I am sharing this article from Ken of Redefining God—as always—for your consideration.
He has many views and conclusions that are contrasted by those accepted by the awakening community. As such, reviewing his perspectives helps expand our own vision and facilitates greater discernment and comprehension.
Note: This is clearly marked in the About Us section of SITS, yet when posting these updates from Ken, I often receive feedback from readers who assume I wrote the article or that I am endorsing his views.
To be clear, I share information and data on this site from many different sources, and in some cases, there are conflicts with the information. Sometimes the articles are sensational or antagonistic but that doesn’t mean I personal support what is being said.
My goal is not to claim these items as true, merely to offer them for consideration—to think about them which stimulates consciousness and inspiration.
This being said the reader should not assume anything hosted on this site is my belief.
I can sometimes offer commentary in green but even this does not fully account for what I am personally concluding in relation to content shared on this site. And frankly, what I believe or think has no bearing on how you—the reader—processes and absorbs information. In short, ignore the messenger, focus on and think about the message.
In my understanding, the act of thinking about something is the process of expanding consciousness to further individual evolution. Whether or not the thing contemplated is reflective of reality isn’t as important as the act of considering it.
Meditate on the idea that a fable, myth or parable need not be true in order to impart wisdom. In this way, reviewing opposing perspectives is often a powerful way to gain greater clarity and insight into what we think is true; or it helps us let go of false beliefs we maintain because of our attachment to them.
by Ken, February 25th, 2017
Now that we’re approaching the first implementation window for the globalists’ 2017 script – which begins on March 15 – it’s time to have a look at the preparations they’ve made for the big show. And looking at those preparations, three things really stand out…
1) The Coup/Counter-Coup contingency has been kept alive, and Trump has been painted as a man surrounded by (“Western globalist”) enemies who are ready to pounce.
2) An American aircraft carrier has been deployed to the South China Sea. This provides the globalists with a standing opportunity to start the fireworks between Trump and China. Will the supposed coup-plotters make their move when a potentially war-provoking incident occurs (under the justification of “this madman Trump is going to get us in a war with China”)?
3) The Pentagon plan for defeating ISIS will be released in draft form on Monday. If it calls for the intervention of substantial American ground forces, will Trump’s reluctance to carry it out be attributed to his “Russian ties”? Will it be used as another justification for the coup?
And getting back to the question and picture at the top, will the globalists reignite the Syria war contingency and the End Times script by writing Trump out of the script as “Vindex”?
Vindex, a Roman governor who “had a passionate love for freedom and a vast ambition,” led a rebellion against the wicked Emperor Nero and was defeated and died. Should they decide to dust off the old Roman script for Trump, there is no more appropriate time than the Ides of March to get things started.
I will expand and enhance this entry over the next few days.
More to come and much love…
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
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