I do not have an insider or direct source for the meanings below. This is my interpretation of the update, based on extrapolation and contextual usage of the terms. Please comment below if interested, I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on this material.
Possible Meanings –“Long-term constabularies have taken form in Gaia Energetic grid.” – A constabulary is an armed police force organized as a military unit, which we differentiate from a militia, which is a well armed and trained force comprised of the free people themselves. On earth there are Constabularies everywhere, most police and justice keeping agencies are private corporate bodies – a standing army – which enforces the slave policies of every nation on earth. However, given the context of the full statement, and in relation to last week’s update, it is suggested that a force of “light warriors” is gathering on Gaia. This concept of a morality active and righteous being is reflected in many works, especially alchemy and contemporary mysticism. Essentially, as an individual expands their knowledge of self and the universe (the major and minor arcana) they develop the sight of interconnectedness – the recognition that our actions affect other things and beings – driving us to act harmoniously and to defend the rights of others when we observe violence. This concept is echo’d in the writings of the founding fathers of the USA, who used Natural Law Princpes as the bedrock of developing their vision for an enlightened society. As Hue-manity further grounds itself into Gaia, a body of Spiritual Warriors will come to the aid of the down troden, and help lift them out of their disempowered state of consciousness.
Long-term constabularies have taken form in Gaia Energetic grid.
“Force” fields of Peace are strengthening concomitantly.
Fendings of Higher Aligned Spirit workers is ended.
Placements of planetary flight paths nears completion.
Arcs of Connection are finished.
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