Benjamin Fulford’s report from Monday the 7th of December has been updated with the full article. Click here to read the full report.
Below is a brief preview of the remaining portion of the update.
[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]
There is also a bank run going on in Israeli ally Saudi Arabia in reaction to Yemeni troops entering that country and surrounding the towns of Najran and Jizan near the Yemeni border.
The German government has now also joined the Russians and the Pentagon as they openly moved against the Khazarians by publicly accusing the Saudi Arabians of being among the world’s leading exporters of terror.
Meanwhile Russia has made big moves against Khazarian proxy forces in Azerbaijan, according to the Pentagon sources. An Azerbaijani oil rig was set on fire last week fire to stop a flow of oil to Israel that it was using to finance arms export to the Azerbaijanian capital Baku. Russia has also deployed missiles in Armenia to “ground the two secret Israeli drone/airbases in Azerbaijan,” they said. “The message is Shia-majority Azerbaijan must dump Israel, accept bear hug, stop Shia crackdown, make nice with Iran or else,” one of them said.
Turkey has now reacted by sending troops into Iraq and openly allying itself with the Sunni Muslims in that country. Sources in contact with Nouri al-Maliki, until recently President of Iraq, say Maliki believes there is a secret US/Turkish deal to split Iraq. Al-Maliki believes ISIS is out of control and the US can do nothing to stop it, the sources said.
Other sources say Turkey’s regime is simply moving into the power vacuum that exists in Iraq and is developing in Saudi Arabia in an effort the stop what it views as a Persian offensive in the region. So, as mentioned above, we have a war between the Ottoman Empire and its allies and the Persian Empire and its allies. Right now, the smart money is on the Persians.
However, now that the Turks realize NATO is not going to fight Russia on their behalf, you can be sure they are secretly negotiating with Russia and the Pentagon in the hopes of saving themselves from disaster. The US military has already made it very clear it is unwilling to protect Israel which means that country will be at the mercy of Turkey, Iran and, most of all, Russia.
Benjamin Fulford – December 7th 2015: Persian, Ottoman empires collide as big Middle Eastern oil fight rages on
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