FYI – From now on, the full Fulford report will be posted after a full 3 days from the original release, now usually on Thursday.
Benjamin Fulford’s report from May the 9th 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report.
Xi Jinping also got into trouble in China because he accepted a knighthood from the Belgian royal family when he visited Brussels at the end of March, 2014. Certainly it appears as if Xi did not understand that becoming a knight, no matter how honorable the title seems, means acknowledging that he is a vassal of the Belgian King. Furthermore, the knighthood was of the “Order of Leopold,” associated with King Leopold, the genocidal butcher of the Congo.
The other interesting information this source had was that the Chinese military command was undergoing a fundamental realignment. The Chinese military was going to be divided into 5 commands: Southern, Northern, Eastern, Western and Central. There were also discussions underway about moving the capital of China away from parched Beijing, he said.
Yet another source to contact the WDS last week was Seungshick Zang, a claimant to the Manchu dynasty’s historical gold treasures. Zang says he recently survived an assassination attempt by agents sent by South Korean President Park Geun-hye. Zang says he has a refugee hearing with the Tokyo Immigration Bureau on May 12th where he will argue that if he is sent back to South Korea he is sure to be killed by Park because her faction wants to usurp his claim on the Manchu gold. However, the Chinese government official who introduced Zang to this writer now claims he is a con artist.
In Japan, meanwhile, there is a consensus among backroom power brokers that Prime Minister Abe and his Kyushu clique must go. However, there is still no consensus on who to replace him so, like Obama in the US, Abe will continue as the face of Japanese power for now even as his scriptwriters change. For one thing, the TPP trade deal negotiated in part by Abe is going nowhere under the new regime.
Benjamin Fulford – May 9th 2016: Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China
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