(Zero Hedge) As it turns out, the scandal over Amazon’s Alexa voice-controlled personal assistant recording and sharing private conversations both with hackers and with people on the users’ contact list is much more serious than the company had feared.
NWO Deep State
Former DARPA Exec to Head Shady Facebook Project Called “Building 8” Centered Around Augmented Reality and Brain-scanning Technology
(Ethan Huff) As if things weren’t already bad enough for Mark Zuckerberg’s baby, Facebook (the world’s least trusted company at this point), now they are apparently working on a secret project behind the scenes that has nothing to do with social media, and everything to do with scanning people’s brains as part of a sinister artificial intelligence (AI) endeavor.
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Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide
(Andy Whiteley) Would you be surprised to find a company with the same name as your country registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) in Washington DC?
Family Removes Alexa Devices After a Stranger in Another Town Heard Everything They Were Saying
(Rachel Blevins) “I’m never plugging that device in again because I can’t trust it,” a homeowner said after her Alexa sent an audio recording from inside her home to a stranger.
Newsweek Is The Latest to Warn about Cell Phone Radiation, WiFi, and 5G Technology Causing Harm
(B.N. Frank) What hurts the birds and bees also hurts you and me. That has never not been true.
Secret FBI Program Now Jailing Activists for Speaking Out Against Police Brutality on Facebook
(Jay Syrmopoulos) When militarized FBI agents clad in tactical gear raided the home of Rakem Balogun in December 2017—forcing him and his 15-year-old son outside in their underwear on the cold and windy night as agents ransacked his residence—he thought it had to be a mistake.
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Pepsi Caught Hiding Known Cancer Causing Carcinogenic Chemicals Contained Within Their Products
(Alanna Ketler) Back in 2013, the Center for Environmental Health released test results which uncovered that Pepsi had purposefully covered up high levels of 4-MeI in it’s products. The soft drink giant denied both the presence of this chemical in it’s beverages and the fact that it was dangerous. 4-MeI, short for 4-Methylimidazole is a compound that comes from the “caramel colouring” and is a known carcinogen.
Five So-called “Conspiracy Theories” That Are Actually Supported by Mainstream Science
(Vicki Batts) Telling the truth about a scandal that hasn’t been approved by the legacy media and their owners often yields a predictable result: You’ll be labeled a conspiracy theorist — even when there is plenty of evidence to support the truth. Comfortable lies may help some people sleep at night, but the truth is that many supposed “conspiracy theories” are actually real, and are supported by science. Who would have thought? Here are five truths that are widely misrepresented as conspiracy theories, and the evidence which supports them:
Meet the New Q — Same as the Old Q (Video)
Meet the New Q — Same as the Old Q (Video)
Google Employees Resign In Protest Of Pentagon AI Project
(Jay Syrmopoulos) At least a dozen Google employees have resigned in protest over the company collaborating with the Department of Defense by supplying artificial intelligence for a controversial military pilot program for the DoD known as Project Maven, after thousands of employees signed a letter last month asking the company to cancel the Pentagon contract and institute a policy against working for the military.
The Elephant in the Room: Why Isn’t Anyone Talking About the Link Between Psychiatric Medications and Mass Shootings?
(Ethan Huff) The “March For Our Lives” gun-grabbers have convinced themselves that the only way to stop mass shootings in the United States is to prohibit law-abiding Americans from owning firearms. But what these brainwashed leftists fail (or willfully refuse) to acknowledge is the fact that almost every major shooting incident that’s occurred in recent years is directly tied to the perpetrators’ use of mind-altering pharmaceuticals.
The Rules of The Illuminati, How They Operate & What We Can Do To Stop Them
(Arjun Walia) The Illuminati, never before has one word been so popular among youth and pop culture. Everybody seems to think a number of celebrities, and more, are in a secret society plotting to take over the world. If you are a student of philosophy and the occult (quest for truth), you would probably agree that, […]
Reality Check: The FBI Planted a Spy In the Trump Campaign?
(Ben Swann) Turns out that claim is true. But the story is so much deeper than that.Who that spy has turned out to be, is a man with CIA connections who has inserted himself into presidential campaigns before. And the fact that the DOJ has fought to keep his identity a secret is completely reshaping what we know about the investigation in Russian meddling.
Syrian President Says US Presidents Don’t Control Foreign Policy – The Deep State Does
(John Vibes) In a recent interview with the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that it would be pointless to speak with Donald Trump about the current tensions between his country and the US because the foreign policy is not controlled by the president, but “the deep state,” and that “the president is only one performer in this theater.”
YouTube Strikes Again – ‘Destroying the Illusion’ Channel Deleted after Recent Video Calls Out False Flag – Video and Commentary
(Shem El-Jamal) Recently, by all appearances, the norm among social media platforms is to decide for users what is true and what is not. Anyone who agrees with the mandated beliefs of these platforms are left alone while those who disagree with certain political points face swift reprisal from these media monopolies. If, to you, this […]