(Exploring Your Mind) Creativity isn’t only a privilege of the select few. It can be learned and practiced by us all.
How To
Articles and information that tell you how to do things. Such as health guides, meditation guides, discernment guides, law solutions, gardening, and so on.
Can You Really Eat Snow in Survival Situations
(Tim Makay) Cold weather survival offers many challenges compared to other environments, but one of the perks, if you want to call it that, is the abundance of fresh water to be had in the form of snow.
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The Many Benefits Of Starting An Herb Garden
(Sara Tipton) Herbs are great to have on hand, but not just for culinary purposes, although they can make food taste wonderful. Herbs are also important natural remedies and can be used as medicine, especially during a crisis.
Edible Flowers: How to Find & Use Them in Recipes
(Ocean Robbins) Can we agree that many flowers are visually beautiful? We grow them in gardens, give and receive them as gifts (and as promises and apologies), and use them to brighten up our rooms. Many flowers also have heavenly scents that attract us nearly as intensely as the pollinators they’re meant for. (From this category I exclude Amorphophallus titanum, or the “corpse flower,” whose odor has been charitably described as “teenage gym socks.”) But flowers are more than just eye candy and lovely aromas — they also have a culinary tradition dating back to at least 140 BCE.
Don’t Get Rid of the Skin of the Fruit: Apple PEEL Is PACKED With Nutrients Your Body Needs
(Olivia Cook) Apples are among the most consumed fruits in the Western world, although some people don’t like the skin. Apple skin or peels are often discarded due to habit or preference by eaters, while others are worried about consuming potential pesticide residue or the natural wax coating that appears powdery on the peel.
5 Medicinal Mushrooms You Can Grow in Your Home Garden or Forage in Your Backyard
(Dr Leonard Coldwell) Having a home garden is a must for preppers, especially if your goal is to be more self-sufficient. If you want to grow medicinal mushrooms in your garden, read on to learn more. (h/t to TheOrganicPrepper.com)
How to Grow Culinary and Medicinal Mushrooms
(The Organic Prepper) Have you ever thought about growing mushrooms to add to your small-scale food production? You don’t have to buy the fancy kits. You can cultivate both medicinal and culinary mushrooms just about anywhere you happen to live. Apartment? Big city? Out in the boondocks? Mushrooms can be yours and we’ll show you how!
Apartment and Condo Gardening Help You to Bloom Where You’re Planted
(Amy Allen) So you’ve noticed rising food prices and want to grow your own, but you live in an apartment or condo and simply don’t have a yard. You may have a porch or lanai, a window or two, perhaps even a nice wall. Good news! You can still grow a few things. Every little bit will help, right? And apartment and condo gardening are viable options.
The Prepper’s Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms
(The Organic Prepper) You’ve witnessed the decline of the American healthcare system and the constant attacks on American infrastructure and are extremely concerned about how non-stop money printing is going to impact your wallet. You’ve started to look into growing your own mushrooms for food, but you’re also wondering whether medicinal mushrooms have a place within your secret garden.
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Do You Know How to Grow a Secret Garden?
(Aden Tate) It’s been three months now since the US was invaded. A cyberattack took down the lights, and then the military-age men who had been inserted into America months to years prior as “refugees” were finally activated. Secret caches of weapons, night vision, ammunition, and more – scattered across the country in storage units – were distributed to the soldiers overnight.
A Triple-Whammy For Food Prices — How to Prepare For The Worst
(The Gatewat Pundit) Russia just announced it is stopping all wheat exports for the rest of the year.
How to Start Your Day Off Right
(Exploring Your Mind) Starting your morning right can affect the rest of your day. Here are some tips.
Suburban Survival: The Only Guide You Will Need
(Tim Makay) When it comes to discussions of survival, particularly long-term survival, the topic centers around two environments: Urban environments, because they are viewed as particularly difficult and rural environments, because this is the ideal environment to survive it.
How to Stockpile Emergency Toilet Paper
(John Rourke) Not everything we need to acquire as preppers falls into one of the three Bs: bullets, beans and bandages.
What Can You Do RIGHT NOW to Get Better Prepared?
(Daisy Luther) Those paying close attention to the news right now are probably holding their breath, just waiting for the other shoe to drop and drag us all into World War 3. I’d love to be able to say that’s not going to happen, but I have no idea what’s coming next.