I found this draft that Julian left from July of this year and it is very pertinent for what’s playing out now. For those who may not be aware, Julian was my life partner and co-founder of Stillness in the Storm, who passed away in August of this year. David Wilcock in his latest article, DISCLOSURE […]
Starseed: Activate! News for the Modern Mind – Episode 11
Gareth and his team have been producing a Youtube news show called Starseed: Activate!, which is an eclectic mix of disclosure related information presented in a comedic fashion appealing to a wide audience. We have spoken to Gareth several times and he is using this medium to convey deep and poignant topics to the awakening community at large. […]
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Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 67-68 – Another sign of potential delay for the NWO rollout & Are delays in passing bail-in rules the reason things have been pushed back?
For previous Globalist Agenda Watch updates click here. For More BRICS updates click here. – Justin Source – Redefining God This report came out in the Wall Street Journal today: U.S. Delays Giving Up Oversight of Internet Administrator Icann… “The U.S. Commerce Department on Monday delayed for at least a year its plans to give up oversight of […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Updates 65-66 – The globalist plan to break up the great nations & Why are they talking about delaying the new SDR currency basket?
For previous Globalist Agenda Watch updates click here. For More BRICS updates click here. – Justin Source – RedefiningGod Let’s take a second look at a section from Update 19… BEGIN EXCERPT>>> …I take you back to the 1961 NWO blueprint book Prospect for America. This is from page 26… The globalists want the NWO to consist of […]
“Doomsday” Clock for Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute to Midnight as Central Banks Lose Control
The headline sounds ominous, but the day of doom is for the fallacious financial system which has enslaved billions. Debt slavery and elaborate frauds against the people have created yet another financial storm, and if we do nothing, it will sweep over us to usher in a new age of control. But if we pay […]
A Case Study Of False Flag Operations | Bangkok Blast: Who The Liars Say Did It, Says It All
The false flag operations plaguing the planet are pandemic. The Cabal’s global power structure of control is not absolute, but of a proxy nature, meaning it requires layers of deception and manipulation for stirring a people to suit its interests, using seemingly independent organizations. Related 42 Government ADMITTED False Flag Attacks The following article details a […]
No Storm Lasts Forever
Keys to Living – Positive and Negative Knowledge: Fearlessness, Self Mastery and Healing the body _________
Single DNA molecule could store information for a million years following scientific breakthrough
Modern science is just beginning to understand the well nigh limitless potential of biological systems; what we could think of as universal technology. The most powerful computers have always been living organisms, with humanity’s capacity for computation at its peak. A team from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has developed a method for encoding […]
Announcement: Stillness in the Storm Show now on Youtube Channel
We wanted to inform everyone that our Stillness in the Storm Show, which normally is live bi-monthly on Wednesdays, will also be uploaded as a video screencast to our Youtube channel. If you have yet to subscribe to our Youtube channel you can do so by clicking here and then hitting subscribe. We will do our best to […]
BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for Yuan currency devaluation | Military helicopters now patrolling Beijing
Rod of God Orbital weapon on right. Crater from the Tianjin blast. Could the massive explosion in Tianjin China be related to the economy or other hidden political activities? The following article suggests that might be the case. The US government spends nearly half a trillion dollars every year on military spending, and thats […]
ET Disclosure In UNICEF Video? | United Nations Promotion On Accepting Others
This video promotion produced by UNICEF Chile (United Nations Children’s Fund) is meant to teach children that accepting others can lead to valuable experiences, and that is entirely true. However, what we found a bit shocking was that the character portrayed in this short advertisement – the one looking for acceptance from us (children of Earth) – […]
‘Killer robots’ with AI must be banned, urge Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky and thousands of others in open letter
Is it a coincidence that mainstream media is talking about banning Artificial intelligence as there is a growing buzz in the alternative media about it? According to physicist Harald Kautz Vella, who spent several years researching self replicating nanotechnologies found within geoengineering or chemtrails and Morgellons sufferers, we have been saturated in AI technology for […]
Did The EPA Intentionally Poison Animas River To Secure SuperFund Money?
After we posted photos of the Animas River disaster on our Facebook page detailing the destruction there, we received the following article. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’)); The Animas River in Colorado has turned yellow after being […]
The Sun Awakens, Huge Explosion, Landslide | S0 News August 13, 2015
Observing the Frontier Conference: Pittsburgh: https://www.eventjoy.com/e/suspicious… Phoenix: https://www.eventjoy.com/e/otf www.Suspicious0bservers.org www.SpaceWeatherNews.com www.MagneticReversal.org www.ObservatoryProject.com www.EarthChangesMedia.com Solar Alerts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealS0s Good Videos/Articles: The Sun is Going to Sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7whL9… Discussing Earthquakes with Kongpop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThCUZ… Earth’s Magnetic Reversal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIayx… Top 6 Climate Change Problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ew05… Pause on Pausing the Pause: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZH46… Sun Series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=… STARWATER Article: http://wavechronicle.com/wave/?p=1151 S0 […]
What Just Happened? Hundreds injured after massive blast rocks busy Chinese port (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)
There doesn’t seem to be much information about this event just yet but it sure does seem suspicious. We will update this post as we learn more. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3”; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, ‘script’, ‘facebook-jssdk’)); Explosions in China […]