(Paul Gordon) The headline on an article by Mercury News reads “Kids’ climate change lawsuit against Trump administration lands in San Francisco court.” The headline, while technically true, doesn’t really paint the full picture. The lawsuit that has made its way to the Ninth Circuit court of appeals was actually begun in 2015, so, technically, it’s a lawsuit […]
Star Wars: The Last SJW (Video)
(Black Pigeon Speaks) Star Wars: The Last Jedi is all about inclusion. Darth Vader, dark lord of the Social Justice Warriors explains why the Imperials are the 99% fighting the bourgeois Rebels or the Galactic 1%. Related An Islamic Woman Debunks Social Justice Warrior Narratives about Muslims (Video) https://youtu.be/J3y_EurrKWk _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: […]
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Proof that the Human Species Has Been Genetically Engineered
(Conscious Hologram) Lloyd Pye used to say “Everything you know is wrong” and presents evidence about what is really going on with human evolution that mainstream science won’t discuss. He presents evidence that the human genome was tampered with and he says the best story that explains why modern humans look like the way they do […]
Full Judge Anna Von Reitz interview – Requested By Many To Upload As ONE File (Video)
https://youtu.be/mUxsXL8MhGM Related Highest Administrative Authority in America Recognizes “We the People,” are Sovereign! — Anna von Reitz _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at […]
Body Cam Shows Moments that Got a Senator Charged With Sex Trafficking Underage Boy
(Matt Agorist) Body Camera footage, released this week, shows the moment police raided the hotel room occupied by former Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey and his underage victim. In the body camera footage, Shortey appears dumbfounded as he is caught with the underage boy in his room. The officer says, “He’s 17.” Shortey replies, “Okay.” The […]
Astral Projection vs Lucid Dreaming (Video)
https://youtu.be/JjBfgdUHGMQ _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______
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Alien Origins: Legend of the Bull’s Eye, Aldebaran (Video)
Teresa Yanaros of Divine Frequency presents her research on main stream historical origins of the term “bull’s eye” and the juxtaposition of esoteric and astrological synchronicity. Travel through time and learn about the significance of Aldebaran and how we can search for and integrate patterns of archetypes within our Earthly experience. https://youtu.be/wPQFmSy_ucA _________________________ Stillness in […]
Mainstream Media Just Admitted Billions of Your Tax Dollars Are Funding Child Rape on a Massive Scale
(Matt Agorist) Americans are funding a massive child rape operation—to the tune of $70 billion—and most people could not care less. Related Massive Pedo Bust: Cops & Gov’t Workers Arrested in Massive Sting, People Buying Kids as Young as 4 for Sex Source – The Free Thought Project by Matt Agorist, December 6th, 2017 As the […]
Anonymous Sends Another Strong Message: “This is Unlike Anything We Have Ever Seen”
(Arjun Walia) Anonymous has released another video, with this one titled, “This Is Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Seen.” It paints a very ‘dark’ and ‘negative’ picture of the current human experience, which is one we may understandably feel when we look at current news. But there is something deeper going on here, and this is […]
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Flying in Dreams (Video)
Link: https://youtu.be/JsmTkeDAQns _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______ Source:
12.5 – Anon Response/Q/FBI/72 Hr Military Alert?/Pedogate News/MSM Disclosures (Video)
https://youtu.be/LXCTMl_Jp9M Related https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2017/12/mega-anon-updates-december-4th-5th-2017.html _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading. _______ Source:
Mega Anon Updates — December 4th & 5th 2017
Source – Reddit December 4 10 posts + December 4 1 post in BOOM! It WAS me and since y’all know I NEVER give dates/timeframes, you should also realize YOU haven’t/didn’t miss anything yet! You’re WATCHING IT HAPPEN and when it’s done happening, TRUMP WILL ADDRESS IT, directly to YOU. FBI, CIA and FED, will NEVER be […]
Roger Stone: Massive Intel on Coming Indictments (Video)
https://youtu.be/JUaKihgxv_I Related- Rumor: Mass Arrests — 4,289 Sealed Indictments in All 94 Federal Districts — UPDATED _________________________ Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com with […]