The journey here is not about material possessions, not about finding your career or even finding a soul mate in the flesh. It is about what all these things represent, for they are just a symbol. The Creator reveals to all of us, who we are, by speaking to us threw our lives. Each event, each happening, each circumstance are all there co-creatively, to guide us back into ourselves. Think of your life like a play, and the people and events in it just things that happen in the play. Be in this world, but not of it.
As a new time of accessing value unfolds we can begin to realize the outside world is only a reflection of what we are within; money and the need for it reveals things about ourselves (that we can not agree to co-create with out it, and we have not developed true unconditional love for others). The world is the way it is because it reflects ourselves. Change within, and without will come into full blossom.
The pictures come from a sedona 2009 conference.. one of which is labeled “a ship to ship communication”
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