(Indiana Lee) We’re living in uncertain times. Between the effects of natural disasters and social unrest, things can feel overwhelming. Your life might change instantly, and if you’re not prepared for it, you could find yourself struggling to get by both physically and emotionally.
The Helpful Teachings of the Stoic Thinkers
(Exploring Your Mind) Stoic thinkers offer us a new way of seeing life based on acceptance, virtue, and connection with ourselves.
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Experts Emphasize the Role of Wellbeing in Human Health
(Neuroscience News) GENIAL Science, co-founded by Professor Andrew Kemp, of the School of Psychology, is a collaborative research project between Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) and the University. Comprised of academics, clinicians, Ph.D. and MSc students, it is committed to advancing wellbeing theory and practice.
Are You Mentally Prepared for Self-Defense?
(DP Friesen) Part of prepping is becoming mentally prepared for whatever may come ahead. You need to know that you can handle tomorrow’s problems from a mental perspective. It is for this reason that card games such as Conflicted are so popular: they give the user the opportunity to think through what they would do in a particular situation now so that they can make a quicker (and better) decision in the future.
How Much Time Does it Take to Develop a Habit?
(Exploring Your Mind) Creating a habit requires enough motivation to be persistent and constant. However, how much time do you really need to incorporate new behaviors into your routine?
Your Happiness Is In Your Own Hands
(Exploring Your Mind) It’s common to search for happiness. However, when you become aware that being happy depends on you, you free yourself from the slavery of looking for it elsewhere.
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Feeling Used: The Lack of Reciprocity In a Relationship
(Exploring Your Mind) When you feel used, something breaks inside you. That’s because the human brain is a social entity that needs secure relationships based on reciprocity.
Self-Assertion in Children and How to Deal With This Challenging Behavior
(Exploring Your Minds) When little ones assert themselves, they aren’t going against their parents. They’re simply starting off along the route to their own independence.
The Racing Mind: The Difficulties of Being a Fast Talker
(Exploring Your Mind) Some people communicate in the same way as they live, extremely quickly. However, behind this style of speaking is often anxiety, lack of control, or clarity of thought.
Anxiety Urination: An Inconvenient Symptom
(Exploring Your Mind) Nerves and anxiety can make you experience a greater need to go to the bathroom. Indeed, frequent urination is one effect of those times when you’re feeling particularly worried and stressed. What can you do?
Three Approaches to the Study of Personality
(Exploring Your Mind) Personality is one of those aspects of the person that nobody can define in a standardized way. Discover here the different approaches to its study.
Being Worried About COVID-19 Impairs a Person’s Cognitive Abilities
(Arsenio Toledo) New research has found that constantly worrying about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can impair a person’s cognitive abilities.
Drunkorexia: What is It?
(Exploring Your Mind) Drunkorexia is the restriction of calories in food to make room for calories in alcoholic beverages. It’s an eating disorder that’s especially prevalent among young people.
Reverse the Brainwashing: How to End America’s Addiction to Fear
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) Dr. Mark McDonald is a psychiatrist in the Los Angeles, California, area. He’s written a book called “United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to Mass Delusional Psychosis,” which is the topic of today’s discussion. Around April 2020, McDonald actually made the brave decision to “fire” patients who refused to accept his stand on certain realities and truths.
Transgender TikTok User Accuses Baby Of Being Transphobic (VIDEO)
(The Scoop) An angry transgender TikTok user posted a video in which she/he accused a baby of being transphobic. The user also claims she/he made the baby cry by verbally berating him over his transphobia.