I do not have an insider or direct source for the meanings below. This is my interpretation of the update, based on extrapolation and contextual usage of the terms. Please comment below if interested, I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on this material.
Possible Meanings – “Firestorms of Gaia energetics dissolve firewalls of obscuration.” – An obscuration is a thing not discovered or known about – obscured from perception. Given the nature of Gaia Portal updates, and the mechanics of perception, things that are obscured from one’s view is due to lack of knowledge to see it for what it is. Like the knowledge of a language allows one to decode written symbols into meaning, the whole of reality is symbolic and can only be decoded once an accurate representation of the relationships are reflected in the mind. Perception and recognition, in this sense, is like the quality of an image, the less knowledge we have, the lower the resolution. Firestorms suggests the fire of consciousness, like that which is infused into the earth due to solar activity, and is dissolving firewalls of obscuration.
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I could write a whole paper on the relationships described in this statement. Briefly, conscious awareness, the ability to receive data streams from the environment via the receiver of the body is directly related to Electromagnetic interactions. This is not a contrasting point of view to that of other popularized concepts of interconnectedness. The material reality is a ‘condensed’ form of ‘spiritual essence,’ awareness as it functions within the body is part and parcel with the super material consciousness realms. As EM coherence increases due to solar activity, the resulting bodies of the earths population are increased in their reality sensitivity due to entrainment. Free will stands as the gatekeeper to ascending degrees of consciousness, and one’s desire to be ignorant is literally a firewall of obscuration. The choice to ignore reality must be met with a series of mental constructs to defend against the heightened awareness, but eventually the walls of ignorance break down and there is a massive ‘slingshot’ effect on consciousness, usually highly charged emotions, and if unwanted by the personality, results in trauma.
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One of the clearest examples of this is the Vaccination “red pill.” Many people blindly believe the pseudo science of vaccination, and dole out suffering on themselves and their loved ones, the truth about this is rejected as a matter of survival of the egocentric personality. But once vaccination truth is accepted, a massive wave of emotional charge sweeps over the individual, usually causing a depressive episode (the grieving response) as the realization of moral culpability is accepted. Thankfully, this is the “karma” of our own making, and the only thing that makes it difficult, is our resistance to accept what is, and the reality of our actions and beliefs.
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“Light ampplitudes increase exponentially.” – An amplitude is the ‘volume’ or intensity of a wave. For example, a low amplitude sound wave is quiet, whereas a high amplitude sound wave is loud. The spelling used here includes an extra “p” (ampplitudes) but I do not ascribe any particular meaning to this discrepancy. The term light is often used to symbolize awareness and truth reception. Taking all this into account, the statement harmonizes with the above analysis, suggesting awareness and truth reception is increasing at an exponential rate; doubling in intensity as each unit of measure moves along. Walls of ignorance are sure to break down as time goes on.
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“The Flowering begins.” – The flowering begins suggests that an outward expression is happening. Flowering is one phase of personality expression, first we have growth and development (inner explosion due to perfect implosive forces from the outside), then personality discovery of inner looking, finally an outward expression of sharing as a result of the compression of inner looking. Truth response has this effect. For example, when we are exposed to novel information, this causes a sharp reflection period, going within to contemplate the offered idea to see if it is true, then we express the resulting conclusion. 9/11 to an unawakened person is a major seed of truth, which once received causes this looking inward, a compression as Bashar calls it, which once completed flowers outward, the nature of which is dependent on the choice of acceptance or denial. Acceptance causes a reaction of “wanting to know more” denial causes a defensive reaction of “saying its all bull shit”. In either case the mechanic is exemplified. Novel data and experience ALWAYS causes an inward flow of consciousness which is then flowered or expressed outwardly due to the personality transformation or response to the new data. Reality creates an inescapable response within the developing personality, dependent on the free will choice of acceptance vs denial.
Firestorms of Gaia energetics dissolve firewalls of obscuration.
Hue-manity and hu-manity complete necessary processes for removal of blinders.
Higher Assistance compels the ultimate sacrifices from egoic humanity.
Inner freedom notes are heard and expressed.
Light ampplitudes increase exponentially.
Gaia communities revise prior pathways.
The Flowering begins.
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