You can see previous updates here…Globalist Agenda Watch.
I came across this article on NewsX today. Have a look at what it says…
…(IANS is the Indo-Asian News Service, and here is info on NewsX)
…(IANS is the Indo-Asian News Service, and here is info on NewsX)
If you are a longtime reader of this blog, you’ll recall that I covered this subject in Update 17B:Debunking the phony “BRICS Bank versus World Bank/IMF” conflict. In that entry, we looked at an internal UN document that talked about the BRICS Bank as “a dream coming true”…
…which filled “gaps in the Southern Financial Architecture.” Since the IMF is part of the UN Complex, that pretty well ruled out any real conflict between the IMF and the BRICS Bank. Talk of the BRICS Bank being at odds with the IMF is pure propaganda used to support the phony East vs. West dialectic. You will find such bullsh*t all over the mainstream and alternative media, but you can also find the truth if you look hard enough.
…which filled “gaps in the Southern Financial Architecture.” Since the IMF is part of the UN Complex, that pretty well ruled out any real conflict between the IMF and the BRICS Bank. Talk of the BRICS Bank being at odds with the IMF is pure propaganda used to support the phony East vs. West dialectic. You will find such bullsh*t all over the mainstream and alternative media, but you can also find the truth if you look hard enough.
Speaking of the phony East vs. West dialectic, I will be appending the completed version of “The Two NWOs” to this entry today…
The Two NWOs
The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making sense.
> The Western-fronted decoy NWO
This evil, menacing NWO is supposedly being constructed by the US and the EU, but it has never really existed as anything but a media construct. It is much like the fake army of inflatable tanks that Patton “commanded” prior to the Normandy invasion; there is no real substance to it. It was created as a propaganda prop to serve as the “dark side” in the play the globalists are putting on for the public. They even gave it a dark-skinned figurehead for dramatic flair…
When you listen to the many faux-truthers in the alternative press, it is this decoy NWO to which they point as they make their fearful predictions in order to create an emotional reaction within their viewers/readers/listeners. They portray it as an evil Zionist/Nazi/Neocon monster that is destroying the world and bringing humanity to the brink of World War 3. This is being done so the public will welcome the real NWO when it makes its move, defeats the decoy, and snatches peace from the jaws of war.
Another function of the Western decoy is to serve as the scapegoat for all the damage that was done while the globalists were erecting the real NWO. By blaming the Western NWO for all the evils we’ve seen for the past 100+ years – and then getting rid of it — they are hoping the real NWO will start with a clean slate in the public eye.
You will know you’re listening to a controlled-opposition / faux-truther figure talk about the decoy NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “uni-“…
Of course, you’ll know they’re talking about the decoy also when they use the terms “Westernelite,” “Nazis,” “Zionists,” and “Neocons” when identifying its builders.
> The BRICS-fronted real New World Order
The emerging United Nations-based, BRICS-fronted New World Order is the REAL NWO the globalists have been working towards since the last vestiges of the Old World Order fell after World War 2…
…(from The Moscow Times)
…(from The Moscow Times)
This BRICS-fronted New World Order is nothing more than the old United Nations Complex with a phony “under new management” sign hanging in front. You will know that a commentator is talking about this REAL NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “multi-“…
This being said, you don’t have to take my word for all this. Look for yourself. Just visit the websites of the IMF and the BIS and enter the following words, one-at-a-time, into their search boxes: “multilateral,” “multipolar,” “unilateral,” and “unipolar.” If you do this and scan through the results you get, you’ll see scores of internal speeches and papers talking about moving towards a multilateral/multipolar world and away from a unilateral/unipolar world. You’ll find virtually nothing on their sites that talks about moving towards a global order ruled by a hegemonic US. That was never the globalists’ real plan.
To learn more about who the globalists really are and what the Old World Order, Interim World Order, and New World Order are, continue reading…
For the previous updates from this series, click here.
Much love…
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