Thank you Lisa for sharing all these articles with me.
Here is the latest attempt by our would-be masters to instill fear and push their agenda. Like other obvious examples, this event has many of the hallmarks of a staged event, however, no ‘smoking gun’ evidence of a false flag attack has been revealed thus far.
Related 42 Government ADMITTED False Flag Attacks
First there are no direct eye witnesses of the shooter, Chris Harper-Mercer, killing anyone despite the hundreds of people at the scene. The only witness reported that a shot came through a window, killing their teacher with a shot to the head.
There are reports of multiple alphabet agencies such as the FBI and ATF in the area as the shooting occurred.
Obama was pushing for gun control almost immediately after the shooting.
A student and experienced hunter and fire arms expert, who was on the scene, stated to his mother during a phone call while events were taking place said he heard nothing that sounded like gun shots.
CNN photoshopped Mercer’s selfie photo and is now claiming he is a white supremacist, despite the fact his mother is allegedly african american.
Dani from RTS captured several screen shots on October 1st of news articles by mainstream media timestamped with September 30th, a full day before the shooting occurred.
And these are just a few of the points from the below list of articles and videos. Undoubtedly more data points will be revealed by committed investigators as time goes on.
The awakening masses are more primed then ever to spot these fallacious events, and with each attempt to cause chaos, the Cabal actually awaken scores of more people.
Oregon Shooting: 13 Troubling Signs Of Potentially Yet Another False Flag
1 – Grandiose mainstream media headline demanding your attention to this story.
2 – Immediate call for gun control in the story sub-headlines.
3 – Obama himself immediately calls for gun control seizing the moment Sandy Hook style.
“This is something we should politicize,” he said, calling on Americans of all political stripes to hold their elected leaders accountable for acting on the issue.
4 – Shooter is dead as usual.
5 – Shooter identity completely unknown but repeated mention of “4 guns” very known.
6 – “Conflicting reports” in the number of dead people. Identity entirely unknown as well.
7 – Oregon is recent state of political interest to Neocon former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
8 – Social media controversy already brewing.
9 – Initial images and videos show no ambulances, no blood or dead bodies.
10 – Shooting has a divisive religious twist to it – opens door for blaming Islam, others later on.
11 – No clear cut witnesses actually saw the shooting.
Kortney Moore, 18, told the local News Review newspaper that she was in her writing class in Snyder Hall when a gunshot came through the window and struck her teacher in the head.
Student Cassandra Welding told CNN that she heard 35 to 40 shots.Student Brandy Winter, in a posting on Facebook, said she was in a classroom in Snyder Hall, next door to the room where the shooting began and ran, along with her classmates, when they heard the gunfire.
12 – All students quickly treated as strip-searched suspects instead of victims.
“They walked us straight through the crime scene with our hands up,” 18-year-old freshman Andi Dinnetz said. “It was more tense outside. In the classroom, everyone was trying to make jokes and keep it from being as serious as it was.”
13 – Social media manifesto-like messages once again posted to further substantiate shooter intent.
Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest.
LA Times claims Mercer was a white supremacist
According to The Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse, CNN altered a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the Oregon shooter, to make him look white.
“On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media,” the Conservative Treehouse reports. “On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast?”
CNN also did not show photos of Mercer’s mother, who is black.
The reason CNN altered the photo is obvious: the race of Mercer does not fit the narrative that only white males — and thus white supremacist — can be mass shooters.
A black male shooter is incompatible with the racist Black Lives Matters class warfare agenda pushed by the liberal establishment and its propaganda media.
On Friday, a CNN correspondent, Pamela Brown, cited writings allegedly penned by Mercer where he “rambled about his hatred toward black men,” thus portraying him as a racist or possibly a white supremacist.
The Los Angeles Times also portrayed Mercer as a white supremacist:
A federal law enforcement source familiar with the investigation said, though, that authorities had obtained some of Harper-Mercer’s writings, as well as a note he left behind, suggesting that he supported white-supremacist causes and opposed organized religion.
Source – Removing the Shackles
Oregon “Shooting” False Flag.
So much info….. so much ridiculousness…. and ohhhhh so predictable.
Here are two screen shots that I nabbed yesterday
First two: Why is the Google Search I did Yesterday October 1, about 6 hours after the so called “shooting”, showing news links about the shooting dated September 30th? It’s the pacific time zone….. the “shooting” happened at 1038 Pacific daylight time…. there are NO time zones ANYWHERE that would still be in Sept 30th at that time of day. ZERO<
Above is a screen shot of a few notes that I took while looking through the news stories about this false flag event.
and here is some more info- just a few videos pointing out the ridiculousness of this all…
Don’t be DISTRACTED!!!!!
Obama and his joint chiefs just got their asses handed to them by the Russians, in Syria. Now Iraq’s Government has officially stated that they would like Russia to come on over to Iraq and help them get rid of ISIS there. The Stock markets are dropping like flies. the Fed is screwed to hell and back….. DO NOT BE DISTRACTED BY THE FALSE FLAGS!!!!!
The fortified ISIL command center has been damaged and that the infrastructure of the terrorist training camp has been fully destroyed.
BREAKING NEWS: *Iraqi prime minister says he would ‘welcome’ Russian airstrikes in Iraq *
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