(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following research presentation discusses Eastern views on sexuality, orgasm, it’s function, and the role of tanta. It should be noted that many of the beliefs presented below are ancient in form, based on dogma reaching back thousands of years.
The research of Wilhelm Reich greatly augments this historical viewpoint.
Many spiritual practitioners have been persuaded to assume the orgasm is an animalistic expression only, and that the more spiritual path is to avoid orgasm. In the below video, one presenter even asserts that if women or man can’t have an orgasm, despite trying, that this is a good thing. But I think the true causes of sexual dysfunction shouldn’t be regarded as some kind of spiritually superior position.
Based on mainstream research, the research of Wilhelm Reich, and common sense, it stands to reason that the expression of sexual desire should proceed in an uninhibited fashion—without shame or regret. But if one’s sexuality has been distorted, often through cultural influence and familial impressions, they will be unable to achieve normal sexual expression.
Based on the study of child development, and how we raise children on earth at this time, drawing from Psychohistorian Lloyd deMause, the vast vast majority of disturbed sexualization in individuals is a result of how they were raised and culture. If one thinks about how we treat the physical body in today’s societies, it becomes clear we’re trained from birth to find basic biological functions reprehensible and vile. This greatly distorts the mind causing a double bind situation leading psychological disturbance.
Reich demonstrated through the study of the Trobriander villagers that removal of cultural inhibitions all but entirely removes the causes of sexual dysfunction. Which, as it turns out, also lead to all forms of anti-social behavior. In short, Reich demonstrated with scientific precision the connection between sexual function and mental and physical health. He proved that most of the things we attribute to human nature—the “innate evil of mankind”—is actually a product of environment—change the conditions and the behavior resultingly changes.
Given Reich’s work, it draws the doctrine of Eastern thought into question. Namely, if sexual dysfunction emerges because culture defines sexuality in an unrealistic way (sex is only for procreation, for example) then of course ancient people would mistake this rampant dysfunction with human nature. Therefore, the idea that one should prevent themselves from reaching sexual orgasm as some superior practice might be nothing more than misguided fantasy.
While it may be true that withholding of the orgasm might cause a rising of the kundalini to the head, I would suggest that this practice has to be uninhibited. By this I mean, you should be able to notice yourself becoming sexually excited and have a good relationship with that need, in that you can let it find expression without feeling shame, regret or remorse.
Reich scientifically demonstrated with thousands of cases that the vast majority of sexual disturbance, whether reduced or overexcited sexual drive or an inability to orgasm, is always caused by some kind of psychic disturbance (ideological conflict) that installs itself into the body, disrupting pranic energy pathways.
Thus, Reich’s work actually proves much of what has been passed down from antiquity, except Reich’s research suggests that the orgasm is vitally important to mental, physical, and emotional health. He showed that when an individual has a full and complete orgastic release, energy pathways in the body work more efficiently and the consciousness of the individual was more harmonious. He was able to heal people with deep mental issues, such as psychopathy, schizophrenia, and catatonia simply by helping them have uninhibited orgasms.
If you feel strange, uncomfortable, ashamed, low energy, or disturbed in general after orgasm, this implies a disturbance of the energy system as a result of the ideological blockage. Changing your philosophy or the way you define sex changes the channels through which these living energies can flow, which eventually changes the body’s learned responses.
This contradiction between what I would argue as the best sexual research of modern times and ancient mysticism causes a lot of confusion.
I would contend that there is truth to both schools of thought, but work insofar as reconciliation is still required. Much of the ancient doctrines were made thousands of years ago when scientific knowledge was lacking. But today, despite problems in science, we have a much better capacity to modernize the wisdom of old.
In the final analysis, it appears that a great many people with disturbed sexual psychologies, which is the vast majority of the population due to social programming, find the tenets of tantra and orgasmless expression appealing.
Given Reich’s work, it would be good for us to search for deeper answers when considering our sexual philosophy. The Eastern tradition has much to offer, but it is a dogmatic tradition, one that still needs to be reconciled by modern thinking and understanding.
In the end, a new and more constructive form of sexuality could emerge to help all people meet this basic human need.
– Justin
(Robert Sepehr) Meaning “to weave” in Sanskrit, the term Tantra implies a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation from the physical level of existence. Samadhi is a state of Consciousness characterized by clarity of perception and the absence of the ego. It is the state of Consciousness sought by all schools of Meditation, a piercing of the veils of one’s subconscious mind, into the super-conscious.
by Robert Sepehr, December 6th, 2018
Orgone is the universal Life Force, the basic building block of all organic and inorganic matter. Coined by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Orgone was seen as a mass-less, omnipresent substance, similar to luminiferous ether, and called by the Great mystics and philosophers; Chi, Prana or Vril.
Alan Watts was a British philosopher who popularized Eastern esoteric philosophy for a Western audience. Samael Aun Weor was a spiritual teacher and author of over sixty books of esoteric spirituality. He taught and formed groups under the banner of ‘Universal Gnosticism’, or simply Gnosis.
Robert Sepehr is an independent anthropologist and author.
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