because it means they’re testing purification methods and discarding the ones that don’t work.
While we can’t reveal trade secrets here, we can talk about the science of how it works. We can also reveal studies of a company that properly purifies their zeolite.
Here’s some very technical language about zeolite that gives us a clue as to how purification works.
It has been documented that zeolites with higher silica content, such as clinoptilolite, are stable under acid conditions [25]. In vivo experiments with TMAZ and PMA-ZC proved stability in particular to possible aluminum ions leakage into the body under the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. These experiments confirm the safety as no increased aluminum ions concentrations were detected neither in serum nor in organs of animals after supplementation with PMA-ZC and TMAZ [4]. The pores of the ZC, in addition to metal cations and water, can interact with other molecules and ionic groups of organic origin, such as ammonia and nitrates, which bind with different levels of affinity [26,27]. Thanks to these exceptional ion interactions properties, ZC is considered as one of the key important inorganic cation exchangers and heavily applied in many industrial sectors such as in the treatment of waste-water, nuclear waste, cultivated fields, animal husbandry, or as oral supplementation in humans [5]. (Source)
What’s described above is a process whereby a water solution “frees up” the positive ion heavy metal contained within the zeolite crystal, the one that needs to be removed. The weak ionic charge of the water “loosens up” heavy metal locked inside the zeolite cage, likely involving a carrier ion within the water solution that binds to the heavy metal, pulling it out of the zeolite and depositing it safely into the water solution.
From here, the zeolite is “empty” but in a highly reactive state. Remember, the zeolite has a high affinity for positive ions, which means a manufacturer needs to put another positive ion in the zeolite crystal after the heavy metal is removed during processing, what we might call a place holder. This second positive ion is, according to the company we contacted, a healthy mineral, such as potassium, calcium, or magnesium.
Thus, purified zeolite, the good stuff, is a clinoptilolite molecule that has a potassium, calcium or magnesium ion within the zeolite cage.
Keep this in mind, because later, we’ll look at lab tests of good zeolite showing high concentrations of potassium, calcium or magnesium.
If the science is intimidating, the takeaway here is that zeolite needs to be purified, properly, to be safe and effective for detoxing.
What happens when you consume good zeolite?
Within the body, the potassium, calcium or magnesium ion is removed, making it highly reactive again.
This is good.
We want the zeolite to be open to absorb heavy metals in the body. This “activated” zeolite, having been emptied of the place holder ion, now roams around your body, sucking up heavy metals. Once it absorbs a heavy metal toxin, the zeolite is passed out of the body like any other waste product, either in the urine or by binding to a phosphate group so it can be excreted in feces.
As we discussed in part two, the micro-form of purified zeolite works in the digestive tract while the nano-sized zeolite goes straight into your cells, using water channels, or aquaporins, which are the “gateways” our cells use to let things in and out.
There you have it!
You now know how to spot good zeolite.
A Zeolite Whistleblower
Now that you can identify good zeolite and can spot bad zeolite, which is unprocessed heavy metal contaminated clinoptilolite, let’s talk about corruption.
In 2015, a zeolite distributor named Lawrence Villegas was working for Coseva, a zeolite manufacturer that produces a product called Advance TRS.
Villegas claims that the company uses a synthetic zeolite in their product, sodium magnesium aluminosilicate, which he said is used in the tire industry. He also said that the company puts its product in plastic bottles, which are known to leach toxins, like BPA.
Buy Book Stop Poisoning Yourself & Your Family: Toxic Foods to Avoid
We were able to confirm that sodium magnesium aluminosilicate is used in the tire industry, according to this product information page on Evonik’s website. The form the tire company patented is called HYDREX® R.
Villegas claims the synthetic form of zeolite has never been tested for detoxification. That said, to be fair, some users of Advanced TRS report health benefits. Whether or not this is due to the placebo effect is unclear.
However, the natural and properly purified form of zeolite has been studied and proven to help remove heavy metals. Why Coseva decided to use a synthetic is unclear, possibly because it is cheaper to manufacture.
Here’s the interview where Villegas gives his testimony:
Villegas’ disclosures paint an unsettling picture for Coseva and their Advanced TRS product.
But that wasn’t the only point of corruption we found. It actually gets worse.
Contaminated Zeolite
Mike Adams, the founder of Natural News, produced an exposé of the zeolite industry in 2015. He conducted a lab analysis of zeolite products, discovering that all the ones he tested were contaminated with heavy metals.
Before we review his results, you need to understand what toxicity concentrations are and what happens when chemicals breakdown the zeolite lattice structure.
Toxicity refers to how much of a substance is needed to cause harm. Regulators, like the EPA, often cite minimum safe levels in either parts per million or parts per billion.
Adams’ tested for Aluminum, Arsenic, Lead, and Uranium levels, which we’ll review shortly.
Clinoptilolite zeolite is made of aluminum, silica, and oxygen. The chemical bond is so strong it won’t break down in your body, even in your stomach’s strong acid. This is why zeolite is so good at removing toxins.
Adams’ used a nitric acid dissolution process for his study, which broke down the zeolite lattice into its constituent elements. This means Adams’ results will show high levels of aluminum, which is what we would expect when breaking down the lattice of zeolite.
But this does not mean the aluminum will leach into your body. Adams seemed to miss understand these results when he published his article in 2015.
That said, what Adams did correctly show, which is important for our discussion, is that there were high concentrations of arsenic, lead, and uranium in most commercial zeolite products. Wow!
Let’s review what a safe level is so we can understand the results of Adams’ study.
The EPA sets the standard for toxin levels in drinking water, called maximum contaminant levels (MCLs). Anything above these amounts is considered unsafe and requires action to fix or laws will be broken. I’m well aware of the corruption within the EPA but their minimums give us a baseline to work with. We know if the levels found in inferior zeolite are higher than the EPA’s minimums, we’re dealing with a really shoddy product.
The minimums set by the EPA are:
MCL for Arsenic is 10 ppb (parts per billion) or 0.010 ppm (parts per million) (Source)
MCL for Lead is 15 ppb (parts per billion) or 0.015 ppm (parts per million) (Source)
MCL for Uranium is 30 ppb (parts per billion) or o.030 ppm (parts per million) (Source)
Now that you have the information you need to interpret the tests conducted by Adams, let’s review his results.
Zeolite product #1: (micronized powder)
Aluminum: > 30,000 ppm.
Arsenic: 35 ppm.
Lead: 66 ppm.
Uranium: 6 ppm.
Zeolite product #2: (different source of micronized powder in dietary capsules)
Aluminum: > 30,000 ppm.
Arsenic: 4 ppm.
Lead: 27 ppm.
Uranium: 4 ppm.
Zeolite product #3: (famous brand powder)
Aluminum: > 24,000 ppm.
Arsenic: 5 ppm.
Lead: 27 ppm.
Uranium: 6 ppm.
As we already covered, the aluminum levels shown above are very high because zeolite is made of aluminum. Adams’ dissolved the zeolite lattice, which is why the aluminum levels in his study were so high. What’s truly shocking are the other results.
The max arsenic level set by the EPA is 0.010 ppm. All three zeolite products were contaminated with at least 4 ppm of arsenic, that’s 4o,o00% more than the safe level!
The max lead level set by the EPA is 0.015 ppm. All three products tested were contaminated with lead as high as 66 ppm, that’s 44o,o00% more than the safe level!
Lastly, the max uranium level set by the EPA is 0.030 ppm. All three were contaminated with uranium as high as 6 ppm, that’s 20,000% more than the safe level!
The Good Stuff
Pat yourself on the back because you’re now an expert in bad zeolite.
But this discussion wouldn’t be complete without talking about the good stuff.
We told you were forming a relationship with a producer of high-quality zeolite. When we discovered corruption in the industry, we asked them how their product fares.
“Do you properly process your zeolite to remove contaminants?”
Here’s what they showed us.

The units here are milligrams per liter (mg/L) which converts to ppm in a 1 to 1 capacity. This means the first result, Aluminum of 1.4 is in ppm.
Here’s the takeaway.
The highest concentrations listed above are Silicon 45.9 ppm, Magnesium 52.4 ppm, Potassium 72.7 ppm, and Calcium 227, which are all elements used as a place holder in the zeolite cage. Recall that zeolite without a placeholder is highly reactive, and so, for good zeolite to work, quality producers need to use one of these elements to make a good product. This is why we see them in the results.
But what about heavy metal levels?
All the heavy metal levels shown above are below trace amounts. This means there was so little there, the detector couldn’t find anything but the smallest amount, hence their name trace amounts.
Is this a good product?
What do you think? You know how to interpret these results now.
The answer is yes.
This is a good product because it doesn’t have heavy metal contamination and it uses place holder ions in the zeolite cage, ensuring the product will detox your body as designed when consumed.
Our mission here at Stillness is, as always, to offer information and discussion so as to make each of us wise, knowledgable and capable. At times, we talk like experts because we take the time to gain key knowledge and understanding of the things we research and speak of. But we want you to become an expert in your own right.
This is why, when we discovered the corruption, we took the time to show you all the facts, so you can make up your own mind.
We showed you the science of zeolite detoxification.
We showed you what bad zeolite is—synthetic or contaminated clinoptilolite.
We showed you what good zeolite is—natural, properly processed, detox-ready zeolite.
In the final part of this series, we’ll present what we believe to be one of the best zeolite producers.
As a teaser, I was able to meet personally with a representative of this company, where we had a very transparent and candid discussion.
I was surprised to discover the company really seems to care about helping people solve their health problems. I know because they admitted their knowledge of detoxification has grown over the years. Unlike other companies, when new science emerges that opens the door to improving their products, they embrace these discoveries. We even talked about some mind-body techniques for improving detoxification.
As such, they have an improved formulation of micro- and nano-sized zeolite that is extremely powerful and has been helping people radically improve their health.
– Justin
Read all four parts of the Heavy Metal Zeolite Detox series:
Part 1: A Secret Too Big to Expose? Hidden Toxins Ignored by the Mainstream
Part 2: Solutions to Toxins and Health Problems Ignored by The Mainstream
Part 4: Real, Safe, and Trusted Detox Products — Now That You’ve Seen the Bad, Here’s the Good
The preceding is a Stillness in the Storm original creation. Please share freely.
About The Author
Justin Deschamps has been a truth seeker all his life. He studies physics, psychology, law, philosophy, and spirituality, working to weave these seemingly separate bodies of information into a holistic tapestry of ever-expanding knowledge. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. Check out his project Stillness in the Storm to find some of his work. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and minds.com.
Read more articles by Justin Deschamps.
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This article appeared first on Stillness in the Storm.
This article (Popular Zeolite Detox Products Contaminated Heavy Metals — All You Need To Know to Avoid the Snake Oil) originally appeared on StillnessintheStorm.com and is free and open source. You have permission to share or republish this article in full so long as attribution to the author and stillnessinthestorm.com
Stillness in the Storm Editor: Why did we post this?
Health is an important human value. Almost everyone, regardless of political affiliation, national origin, or religious association, values being healthy, free of disease and able to pursue their dreams and values. The preceding information discuses health in some capacity, either by alerting the public to poor health choices or suggesting better ways of living for optimum health. With health freedom in hand, which is a primary survival need of all living creatures, the individual can be liberated from fear of personal suffering. This leads to the capacity for holistic thinking, playfulness, and inspired living—activating our capacity to thrive.
– Justin
Not sure how to make sense of this? Want to learn how to discern like a pro? Read this essential guide to discernment, analysis of claims, and understanding the truth in a world of deception: 4 Key Steps of Discernment – Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.com, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
December 3rd 2019: Corrections were made to the EPA safe levels section of this article. The original copy had calculated the percentages over the safe level 2 orders of magnitude smaller than they should have been.
Embedded Throughout this Article
Featured Image Source – https://static1.olympus-ims.com/data/Image/appnotes/Synthetic_Zeolite_appnote_img1.jpg?rev=1967
Really good article and information!! Thanks for sharing and explaining the fine details.
so what is the Brand Name of the Good Zeolite?
Thank you for your great work.
so what is the Brand Name of the Good Zeolite? Did you ever get an answer ? I’m wondering too . . . .
Justin, you must not have contacted Coseva about this since it appears you’re basing your conclusions on Lawrence Villegas’s untrue accusations. You might be getting yourself into a legal mess. Coseva uses a synthesized nano zeolite developed by Dr. Tracy Holdford because it ensures the zeolite cages are not contaminated as can happen with natural mined zeolites, and the nano form can go anywhere in the body that water can go and detox tissue anywhere. In the embedded Youtube video, Villegas and Stone misrepresent that Dr. Holdford works with Touchstone, imply that synthetic zeolites are toxic since they are used in the rubber tire industry, they absorb toxins from the plastic bottle, etc. Dr. Holdford has issued his own video refuting the claims that Stone and Villegas make here:
Unfortunately since there may be legal action against Villegas, I can’t go into full details of his unethical and apparently illegal actions with Coseva, but to clarify to the public, here’s what I have been told. According to Coseva, Villegas is a former Coseva distributor who was placed in the top position in the company upline when the company was formed. He held that position until it was discovered that he had created multiple fraudulent “straw” accounts in order to achieve a higher rank and higher commission payment. When confronted with the undeniable documentation of his fraud, he denied it. His account was terminated, and he was given a chance to pay back the overpaid commissions, which he did not do.
Mr. Villegas has never personally enrolled a single retail customer or distributor to his front line since the time the company was formed in 2014. At that time, the company placed the only 12 front line distributors ever enrolled directly under him. This is a complete failure for a top line leader in any company under any circumstance. He believed he could profit from the work done by other distributors with minimal effort on his part.
As a retailer of Advanced TRS and other products, I never recommend or sell a supplement or other product without testing it myself for months or years to ensure the claims made by manufacturers are true. In vivo testing and quantum biofeedback have proven to me that not only is Advanced TRS not harmful or toxic, but it has proven to be extremely useful for removing heavy metals from the brain (as well as the rest of the body) which has yielded incredible benefits for people with autism and brain function/memory issues in general. My own life was saved by Advanced TRS when I ingested radioactive particles in my food (presumably from Fukushima fallout) on 3 different occasions, so I know personally how amazing the product is, and I use it every day. Because of the nano-sized particles, I can spray it in my eyes each day to detox metals, toxins, and pathogens from my head, sinuses, and brain. Since I test supplements on myself constantly, I get testing of my own body at least a dozen times a year and never has any issue with Advanced TRS shown up, but in fact, quite the opposite, testing has shown many benefits. There is one minor advantage to naturally mined powdered zeolites (not nano particles) in my estimation, because the particle sizes are thousands of times larger and contain the zeolite crystalline lattice, the crystals act as tiny scalar energy antennae much like shungite, C60, or other crystals do, and therefore bring small amounts of beneficial scalar energy into the body. But since they are not nano or angstrom scale particles, they cannot get deep into tissue like nano zeolites and are mostly limited to the gut.
For those concerned about the plastic bottles, Coseva is test marketing Advanced TRS in glass bottles and I’m guessing they’ll likely switch to glass due to public perception.
Ken. Thanks so much for the extensive commentary. I discussed TRS products with a former employee. They didn’t want to come forward publically and referred me to Villeas’s testimony.
I’ll review everything you shared and update the articles accordingly.
I appreciate your work Ken.
I am really looking forward to your update as I just bought TRS from coseva and I just started taking it this week! How can I best find the update?
Look at the bottom of the article. I republished this article from it’s original 2019 publish date.
Ken Rohla,
It’s a little disappointing that after a great article on the things to look for in zeolite you choose to spend quite some time attacking Lawrence Vellegas and with very inaccurate information. Actually your own upline knows much more of the truth than you do since she was accused of the very same things he was and chose to accept their new terms, where as Lawrence resigned. Maybe try talking to Lawrence because he can prove
what you are saying is false.
As to your comment about only recommending a product you test yourself, I’d suggest that is not nearly enough. TRS is sodium magnesium aluminosilicate which is simply not clinoptilolite and has zero studies on safety neither is it GRAS status despite what “Dr Tracy Holford” claims.
On the subject of Dr Tracy Holford you realise like TRS he is a fake? so you really shouldn’t be basing anything you say on his claims. I believe you are a truth seeker. Here is something for you to research.
To Whom It May Concern:
Preface to letter: This timeline will give you the context to understand the letter written by
Howard Smith. You can then read Howard Smiths letter and follow his links to verify that Tracy
Holdford is a fraud. You are also welcome to call Howard Smith as he has piles of other hard
evidence to back his claim.
▪ 2012 – Eddie Stone founder of Touchstone Essentials – Originator of the first Nano-
zeolite particle product hires Tracy Holdford as his Chief Science Officer with to help
with development of Pure Body and Pure Body Extra Strength (nano-zeolite particle
▪ End of 2012 – Eddie Stone hires a private investigator and finds out that Tracy
Holdford’s credentials cannot be verified and are not true. Touchstone Essentials
removes all reference of Tracy H. on all Touchstone websites and content.
▪ 2015 – Tracy Holdford is introduced through referral to Coseva to create a better
product than Clear TRS, hence Advanced TRS was created using a synthetic because he
claims he could not use the same natural zeolite as PBX (pure body extra) because it
would be in violation of his contract with Touchstone Essentials. Tracy took the
knowledge he learned from Touchstone PBX to illegally create TRS. He used his previous
work with Eddie Stone to secure his position with Coseva to manufacture the artificial
nano zeolite version called Advanced TRS. The management of Coseva never put Tracy
Holdford on their website as the formulator or as any other title because Tracy claimed
that he was being restricted by the Department of Defense and his credentials were
being held back because of some government high clearance secret. (which is not true)
▪ 2019 – Some of the founding distributors of Coseva resigned over many concerns. After
contacting Touchstone and Eddie Stone the truth began to unfold. Not only did we find
out that the synthetic zeolite being used in Advance TRS was not backed up by safety
data (GRAS – generally regarded as safe FDA) but that the artificial zeolites are
concocted from polymers or silicants. In addition, we learned the truth about Mr. Tracy
▪ August 2019 – Howard Smith contacts our group after seeing a video about PBX vs TRS.
After many discussions and viewing all of Howard Smith’s research on Tracy Holdford
we came to the conclusion that the depth of Tracy Holdford’s deception and lies goes
way beyond anything we could have imagined.
▪ Howard Smith – motive is to reveal the TRUTH. He is a patriot and has served in the
military and was motivated in 2012 to do a deep dive into the life and lies of Tracy
Holdford. Howard Smith’s only motive is to stop Tracy from deceiving and possible
hurting others with his lies. Howard Smith is not and never has been a distributor with Touchstone Essentials.
The following information pertains to claims made by Tracy Lee Holdford:
I was approached by a friend who sent me Mr. Holdford’s resume to impress me as to his
amazing credentials. Mr. Holdford claimed to have 5 Ph.Ds; so I decided to see if he was for real
or not. One Ph.D would be plenty, but 5 was a little unbelievable to me. I began by listening to
recorded calls where Mr Holdford claimed to have many degrees plus his claim of having a
current Top Secret clearance.. It was the “Top Secret” claim that told me that he was ignorant
of this type of clearance, and probably he was a fraud. Since I am a retired Air Force Officer, I
did possess a Top Secret clearance and they do not stay current, when the clearance is no
longer needed.
Since Tracy’s name is fairly uncommon, it was easy to just Google Dr. Tracy Holdford Ph.D and
follow all of the links to his many social media sites. He was not smart enough to even use the
same Universities for all of his degrees on these sites. I mainly used his biography directly as
posted at the end of his bio under Chief Science Officer under the Management Team on the
https://biohack.thegoodinside.com/ website. This information has since been removed since he is
no longer with that company.
Below are the some of the claims made by (Dr.) Tracy Holdford to Kathleen Deoul and Winder
Lyons in February or April of 2012:
1. He graduated at age 13 from High School and received his first graduate degree at age 15.
2. He stated he has 5 Ph.Ds and multiple Masters Degrees and Bachelor Degrees.
3. He said he was selected for an advanced education program at an early age by the DOD
(Department of Defense) where he worked and received most of his advanced degrees. Tracy
stated to Winder Lyons that his credentials are impeccable, but because of security agreements
he can’t provide much information and that he still possessed a current Top Secret clearance.
4. He claimed to have worked for the DOD from 1975 for about 15 or more years.
5. He claimed to be the sole developer of Pure Body and also the newer version launched in
September 2012
My conclusions on Mr. Tracy Holdford:
1. Tracy Lee Holdford does have a high school education, he graduated from Altheimer High
School in Arkansas at age 18 on May 16, 1976 and not at age 13 as he stated.
2. He did earn an associate degree (a 2 year degree), AA Degree in Applied Science with a
major in Environmental Control on May 19, 1978 from Southern Arkansas University Tech. This
can be verified by contacting the Registrar’s Office at 870-574-4485. His high school transcript
is also on his College transcript.
3. Tracy was born on April 27, 1958. Therefore he was 18 years old when he actually graduated
from high school and not 13 as he claimed. He was 20 years old when he obtained only an AA
degree and he was not 15 years old as he stated when he earned his first degree. All of the
Universities he claimed attending have no record of him, or any degrees he claimed. Most
Universities listed do not even offer the advanced degrees he listed. He also has no degrees in
Theology from the Perkins School of Theology. The Registrar at the School at Southern
Methodist University has no record of him ever attending Perkins or any courses at SMU.
4. He was never in the DOD service for the 15 years that he says that started in 1975 because
he was actually 17 years old in 1975 going to school as a Junior at Altheimer High School in
Altheimer, AR. This is proven by a copy of his high school transcript I obtained. Yes, he lied
about the advanced schooling program, and no DOD base or program was near him to attend.
5. It must be concluded that Mr. Tracy Lee Holdford is a pathological liar of the worst kind. He
may even believe these lies himself, as his ex-wife Rebecca Lynn Holdford told me that Tracy
once called her and told her he was seeing someone because of multiple personalities. It was
only through talking to Rebecca Holdford (his first ex-wife) that I found out where Tracy
Holdford actually went to school. This school is where Rebecca and Tracy met and later
married. So either Tracy needs serious medical help; or he is a conscious fraud who has duped
many people and companies with his tall tales.
Howard Smith
209-384-3595 home
So Ken, while even if your attacks on Lawrence were true he is simply a distributor with Touchstone so not very relevant and as stated earlier not true. But since you threw stones I figured you should get some truth on just who you are trusting. Again I encourage you to talk to Lawrence and your own upline as things are not as you have been told.
Ken Rohla, you and I have talked on the phone with Candace Tucker earlier this year. I sponsored Candace and Candace sponsored you in Coseva. I see that you have been given some very false information. I know that you are a champion for seeking the truth, especially when it relates to the wellness of people on the planet. To clarify, I was front-line to the company in 2014 when Coseva started because I was the one that brought the entire first 1,000 distributors on board that followed me from my previous company called Viz where Candace Tucker was in my downline organization. Candace sponsored you Ken, you sponsored Adam Ringham and Adam sponsored Chin Ting Ison and Chris Kirckoff which constitutes about 90% of the entire volume of the company. Coseva never placed one person under me. You have been told a lie. You can verify this with Candace Tucker because she was there at the beginning in 2014.
In May of 2019 Coseva sent Candace and I communication accusing us of gaming the system by helping our distributors. You are right, I did deny their accusations and their attempt to coerce and extort money from me. I could no longer be part of a soviet model top down control company, so I resigned on June 28. If you have any proof of what you stated in your comment about legal action against me or allegations, I would like to see that proof. If not, then what you are saying is just rumor and malicious lies. You may not be aware that you are spreading lies so I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
After I made the decision to leave Coseva, I discovered more about synthetic zeolites especially that they have no safety data to ensure that they have no long-term adverse effects. This was all kept a secret in Coseva. When I asked them where the synthetics were made and what they were made of I got no answer. The company never sent out any directives or communication about anything (not one email in 5 years). Coseva’s website has not been updated since 2015. In 2018 everyone in Coseva was instructed to never call or talk to Mr. Tracy Holdford (the formulator of TRS) and to date he has never been listed on the Coseva website. After I departed from Coseva I was contacted by a Mr. Howard Smith who had viewed my video and who had previously in 2012 done an extensive investigation on Mr. Tracy Holdford. Howard Smith revealed undeniable evidence that Tracy Holdford was a complete fraud. There was no record of him ever being in the Dept. of Defense and all of the Universities he claimed attending have no record of him, or any degrees he claimed. Most Universities listed by Holdford do not even offer the advanced degrees he listed. He also has no degrees in Theology from the Perkins School of Theology. The Registrar at the School at Southern Methodist University has no record of him ever attending Perkins or any courses at SMU. You may call Howard Smith (209) 384-3595 and he will send you his complete files of irrefutable proof.
Ken I am willing to be transparent and talk with you and give you proof of what I have learned. I will call your office this week and talk with your assistant and we can set up a time. I know you are about the truth and it is important that you find out what I know. I can never unlearn what I have learned over the last 6 months. With knowledge comes responsibility to champion the truth.
I noticed the maximum intake of lead recommended is .015 ppm. PBX showed in its results .5 ppm of lead. I realize that it isn’t a ton more, but it is still more. Why isn’t this concerning? Am I missing something? Thank you!
So is all zeolite bad? Even pure body?
Some sources are better than others. That’s the ticket.
imo its not worth the risk!
im in various detox groups and i know of many people that haven been harmed (sadly also many children) by the ,,better’‘brands like touchstones pbx or health solutions cytodetox! symptoms include:
cystic acne,rashes,digestive issues, swollen lymph nodes, weight gain, hair loss, graying of hair, sensitive teeth, depression, anxiety, OCD,psychosis and the list goes on and on!
there are no safety studies on clinoptilolite for humans
only animal studies!
i think inuspheresis technique which Dr Klinghardt uses in Switzerland will be the future of heavy metal detox without putting any foreign material into our body.
its only for rich people for now ( 5000$ for 2 sessions 10 sessions are recommended) but as competition arises prices will sink and hopefully the technology will be accessible for everyone.
Was it proven that zeolite formulas were the cause of these harms and injuries? This can only be proven by eliminating all other variables. Whilst Western medicine, pharmaceuticals, lack satisfactory independent reviews, especially injectables labelled ‘vaccines’, how is it that zeolites were concluded as being harmful? As a psychologist and naturopath who develops psycho-nutritional practice frameworks and treatment models, I am genuinely interested.