Curiosity is the initiator of knowledge. It is the gravity of consciousness. It is a boon of the awakening and a bane of the controllers.
Curiosity at a cosmic level, exploring the mysteries of existence, the universe, and the individual’s relationship to it are one of the most powerful tools for the awakening mind. The Cabal realize that in order to create a profoundly disempowered and dysfunctional consciousness, ripe for manipulation and enslavement, the curiosity impulse must be stamped out at all costs.
If an individual was allowed to explore their experience free from social pressure, intimidation, and indoctrination, the planet would be filled with highly conscious, emotionally balanced, sovereign individuals, immune to manipulation and enslavement.
The reason why video games, science fiction and fantasy is so popular in our modern times is because of this curiosity drive. And thanks to social programs of self-judgment, loathing and ridicule, most of us never let our curiosity blossom. In fact, we sacrifice it on the altar of social acceptance and the illusion of fitting in.
But the feeling of being enraptured by a good book or movie is the stimulation of curiosity. The feeling of exploring some place we never visited before is the arousing of curiosity. The wonder of meeting someone new and getting to know them is the exploration of curiosity. When we are truly interested in what we are doing, we remember it clearly and feel profound satisfaction as a result, all as a function of awakening curiosity.
In our personal lives, most of us dare not dream of a better world or allow ourselves flights of fancy. But this is when life can feel the most satisfying, and when we combine curiosity with the search for truth, then not only are we entertained and stimulated, but we are also profoundly educated and empowered.
The truth is the greatest mystery of all I think. The fact that the same truth fills the eyes of a person half way across the world, as it fills the cup of my awareness sitting at this table, writing these words, is mind boggling. How is it that the truth can be one, and yet as observers of truth, we can have so many different perspectives on it?
For me, consciously exploring the mysteries of life, the pursuit of truth, and the use of it to service all, has eclipsed all other desires. I hazard to guess if you are reading these words, you are having a similar experience.
Waking up can be hard as the world we thought was real dissolves as the greater truth becomes more contactable. But it can also be incredibly enriching. And while the challenges we discover in awakening can be sobering — especially the realization that we are empowered to make this world a better place – it is far more fulfilling than remaining asleep, which requires endless distractions to satisfy the true yearning — curiosity.
Ignorance really isn’t bliss in my humble opinion.
The following article describes the empowering aspects of activating our curiosity, or by invoking interest in what we are doing. A team of researchers at the University of California studied the effects of curiosity on memory and emotion. They demonstrated that the more interested we are in what we are doing the more easily we will remember it and the more happy we will feel.
How often do we really get invested in our daily tasks? Most of the time, we dread doing what we are doing. Going to your job isn’t want you really want to do. Cleaning the house isn’t your highest joy. Doing chores can be frustrating. All of these activities, if we do not fully embrace them, can train us to disconnect from experience, killing the curiosity drive that really gets us interested in what we are doing. This can make life seem boring and mundane, instead of deeply fulfilling.
The key to activating curiosity is to master choice, the power to simply accept what we are experiencing at any given moment completely. There is a difference between tolerating something and being fully interested in it.
All too often, we assume if we aren’t immediately interested in something, we never will be. But usually, these impulses come from the subconscious mind, and can be rewritten with conscious invocations, affirmations and choice. This skill takes time to master, and the more we practice, the better we get. Meditation is part of the process of gathering up all your consciousness so that you can invest it fully in a new choice, one that you breathe life into via imagination.
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As an exercise, before doing a task you don’t enjoy, take a moment to meditate and imagine yourself enjoying it. If you hate doing dishes, imagine yourself loving to do them. Imagine that you are scrubbing them while dancing to music. Fill that image in your mind with as much detail and consciousness energy as possible. Now with this image close at hand, go wash the dishes and see if you can hold it in your mind the whole time. Now repeat this consistently for one week.
The more clearly the image is, the more powerfully it will reprogram your subconscious to enjoy the experience instead of disliking it. And it will also make you more curious. This is because ultimately curiosity comes from a willingness to receive or accept the fullness of what we are doing in the present moment. The more detached and removed we are, due to our dislike or disapproval, the less curiosity is invoked and the less fulfilled we will feel.
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As a final thought on curiosity, consider that as children, we want to explore seemingly everything we can. But through social indoctrination we learn to dislike and loathe things in our experience, and before long, life seems boring, mundane and unimaginative. Yet we can just as easily retrain ourselves to enjoy life and be profoundly stimulated by it if we reprogram the subconscious mind by making a new conscious choice.
In many ways, the keys to happiness and empowerment have always been within our grasp, but the challenge is in making a new choice despite all the preconditions of the past. Once we do make this new choice, the next one will get easier, eventually becoming a program that empowers instead of hinders.
– Justin
Do you ever scour the Internet, scanning articles for information, then find yourself suddenly asking yourself questions about the topic being proposed? Your curiosity to dive further into a subject might send you into a tailspin of clicks as you search for answers. According to a new study from the University of California, Davis, when our curiosity is stimulated, our brain responds by preparing to learn about the topic we are interested in, along with incidental information.
The Study
“In any given day, we encounter a barrage of new information,” explains Charan Ranganath, a psychologist at the University of California, Davis. “But even people with really good memory will remember only a small fraction of what happened two days ago.”
Ranganath was curious as to why we absorb some information and discard other things, so he and a team of researchers asked 19 participants to examine 100 questions such as “What Beatles single lasted longest on the charts, at 19 weeks?” or “What does the term ‘dinosaur’ actually mean?” and scored them based on how curious they were about attaining the answer. They were then asked to review 112 of those questions, with half being the ones they were highly interested in, and the others not so much. During this process, the researchers scanned their brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
As the scanning process occurred, the participants viewed a question, then waited 14 seconds and were shown a photograph of a face that was unrelated to the topic — with no explanation as to why — before they were given the answer to the question. Following this, their memory was tested, the researchers looking to see how they would recall and retain the answers as well as the faces.
The Findings
What the researchers found was that, when the participants had a high interest in a question, their memory of the answer as well as the face was better. The next day, a follow-up test was conducted, and confirmed these findings. The results proved one particular thing: curiosity can prepare the brain to learn and memorize on a broader basis.
The researchers reviewed their imaging data to further understand this idea, and found that the brain activity during their time waiting and anticipating the answer to a question could predict their memory performance.
During this process, brain activity increased in two regions in the midbrain: the ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens, both of which pass on dopamine, which works to control both pleasure and reward. The researchers believe that the anticipation portion of the process is the key factor in the outcome, because, before the answer was given, the brain’s desire for this knowledge was already captivating the reward system. Furthermore, the hippocampus, thought to be the center of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system, showed increased activity. The findings seem to prove that the brain’s reward system prepares this area of the brain for learning.
What It Means for Science And Society
Ranganath believes that the findings of this study could work to help us better understand memory and learning issues in people suffering from low dopamine, like Parkinson’s disease. It could also help educators, advertisers, and storytellers uncover ways to more effectively captivate their audiences, and get them to better absorb their teachings and messages.
It may also help us derive even more pleasure in the learning process. But there is still much to be uncovered on the subject, including its long-term effects, like how this knowledge may help a student’s curiosity that is stimulated at the beginning of a school day work to better absorb material throughout the day. There are also further questions to be answered, such as why some people have a greater natural curiosity than others, and what factors influence our level of curiosity in the first place.
“There’s only a handful of studies on curiosity,” Ranganath says. “It’s very hard to study.”
Nevertheless, the study points out that, just like it is the journey that matters more than the destination, it is the question that intrigues our curiosity, and the answer is merely an afterthought.
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