Two major issues coalescing in our world at this present moment is that of the coming gold standard/gold-backed global monetary system and the troubling prevalence of digital censorship. […]
From Lockdowns to ‘the Great Reset’ — Combining Social Credit and Universal Basic Income
(Waking Times) The lockdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the implementation of long-held plans to establish a so-called new world order. Under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF), global policymakers are advocating for a “Great Reset” with the intent of creating a global technocracy. It is not by coincidence that on October 18, 2019, in New York City the WEF participated in “Event 201” at the “high-level” pandemic exercise organized by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security.
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The American Revolution: When the Bankers Destroyed the Economy – History Repeating Itself?
(William Guy Carr) In order to understand how men who obtained control of the Bank of England, and the British National Debt, also obtained control of the trade and commerce, and the monetary system of Britain’s American colonies, it will be sufficient if we pick up the threads of the story at the time Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) went over to England to represent the interests of the men who had been associated with him in building up the prosperity of the American Colonies.
Yelp: Over 50% of Restaurants Temporarily Closed Are Now Permanently Closed
The number of permanently closed business is surging across America and no major media outlet is sounding the alarm. These are lives ruined, jobs lost, bankruptcies entered, life savings lost and families broken apart. ⁃ Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood
Big Tech Firms Enjoy “Monopoly Power”, Should Be “Heavily Regulated”: House Judiciary Chair
(Zero Hedge) Big tech CEOs took a beating from both sides on Wednesday, with Democrats on the House Judiciary antitrust subcommittee hammering the heads of Facebook, Amazon, Google and Apple over anti-competitive conduct, and Republicans on the committee focusing on bias against conservatives.
Gold, Silver and the Federal Reserve: a Transitioning Economy
While the world is currently filled with no shortage of crises that hold our daily attention, something even bigger than most folks can even imagine has been taking place in the background. The current Administration, in tandem with countless others, has taken the bull by the horns and nationalized the Federal Reserve banking system, essentially neutering the central bank cartel.
The Gold and Silver Markets Have Changed … What About You?
(David Smith) We tend to spend a lot of time looking into the rearview mirror, especially when under duress.
World Economic Forum: The Institution Behind “The Great Reset”
(Steven Guinness) In a recent article I briefly examined a number of advances that global planners made prior to the World Economic Forum’s announcement in June of a new initiative dubbed ‘The Great Reset‘. Taken together, the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Bank for International Settlement’s ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ offer an insight into how elites want to turn the lives of every man, woman and child inside out over the course of the next decade.
Is The Nationwide Coin Shortage Being Used To Push Us Toward A Cashless Society?
(Michael Snyder) The coin shortage in the United States is becoming quite severe, and a lot of people are deeply concerned about where this might be leading us. But if you don’t run a business or deal with coins on a regular basis, you may not even know that it is happening.
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Wuhan FAKE GOLD Scandal: China’s Overvalued Economy, COVID-19, and Ghost Cities
(Joseph P. Farrell) Well, now you can add gold fraud to the Wuhan woes coming from Communist China, and that at a time when the global economy is still reeling from the Wuhan media-driven hysteria and lockdownsm, and at a time that America is reeling from rioting and “alternative shopping” (looting), whose geopolitical consequences are already beginning to ripple around the world. (I discussed that geopolitical ripple effect briefly in the Solari quarterly wrap up just recently recorded, which will be out soon). C.S. spotted this story over at ZeroHedge and shared it, and it is a whopper doozie:
Documentary on $100 Trillion Stolen By Wall Street, Recoverable by Trump
Former CIA spy Robert David Steele teamed up with numerous Wall Street insiders, attorney’s and financial experts to put together a documentary that exposes a practice by Wall Street known as Naked Short Selling. This process is done to intentionally steal money from companies and bankrupt them. Firms have been able to document at least […]
Globalists Just Revealed That The ‘Great Economic Reset’ Is Scheduled for 2021
(Brandon Smith) For those not familiar with the phrase “global economic reset”, it is one that has been used ever increasingly by elitists in the central banking world for several years. I first heard it referenced by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF at the time, in 2014. The reset is often mentioned in the same breath as ideas like “the New Multilateralism” or “the Multipolar World Order” or “the New World Order”. All of these phrases mean essentially the same thing.
Americans Have Already Skipped Payments On More Than 100 Million Loans, And Job Losses Continue To Escalate
(Michael Snyder) Those that have been hoping for some sort of a “V-shaped recovery” have had their hopes completely dashed. U.S. workers continue to lose jobs at a staggering rate, and economic activity continues to remain at deeply suppressed levels all over the nation. Of course this wasn’t supposed to happen now that states have been “reopening” their economies. We were told that things would soon be getting back to normal and that the economic numbers would rebound dramatically. But that is not happening. In fact, the number of Americans that filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week was much higher than expected…
Retail Sales Jump Nearly 20% In May, Economy Shows Signs Of Resurgence
(Emily Zanotti) Retail sales had an incredible rebound in May, according to economic experts, charging up 17.7% as stores and other businesses reopened following coronavirus-related lockdowns.
Change is Coming, The Great Awakening is Happening
(Humans Are Free) In a recent interview with Claudio Grass on the X22 spotlight YouTube channel, Grass says change is coming whether we like it or not.