Update – The full report is provided below.
Here is the partial update, in honor of Ben’s wishes to withhold posting the full update.
This post will be updated after approximately 3 days since its initial release; usually on Wednesday.
Added links below.
Events continue to unfold at a blistering pace as the post-war world order continues its collapse while the fight over what to replace it with rages on. The biggest happening was the first meeting between a Pope and a Russian Orthodox Patriarch in 962 years. The weirdest thing about this event can be seen in this photograph of the meeting put out by the Vatican that shows a skull and bones right in the center between the two religious leaders.
P2 Freemason Lodge sources, the people who give orders to the Vatican, say the skull and bones is just a symbol of rebirth. In this case, it means both the Patriarch and the Pope believe the Messiah has returned, the sources say. However, CIA sources say the real reason the Pope was anxious to meet the Patriarch is that the Vatican wants Russian military protection to ensure its survival. Russian sources, meanwhile, say the two men signed a “Secret International Memorandum about the creation of the new planetary religion and the NEW WORLD ORDER,” and that this would come into force May 1st, 2016.
The Vatican may be feeling a sense of urgency to announce something new because the debt based financial system it has been the secret controller of is visibly collapsing. Three separate US sources, one from the Pentagon and two from the CIA, say US Corporate government spokesman Barack Obama last week, facing the collapse of the US banking system, met in California with representatives of the Rothschild Family and with Chinese elders to ask for permission to devalue the US dollar. He was told no, because most US dollars are not owned by Americans and the rest of the world does not want to see their hard earned money lose its value. Obama was also denied access to any new funding for his corporate government.
This refusal set of serious infighting inside the US power structure between a faction that wants to restore the Republic of the United States of America and one that wants to preserve the status quo. As a part of this struggle, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered by means of a heart attack inducing dart, CIA sources say. Official news releases confirm no autopsy was performed and that his body has already been cremated.
Pentagon sources say Scalia was killed because he was opposed to the Paris agreement “global warming” carbon tax and because he supported a return to the Republic and loyalty to the US constitution. Replacing Scalia with a more pliable judge will pack the supreme court with a 5 to 4 majority to support carbon taxes and such things as untrammeled immigration, gun control etc.
The Catholic ethnic Italian Scalia died in Texas, home turf of the Bush clan, just as Pope Francis was in Mexico trying to ensure a cut-off of drug money to the Bush Khazarian Nazi faction. Several sources also claim that Chief Justice John Roberts, also a Catholic, himself narrowly survived a murder attempt last week.
Related Jeb Bush, the Mexican Drug Cartel and “Free Trade” | The Bush Family and Organized Crime
In retaliation to this, CIA sources say Bush/Clinton mob honcho Hillary Clinton has already been secretly indicted and that Bill Clinton “has been given only a few months to live because of a brain disorder.”
There has also been an attack on the Khazarian mafia controlled Department of Homeland Security last week when private details of 10,000 of their employees were hacked and given to Pentagon and agency white hats. This hack came as part of preparations for a civil war that might follow the declaration of bankruptcy of the US corporate government, Pentagon sources say.
As a part of this, Wells Fargo Bank has been training its staff for an “emergency scenario,” where they would close branches and only allow three people to enter at a time under the watch of armed guards, the sources say. FEMA meanwhile is “beta testing bank holidays on February 18-19,” in preparation for a collapse of the banking system, they say.
The Khazarian mafia has been putting out scare stories about empty super market shelves and food shortages in an attempt to blackmail the US population into submission.
However, supporters of restoring the Republic have an alternative plan that involves cancelling debt, returning stolen assets to the people and issuing a new US currency to replace the Khazarian debt slavery instrument mis-labelled as the “US dollar.” In such a scenario, the US would declare itself not obliged to pay the unpayable international debt burden of the bankrupt US corporate government it replaces.
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