(Joseph P. Farrell) For quite some time I’ve had the wild idea that our habits of thinking about physical systems are all wrong, namely, that we tend to think of every system as a kind of closed phenomenon, having no impact or influence upon other systems. It’s out human habit: to analyze something we tend to break it off from the context in which it occurs, rather than look at the context itself as a contributing factor to the phenomenon or phenomena we wish to analyze. Systems are usually open systems rather than closed ones, interacting with other systems that might not even be “local” in the conventional sense. I’m by no means alone in this view: the internet has been alive with amateur “systems watchers” for some time, trying to correlate data from a variety of systems to see if patterns emerge, say for example, severe weather or geophysical activity coordinated to when HAARP or EISCAT or other ionopsheric heaters are active; others look at strange magnetosphere effects and try to correlate these to the operations of Cern’s Large Hadron Collider, and so on. I’ve gone so far as to propose that one should look at aggregate human behavior – and even memories – and try to correlate these to some of these other systems like the collider and so on, or that one should look carefully at planetary events as part of the larger system of the Earth-Sun system.
Related: What’s Up Down There in Antarctica? — Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Update
Source – Giza Death Star
by Joseph P. Farrell, October 10th, 2017
For those who have suspected that the ecosystem in which we live is much more complex than the nightly weather report, the abstract and opening paragraph of this paper will be “good” news:
Abstract: The Sun’s polar magnetic fields modulate many aspects of space weather and the local space environment. The magnetism of the solar polar fields (SPF), as measured by the Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO), have been studied and compared with the large magnitude earthquake record from the United States Geological Survey. The time period covers the 38 years (+13,600 days) that the WSO has collected the SPF data, up to January 2014. This study reveals a dependence of M8.0+ seismicity on the oscillations of the SPF; the extremes in magnetism of the polar fields, and their polarity reversals, may be modulating the largest earthquakes on the planet.
space weather, solar polar magnetic fields, piezoelectricity, global electric circuit, magnetic fields, M8+, largest earthquakes
The solar polar fields are a significant electromagnetic factor in space weather and the ambient environment of the inner heliosphere. To think of space as an empty vacuum does not adequately represent the scope of interaction between the Earth and Sun. The Earth orbits in an electric field of charged solar wind particles, bathed in varying levels of x-ray and extreme ultraviolet radiation, and connected directly to the Sun through the interplanetary magnetic fields. Scientists have been trying to correlate solar activity with seismicity for decades, but focus has centered on sunspots, solar flares and geomagnetic indices. Rather than studying the space weather mitigated by earth’s magnetosphere we studied the interplanetary magnetic fields of the Sun’s poles. The magnetosphere is known to open up to these magnetic portals to the Sun (Phillips, 2008) every few minutes, and have effects on a much larger scale than single space weather events. The solar polar field fluctuations appear to modulate the occurrences of the Earth’s largest seismic events. (All emphases added)
There you have it: there is a coupling, a magnetic resonance if you will, that occurs between the Earth and the Sun as a natural events “every few minutes,” and if conditions are right during the periods that those “portals” or resonance conditions are established, earthquakes can result on the Earth… very strong earthquakes. And that suggests in turn that there are geophysical processes behind earthquakes that are matters of magnetism and not just “plate tectonics.” The authors of the paper suggest that this magnetic stress interacts with tectonic stress to produce massive earthquakes:
For the extremes in magnetism, the strength of the peaks alters the length of the Significant Window, where the strongest peaks have slightly longer windows than other peaks. Some extreme periods in SPF magnetism have multiple peaks/troughs, during which times the Significant Windows were split and shared by the peaks in force. The time periods around the peaks in solar polar magnetism should be the times when the polar fields affect Earth the most, and therefore are logical factors in Significant Windows.
So what’s the high octane speculation here? It seems all rather straightforward, and indeed, it is. But let’s put this into the context that I suggested in 2014 at the secret space program conference in San Mateo, California. If one is the national security establishment, confronted by a raft of UFOs doing very strange and bizarre things, like hovering around major nuclear weapons research and launch facilities, and turning off (or on!) flights of ICBMs, then one has a whopper of a national security problem. And if one further employs the thinking of Russian astrophysicist Kardashev, who posited certain types of extraterrestrial civilizations based upon their energy requirements – a Type I requiring the energy of an entire planet, a Type II employing the energy of an entire star, and a Type III requiring the energy of an entire galaxy – then one would be thinking that at the minimum one might be being confronted by a civilization of the first two types (a type III simply wouldn’t even be interested in us). How would one be able to resort to a bit of “gunboat diplomacy” to convince whomever not to tangle with humanity? One would, I argued, have to resort to the “Farrell Corollaries” to the Kardashev scale: one would have to demonstrate a primitive capability to engineer systems of a planetary and of a stellar scale, to demonstrate an ability to weaponize them if need be. It is a kind of “interplanetary” MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) doctrine.
This view, admittedly, does have some holes, but given the US Military’s doctrine of “Full Spectrum Dominance”, I believe this is exactly what has happened; the planet, and the sun, may have been weaponized, for if resonance effects of the two bodies’ magnetic fields occur naturally, then they might equally be induced by engineering the Earth’s magnetosphere. Granted that this is after all high octane speculation, how might one do this? A variety of technologies already exist for doing so: ionospheric heaters, and of course the extraordinarily powerful magnetic fields of large particle accelerators, like CERN’s hadron collider. That view of course requires the implicit implication that that instrument is about much more than particle physics, and I’ve entertained that idea in a few interviews and in a book. Such a hypothetical potential might explain why China wants to build its own version, and now there is talk of an “upgrade” to the LHC. But whether or not these technologies are indeed the mechanisms of such manipulation, this paper at least raises all these speculations into the realm of possibility.
See you on the flip side…
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza DeathStar, for which the Giza Community is named, was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into “alternative history and science”.
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