Benjamin Fulford’s report from April the 18th 2016 has been updated. Click here to read the full report.
The US military is also actively working to create a new government issued US dollar backed with silver and Asian gold to keep the US economy running after the collapse of the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery banking system, WDS sources say.
The situation is not much better in Europe. The IMF publicly stated last week the European banks have 900 billion Euros worth of bad debt and that they could no longer postpone dealing with it. It is a pretty good guess the real bad debt numbers are far worse than what the IMF is willing to admit. In other words, many of the top European banks are also probably bankrupt. Barclays, Deutschebank, Credit Suisse and UBS are being scrutinized by regulators to see if they are solvent, Russian sources say.
This may be why the Khazarian mafia oligarchs have suddenly launched campaigns in the US and Europe to close offshore tax havens and force or lure the world’s $31 trillion in offshore money into Europe or the US where they can confiscate it and stave off bankruptcy. CIA sources say the Rothschilds have already managed to lure “trillions” of dollars into Reno, Nevada with this cockroach motel scam. You can be sure it is not their own offshore money they plan to repatriate.
Some money that is sure to be confiscated is Saudi Arabia’s US dollar denominated holdings. Last week there were corporate propaganda media reports that Saudi Arabia would sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of its US assets and treasury bonds if the US government released the 28 secret pages of the 911 report or if it allowed families of victims of 911 to sue Saudi Arabia.
Benjamin Fulford – April 18th 2016: Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership promise to “make the earth tremble”
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