Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 4th of January has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report.
This post is merely to serve as a notice that the original post has been updated. In the above link, scroll down to where it says:
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
The Russians, for their part, are seriously thinking of a major land invasion of Turkey and Saudi Arabia as a way of permanently ending the radical Islamic heresy and the never ending terror it produces, according to Russian FSB sources. The Russian Orthodox Church, the real power in Russia now, is endorsing such a holy war as necessary for the defense of Christianity as well as of true Islam. Since the United States armed forces will not fight Russia to defend the current Turkish regime, Nato will not be an obstacle to such a move.
There is also a very successful takedown of Khazarian proxies taking place in Libya and Nigeria. In Nigeria, the US military has helped local forces defeat Boko Haram. The name “Boko Haram,” by the way, means “books are forbidden,” which tells you what kind of people these are.
In South America as well, a manhunt is under way for Bush/Clinton narcotics henchman “El Chapo.” This is part of the ongoing campaign to cut off all the drug money that has supported Khazarian Mafiosi and their mega-banks.
Brazil has also woken up to the dangers posed by the Khazarians and cancelled a $2.2 billion dollar deal it has made with an Israeli firm to provide security for the Olympics. The company involved, International Security and Defense Systems, has been associated with the death squads of South American dictatorships. The Brazilians are also fully aware that it was an Israeli firm, Magna BSP, that was complicit in the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan.
Benjamin Fulford – January 4th 2016: A concerted push is under way to end Khazarian mafia rule this year
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