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by Justin Deschamps
Consciousness is the image-generating, experience-processing, meaning-exploring aspect of being. Awareness funnels through the pathways of the body and mind forming structures of a physical and metaphysical nature, such as sensations, feelings, and meanings. Through the principle of reflectivity or correspondence, what is experienced with the physical body is mirrored as sensations in the hindbrain or reptilian neurology. This forms the raw data set needed by the emotive mind and limbic brain to produce emotions and feelings. The forebrain or the neocortex is where abstract and intellectual thought, as well as internal image generation and processing, takes place.
The three brain centers act like a triune network of biological computers, processing external and internal stimuli, generating emotions and meanings. Understanding how this inner and outer flow of information shapes what we experience is essential so as to reclaim control over the physical body and its systems. The conductor of the body and its reflectivity mechanisms, when not properly balanced and harmonized, creates a cacophony instead of a symphony. Thus, in order to “rewire” your brain for compassion—or anything else—one must learn and use the power of intention to imagine ourselves doing the things we aspire to do, filling these images with detail and emotion that imprints on to the biological system, forming new habits and programs of behavior.
In the following Ted Talk, Dr. Joe Dispenza reveals how data is processed and stored in the physical body by way of the three-brain system. He details how it is possible to be overwhelmed by past programming as well has what can be done to change for the better. The techniques are simple but require dedication and persistence—repeating the process over and over again. The more completely one focuses on the inner work of changing their consciousness the more readily the body accepts the new programming.
The Flow of Information from Within and Without
Stimulation can come from within or without. Physical sensations received by the body’s various sensory systems, like the smell receptors in the nose, or touch receptors on the skin, flow through the central nervous system into the hindbrain for image processing. This is where reflex responses originate—after a behavior has been repeated many times, the conscious mind is no longer needed to set it into motion. This can be beneficial when performing repeated tasks or training the body to do things like walk, run, play an instrument or type on a computer. This way, when a situation is encountered that we’ve already developed a skill to deal with, the body can spring into action automatically. However, what if there are behaviors we don’t want to continue, but we’ve repeated for one reason or another—like fingernail biting? The ability to train and re-write the automatic brain, the storehouse of our acquired subconscious skills, is what is needed to gain freedom from habits that no longer serve.
The limbic brain is responsible for creating emotional images and feelings that represent a type of homogenized imprint of an internal or external data set. That is to say, if we burned our hand on a hot stove at some point in our lives, just seeing a hot oven again might trigger an emotional response of anxiety—an example of external emotional stimulation. Internal stimulation comes from the inner imaging center of the neocortex, where imagination takes flight. If someone is describing an experience of burning their hand on a stove, this would be imagined in the forebrain and that image triggers an emotional response. Thus, emotive responses can be formed from either inner or outer stimuli. And just like a reflex, these images can produce automated responses in the hindbrain, an extreme example of which is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, wherein an inner (or outer) stimulus triggers a crippling fear response.
Related How to Free Yourself From Subconscious Programming And Access Your Psychic Ability to Read Minds
The neocortex or forebrain is where the conscious mind and free will are the most powerful. It is in the conscious mind where the work of rewiring is done. Here is where meanings, impressions, insights and intuitions are received and examined, and subsequent reactions are produced. The conscious mind is where images can be conjured via an act of will, where we can invoke new states of consciousness that imprint onto the other brain centers, literally rewiring the storehouse of automated responses.
As Dr. Dispenza shows in the below video, when we visualize how we want to react to a situation, and make that image as complete and detailed as possible, neural patterns in the brain are altered. The more we practice this technique the more efficient it becomes, and eventually almost everything can be re-written. That feeling of disgust when smelling something unpleasant can become a feeling of appreciation. That anxiety when facing a situation we fear can become a feeling of excitement to explore the unknown. That hatred we feel for someone who hurt us in the past can be transformed into compassion and forgiveness. In doing so, the body becomes a transmitter of coherent energy, wherein the indwelling consciousness feels more at ease and empowered, and the outer world is organized and uplifted.
Dr. Dispenza says that when done properly, a person can use their emotional processes to retrain the body using the power of epigenetics. This is done by holding a coherent or well-defined image within the mind so that it produces an emotional response. That response will translate into a biochemical soup that flows through the body, altering the conditions around a cell such that an alteration of one’s genetic expression takes place. Not only can emotional healing and empowerment take place, but severe diseases such as cancer can be affected and even cured. The same principle is at work with energetic techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programing and Emotional Freedom Technique.
Buy Books:
- Neuro-Linguistic Programing for Spiritual Growth: Combining Psychology with Spirituality
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Through The Chakras
Whether one is seeking to simply heal past trauma, live a happier life, or become a powerful healing force for stabilizing energy fields of others and the Earth, rewiring one’s biology for positive states of being—coherently organized and energetically balanced—is an essential skill to learn.
Related Light Workers and The Lost Art of Transmuting Fear into Love — The Path of Love vs. Path of Fear
Books and CDs by Dr. Joe Dispenza:
- Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
- You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter
- Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind
- Meditations for Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: Revised Edition
Published on Feb 8, 2013
Dr Joe Dispenza, D.C., studied biochemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J. He has a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience and also received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating magna cum laude.
Over the last 10 years, Dr. Dispenza has lectured in over 17 different countries on six continents educating people about the role and function of the human brain.
His approach, taught in a very simple method, creates a bridge between true human potential and the latest scientific theories of neuroplasticity. He explains how thinking in new ways, as well as changing beliefs, can literally rewire one’s brain. The premise of his work is founded in his total conviction that every person on this planet has within them, the latent potential of greatness and true unlimited abilities.
His new book, Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind connects the subjects of thought and consciousness with the brain, the mind, and the body. The book explores “the biology of change.” That is, when we truly change our mind, there is a physical evidence of change in the brain.
As an author of several scientific articles on the close relationship between the brain and the body, Dr. Dispenza ties information together to explain the roles these functions play in physical health and disease.
In his research into spontaneous remissions, Dr. Dispenza has found similarities in people who have experienced so-called miraculous healings, showing that they have actually changed their mind, which then changed their health.
One of the scientists, researchers, and teachers featured in the award winning film, “What the BLEEP Do We Know!?” Dr. Dispenza is often remembered for his comments on how a person can create their day, which he discussed in the film. He also has guest appearances in the theatrical directors cut, “What the BLEEP Down the Rabbit Hole.. as well as the extended Quantum Edition DVD set.
To find out more information on Joe Dispenza goto…
About The Author
Justin Deschamps is a truth seeker inspired by philosophy and the love of wisdom in all its forms. He was formally trained in physics and psychology, later discovering the spiritual basis of reality and the interconnected nature of all things. He strives to find the path of truth while also walking it himself, sharing what he knows with others so as to facilitate cooperative change for a better future. He is a student of all and a teacher to some. Follow on Twitter @sitsshow, Facebook Stillness in the Storm, and steemit @justin-sits.
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