(Dark Journalist) In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes United States Government Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien the author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. The book was based on Cathy’s groundbreaking testimony for the US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight in 1995.
Books by Cathy O’Brien listed below.
Published on Feb 11, 2017
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MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O’Brien
Cathy’s fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford.
Through systematic torture and well documented trauma-based mind control programming, Cathy was forced to do shocking acts as a sex slave and participate in CIA Black Ops and White House/Pentagon level operations during the Reagan/Bush Administration. During this period she interfaced with high-level political figures including Hillary and Bill Clinton, former President George Bush Sr. and former Vice President Dick Cheney.
Breaking free of her mind control programming and Dissociative Identity Disorder with the help of intelligence insider Mark Phillips over the course of a decade, Cathy exposed the insidious world of criminal covert operations happening inside Black Budget operations connected with the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, including human trafficking and extensive drug running programs.
Deep State efforts to suppress her testimony culminated in the National Security Act being invoked to silence her and continue right up to the present. Nonetheless Cathy’s latest venture was to create a new workbook, PTSD: Time to Heal that actually allows trauma and sexual abuse victims to reclaim conscious control and deep connection to their inner memories.
Her story has touched thousands of survivors of mind control programming and dark political manipulation and given the public a transparent and shockingly honest vision of the hidden worlds of covert intelligence operations that exist and thrive behind a wall of National Security State secrecy.
Riveting, informative, startling, unnerving and alarming, you don’t want to miss this fascinating Dark Journalist episode with US Government Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien.
Related Tavistock Institute: The Best Kept Secret in America — History of Propaganda, Mass-Mind Control, and the Secret Manipulation of Society (Reality Management)
Part 2:
Published on Feb 17, 2017
Visit: http://www.DarkJournalist.com
Cathy O’Brien MKULTRA Survivor
In this exhilarating and highly informative part 2 interview with MKULTRA Survivor Cathy O’Brien, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into her CIA MKULTRA mind control programming and the methods employed to keep her in a robotic state in order to carry out top secret black budget missions and sexual favors to politicians against her will.
Project Monarch
Cathy outlines some of her fascinating and disturbing experiences in the Project Monarch program and reveals how it targets young people through the music industry by creating zombified recording acts and electronic forms of brain entrainment via suggestion and hidden overtone harmonics that effect the brains neural pathways.
CIA Mormons and the Osmonds
She describes how Senator George Romney, the father of Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, was involved and how the Monarch programming was deployed to help the Mormon Church gain acceptance in the 1970’s through the music phenomena of the Osmonds and how other musical groups like the Jacksons were deeply involved as puppets of the program.
She also reveals how high level figures like Senator Robert Byrd, who was Cathy’s owner in the program and a strong mentor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, got her involved in drug running operations out of Mena Arkansas as a Sex Slave and Robotic Courier of implanted messages and sexual favors to the Criminal Political Figures involved.
Personal Battles
On a deeply personal note, she describes the bitter battle with the Justice Department to free her daughter from corrupt social services and how she feels now about her depraved father who sold her into the horrid MKULTRA mind control effort at an early age. Cathy’s father is still alive today and protected from prosecution due to reasons of ‘National Security.”
Fascinating, disturbing, revealing and controversial, you don’t want to miss this exciting Dark Journalist episode with courageous Whistleblower Cathy O’Brien!
Related CIA And Mossad Behind Washington DC Pedophile Ring” – Department of Homeland Security Insider
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