Exciting Updates from HopeGirl!
There are so many different groups and people all working to help make this world a better place that it can be confusing to know which one deserves our attention. We often like to nit pick at the various movements saying they are not doing this, or they may do that, and find ways not to get involved. But our choice is simple, do we want to stand up and take action to make a new world, or do we want to wait for someone else to do it? The work of transforming this world is a collective co-creation, instead of waiting for the perfect system, it would more fulfilling if we started to participate in ones already present, having our voices be heard, and coming together as One! If they are not perfect, we can add our voice and help make them perfect and better.
This is a group effort, everyone has a part to play! Do you want to??
Are you ready for something real? It’s been a while since I have written a blog post of this magnitude. So much has occurred in the last couple of months… but more importantly SO MUCH MORE is about to occur in the very near future! This is NOT another prophetic prediction to add to the pile of unfolding mystical events (there are plenty of people who are much more qualified to present that perspective). Rather, the purpose of this major update is to openly communicate to you, my beloved humanity, the monumental breakthroughs that are now upon us, and to fully disclose our intended plans for the exciting things we have coming your way over the next few months.
The time for talking is over. 2014 is a year of action. It’s time to start doing the work, and doing it through action that occurs in a clear, organized manner. After all, look at the system we are up against! Do we think that the “powers that were” sit around and philosophize in a heated debate of differing perspectives and never get around to taking action? Action is the only thing that matters (as in, turns into matter). You better believe these guys put their differences of opinions aside and focus on organizing a direct action. I’ll bet they have budgets, projections and business plans for their pedophile rings!
2) What results do they have in their life?
3) How does this directly create real change that makes a difference for others? (aka, show me how this can feed the starving children).
Free Energy Device- (QEG) – I am here with the device in person and ready to flip the switch!
- Greed, overgrown egos, and attempts for personal gain and discord will not infiltrate the sacred business space around the QEG.
- Those working with and around the QEG are people that exhibit the right characteristics (such as humility, and attitude of bestowal, a love for humanity.
- This QEG will go directly to the people that need it most through a cottage industry grassroots method.
- The QEG will not be confiscated by the clutches of any corporate government systems.
The Peoples Fund to Change the Planet
To further explain the work involved at this time: there are budgets that need to be consolidated, a major disbursement formula that needs to be calculated for all the recipients, agreements that need to be created, project presentations that need to be digitally edited for display to the public (so everyone will have a clear idea of what this fund is for), a full marketing and promotions schedule that needs to be organized, and several other tasks that we need professional skill levels to accomplish.
HopeGirl to Participate in Financial Truth Movement Conference
HopeGirl to Join the soon to be launched New Earth Nation!
Announcing the “Truth Storm Series” By HopeGirl. A collection of common sense talks to help create clarity in a world of confusing psychobabble.
Fix the World Will Soon be offering Online New Paradigm Business Courses
- Clearing your Energy Field for Business Success.
- History of the Problems of Corruption in Business from the New Paradigm Perspective. Identifying the points of infiltration and re-balancing the energy with a set of core values.
- Project Management 101: creating a schedule and a budget and why projects fail.
- Your New Paradigm Business Plan: the 10 questions you need to answer
- How to Market your Project: the 5 questions you need to answer
- Law of Attraction Manifestation– clear your field, detox to activate your manifestation abilities
- The Role of money in the New Paradigm– History of money, Energy of money, understanding the mindset of the investor.
- Managing Expectations in Co-creative Relationships
HopeGirl World Tour in the Spring!
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