(Shem El-Jamal) The reality of the national pedophilia epidemic has grown more obvious by the day. Even though the corporate news has consistently refused to cover the subject, the efforts of law enforcement, of officials such as Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and the diligent reporting of the free media have exposed and cracked down upon these crimes in major ways.
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Source – Discerning The Mystery
by Shem El-Jamal, March 5th, 2017
Though these most heinous offenses of child abuse are not a particularly enjoyable subject to read, I feel it very necessary to drive home the point that we are not dealing with a small and isolated problem when it comes to pedophilia in official circles within the U.S. Though some people choose to look the other way or even to hinder the efforts of those exposing these crimes, it appears that most citizens care enough about the safety of children to stop the problem any way they are able.
These child trafficking rings represent a systemic and rampant problem which the mainstream news has clearly acknowledged in the past. (We will see examples of such forthrightness in a moment.) However, at present these media companies have all but completely ignored the issue. This is most likely because the powerful elitists at the center of these crimes are about to be outed, and the establishment seems to depend upon corporate media to conceal their crimes from the public.
The fact that Donald Trump is in office during these crackdowns seems somehow threatening to the corporate media. It may be even more threatening to these sources that Jeff Sessions happens to be attorney general during this time. It seems that Sessions is actively pursuing high-profile pedophiles like no other. Due to the tendency of this media to focus solely upon the negative aspects of the current administration, these companies have apparently avoided reporting these extremely positive developments.
Though I do not defend Trump’s irresponsible and questionable actions as of late, I am able to acknowledge the key positive aspect of his presidency. This acknowledgment of both the positive and negative components to the current administration represents my best efforts at maintaining objectivity. This does not seem to be the goal of corporate media sources.
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Instead of delivering the truth honestly and impartially, the trend among corporate sources appears to have been to aid and embed pedophiles in government and the corporate world, and to stave off the inevitable prosecution of these criminals. To accomplish this, these media companies have attacked and defamed Jeff Sessions in every way that they could. Though most (if not all) of their accusations have been based upon pure hearsay, the public tends to preclude guilt, and accuse Sessions of whatever rumor they are fed. This makes it easy for corporate media to manipulate the public in any direction they choose.
The apparently deceptive efforts of these companies have been continual. However, this does not change the fact of that thousands of children have been saved from a lifetime of torturous victimhood and forced silence.
The initiative of a questionable, hazardous and yet caring person (i.e., President Trump) has largely changed the face of this country in at least one positive way. By taking this massive initiative to save so many victims of human trafficking, Donald Trump can no longer be considered “good for nothing” as the media attempts to portray him.
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Though we may not enjoy the contradiction of a caring individual who is also a careless anti-environmentalist, these characteristics still stand. There are a number of aspects of our world which must be healed and repaired, but I can think of none more important than the thousands of children that are being saved. We can hope that more rescues will come, and that the corporate media does not succeed at blinding the people from the positive developments of our time, in light of the negative.
Here is a report from Medium.com which significantly contrasts the current trend of media silence. This comes from a time when systemic pedophilia at official levels was openly disclosed to the public.
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Source: Medium
Published: February 14, 2017
By: Lori Handrahan
When a University of North Dakota professor was arrested on child pornography charges, The Dakota Student asked “We can’t help but wonder if this type of thing is common in other schools around the nation?” The answer is yes. A concerning number professors and staff have been arrested for trading in brutal child sex abuse, including of infants. From University of Virginia’s Assistant Dean, Michael Morris downloading infant anal rape to Kirk Nesset, professor at Allegheny College with over 500,000 videos/images including folders called “kidsfuck,” too many professors and staff are involved in child sex trafficking.
CONTINUE READING @ discerningthemystery2000plus.blogspot.com
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