Here’s a fun article that helps remind us personal verification of a belief is essential.
All too often we accept ideas from the media, government and our peers at their face value, usually due to social pressure, because ‘everyone else says it is true.’ But when we investigate something ourselves, we’re sometimes surprised at what we find. And in this age of deception, we find ourselves in, usually what we thought was truth ends up looking much different than what we initially conceived of.
“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
― Søren Kierkegaard
1. Jesus Was Not A White Guy With Long Flowing Locks.

2. The Pyramids At Giza Were Originally White.

3. The Statue Of Liberty Was Modeled After The Colossus Of Rhodes.
4. Velociraptors Had Feathers.

5. The Ancients Knew The Earth Was Round.
6. Ninjas Looked Like Average Folk.

7. Greek Statues Were Once Brightly Painted.

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