We tend to believe we need external human authority; we want someone else to speak for us (representational politics), to think for us (scientific method), to make decisions for us (public policy). We are so accustomed to the “system” that we can hardly imagine life without it. As much as we say we want to return to Common Law, we risk sabotaging our freedom unless we individually and consciously decide what law form we will adopt for ourselves. And the time to do this is NOW.
So what does it mean to choose Common Law?
Common Law regards life as a free gift given equally to all; Civil Law regards life as a conditional privilege where humanity is a managed slave race. Common Law derives its authority from the people and relies on our capacity to judge for ourselves what is right and wrong; Civil Law derives its authority from rulers who make decisions for the people under the guise of protecting the masses. Common Law is a reflection of Natural Law where all of life is indivisible and resources provided for the well-being of all equally; Civil Law is divisive, arbitrary and enacted without the consent of the people for the benefit of a few. Common Law holds that each person is responsible and liable for their own behavior; Civil Law removes us from the impact of our choices through representations of value. Common Law restores faith in the inherent wisdom of human-kind, honoring each of us as complete and sufficient; Civil Law says we are incapable of independent self-governance.
Common Law removes the need for government, as you can see. It commands responsibility, initiative, diligence. It requires more energy while providing more at the same time. It allows life to flow naturally and for each of us to feel fully connected to it and to each other.
Change is coming. Government will eventually go away. The questions is, will we as individuals decide to be free?
In Love Always,
Cindy Kay
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