(Dr Bruce Scott) In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS.
NWO Deep State
The Roots of the ‘COVID Plan’ – by the I.G. Farben Cartel
(Jon Rappoport)Knowledge of an ongoing crime inside a corporation turns into a conspiracy of silence, shared by many employees…
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Not Satisfied with Twitter Suspension of Gateway Pundit — Sleeping Giants Founder Matt Rivitz Calls on Shopify to Cancel TGP Account @slpng_giants
(Jim Hoft) In June 2018 Matt Rivitz was exposed as the Far Left operative behind anti-conservative hate group Sleeping Giants.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The mRNA “Vaccine.” What It Is & How It Works.
(Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai) Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD in Biological Engineering, the Inventor of Email, Scientist, Educator, Statesman provides an educational lecture of the mRNA “vaccine” by providing a background, the CytoSolve methodology, basic biology of the “central dogma,” the immune response in lungs, background on traditional vaccines, the mRNA “vaccine,” differences with traditional vaccines and dangers and concerns.
TIME Mag: “Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy”… “Well-Funded Cabal, Powerful People Changing Laws, Steering Media and Controlling the Flow of Information.”
(Raheem Kassam) Time Magazine has published intricate details of what they deem “a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”
Series 4, Part 5h, Governments Cave Building Mistake & DARPAs Tunnel Contest & What It Really Means (Video)
Series 4, Part 5h, Governments Cave Building Mistake & DARPAs Tunnel Contest & What It Really Means (Video)
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United Nations ‘Anti-Human Push’ to De-Carbonize the World
United Nations ‘Anti-Human Push’ to De-Carbonize the World
BANNED ON YOUTUBE, BUT REUPLOADED! 432 Hz vs 440 Hz: The Truth Behind Why It Hertz so Good! (Video)
BANNED ON YOUTUBE: 432 Hz vs 440 Hz: The Truth Behind Why It Hertz so Good! (Video)
Returning to Slavery: The Great Reset, Tracked & Traced, and a Cashless Society
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) How do you market and implement a financial system that nobody would want if they understood its full ramifications — a change so huge that it not only would mean the end of currency as we know it, but a total revision of sovereignty and individual rights?
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You’ve Likely Never Heard Of The NGFS, But It Controls Nearly All The World’s Money And Will Be Used To Force The ‘Green Agenda’ Of The Great Reset
(Geoffrey Grider) The U.S. Federal Reserve Board, the nation’s central bank, has officially joined the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). That’s “Greening,” as in “environmentalism,” “Greta Thunberg,” “Green New Deal,” and all that. And as the Times makes clear in its headline, the left is loving it. NGFS is an organization that few Americans have heard of, and yet it’s potentially one of the most powerful entities on the planet: Its roster of members and observers is nearly 100, including such mighties as the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. And now, the U.S. Federal Reserve. So we can see that just about all the money in the world passes through its institutions. That’s power.
Norway Sees Huge Spike in Vaccine-Related Deaths
(Andrew Chapados) In both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine trials, a small number of individuals developed Bell’s Palsy, facial weakness or paralysis. This was very small number of people: .01 per cent for Moderna and even less than that for Pfizer.
Why Was the CIA Spying on American Citizens?
(Larry Johnson) It is illegal, or at least on paper it is, for the CIA to spy on American citizens on American soil. So why was the CIA spying on Mr. Edward Butowsky and/or Matt Couch? If you have read Joe Hoft’s excellent piece (see here) on the latest trials and travails of Ty Clevenger, an intrepid attorney battling the Deep State, who has been fighting for more than three years to secure the release of damning documents exposing the Russia hoax and sedition by the Obama Administration, you know he is forcing the FBI to cough it up.
PEDOPHILIA: Twitter Rejected Pleas to Remove Child Porn from Platform Because It Didn’t ‘violate Policies,’ Lawsuit Claims
(Nwo Report) The company’s apparently lax stance on child pornography comes in stark contrast to its forceful policing of political content it deems “hateful”
STATE DEPT: Evidence Suggests COVID-19 Intentionally Created in Chinese Lab
(A. J. Cooke) The State Department released a fact sheet suggesting COVID-19 may have resulted from Chinese gain-of-function research.
The Great Reset’s Official Launch Date is Jan. 25-29 in Davos, Switzerland
(Silviu “Silview” Costinescu) The World Economic Forum has just published what can only be called the official flyer for the coming Davos 2021 meeting of the World Economic Forum leaders, the masterminds behind The Great Reset.