(Ivan) A cable released by Wikileaks seems to have confirmed what millions of people around the globe believe for decades: we are not the only “intelligent” lifeforms in the universe.
Advanced (Possibly Extraterrestrial) German Technology From Before WW2
(Arjun Walia) “A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.”
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Tesla’s Electrifying Discovery of Standing Waves (Free Energy) Was Also Illuminated to Walter Russell (Videos)
(Anne) It appears the Creator of this Electric Universe has a strong point to make – standing waves represent the electric potential that covers every speck of space. In other words, the creator’s energy is ever present throughout creation.
Shadow Government Exposed: Underbelly Is Spelled Senior Executive Service
(The Millennium Report) Get to know Senior Executive Services and urge the president to write them and this entire extra-governmental agency out of existence – the whole illegitimate operation, including Robert Mueller’s witch hunt.
Secret Space Program Insider Dr. Pete Peterson, with David Wilcock and Kerry Kassidy (Videos)
Secret Space Program Insider Dr. Pete Peterson, with David Wilcock and Kerry Kassidy (Videos)
Experiential Astrobiology: A New Scientific and Consciousness-Based Approach
(Gorgio Piancenza) Dr. Nathalie Cabrol‘s “Connectivity Network” (a network between disciplines linking space sciences, planetary sciences, life sciences, geosciences, astrobiology, cognitive and mathematical sciences) is a new, good, more integrated step forward from previous SETI approaches.
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Can You Change DNA Copying Errors That Contribute to Cancer, and Other Diseases?
The latest research coming from cell biologists is that even if you eat healthy foods, exercise, and don’t have a family history of cancer, you’re still likely to develop cancer due to DNA copying errors – when the transcription of your genetic material starts to look like a page full of typos rather than an organized combination of phosphates, sugars, and nitrogen bases (adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine) organized into a well written novel of your life. If replication errors in our DNA are the most common cause of cancer and other diseases, what can we do to change this?
Can a Robot (Artificial Intelligence) Have a Soul? Can It Have Consciousness?
The existence of the soul has been written and contemplated on since the beginning of time. The idea that there are multiple components which make up a human being that are non-physical in nature is nothing new. Can we prove the existence of the soul? Not really, but if we look into studies that have been published within the realm of non-material science and quantum physics, it becomes hard to see otherwise.
Ancient Civilization Used Sound Energy to Levitate and Contact Aliens
(Patrick Knox) Archaeological findings suggest previous civilizations used circular structures as energy-generating devices to create man-made portals in time.
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Jordan Maxwell: ET Connection to Secret Space and Religion (Video)
Jordan Maxwell: ET Connection to Secret Space and Religion (Video)
Fast Moving UFO Stuns U.S. Navy Pilots — “What The F— Is That Thing?”
(David Nova) Stunning video captured by U.S. Navy pilots in 2015 shows a mysterious object with “no obvious wings or tails,” and “no exhaust plume” traveling at a high rate of speed over the Atlantic Ocean “very low over the water.”
Jon Rappoport: UFO’s Can Warp Space Time?
(Jon Rappoport) Luis Elizondo, former head of a secret Pentagon program studying UFOs, is now extending his recent remarks about craft witnessed in our skies…
NASA Is Hiding Evidence Of Life On Mars Claims Scientists Who Says Has Evidence
(Ancient Code)Evidence of alien life is being covered up by NASA, according to a researcher from Buckingham University.
More Flying Triangles Photographed Near Orlando, Florida
(Dr. Michael Salla) The five photos in the video below show a flying triangle craft near Orlando, Florida that could both hover and rapidly fly in any direction. The craft could change its color from white as it emerged from clouds, into darker colors as the photos illustrate, suggesting a stealth feature.
Fascinating New DNA Updates On The Potential Alien Body Found In Nazca, Peru
(Arjun Walia) Recently Nazca, Peru has become famous for those who like to peer into the world of unsolved mysteries. Take for example, the Nazca Lines, a series of large ancient geoglyphs ranging in size, with the largest being 1200 feet long.