(Diana) Alternative treatments to conventional Western medicine may provide helpful and life-changing options for people who are sensitive to medications, or cannot afford big expensive surgeries.
Tantra is More than Just Good Sex, It’s the Art of Spiritualizing Everything in Life | Using Tantra Sex to Increase Sexual Energy and Intimacy
I found this article interesting because it highlights the subtle effects of doing things—in this case watching porn—on our consciousness. These effects can make us feel inadequate and dissatisfied because of they tend to form unconscious beliefs if left unprocessed. This suggests that there is a way to go about life so we feel profoundly satisfied and spiritual nourished. This way is the way of tantra, which is not just about having good sex.
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Physical Pains And Their Metaphysical Meanings
Everything on the Physical plane is a manifestation of something on the Metaphysical plane. When we speak of abundance, what we are really talking about is an abundance of emotional, mental and spiritual energy. We fill ourselves to the brim with these energies and it is the overflow that is manifest on the physical plane.
A Blissful Interview with Dan Winter
Life Force Energy and Electrical Capacitance, Fractal Embedding, Energy, Consciousness, Life and Death, Chi, Emotions, Spirituality, and more Source – Bibliotecapleyades by New Dawn Magazine Dan Winter’s background spans a broad spectrum of disciplines. He graduated with honors at the Jesuit University of Detroit, he pursued graduate studies in psychophysiology, and the origins of languages. He has worked […]
3 of the Best Health Supplements for Chemtrail Protection
(Justin Deschamps) Chemtrails are toxic and they pollute our environment. They can destroy our health, but there are health supplements we can use to protect ourselves.
The Placebo Effect Explained – The Amazing Power of Consciousness | “All is Mind” Mental Entrainment
(Justin Deschamps) Why does the Placebo Effect work? Although modern science has yet to answer this essential question about health, the answer can be found within the ancient schools of thought about the mind, one being Hermeticism.
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Raw Milk: The remarkable health benefits of colostrum
(NaturalNews) Colostrum is the thin fluid produced by breastfeeding mothers. It is produced in abundance during the very first few milkings, and with each milking, less is produced. Colostrum introduces immunoglobulins from the mother to the infant and turns on the child’s immune system. Colostrum has incredible immune-balancing benefits