This is an interesting post covering a lot of the aspects of energy healing. One important thing I want to ensure everyone knows is that what determines whether a thing is Negative or Positive is YOU. Your belief systems, your thoughts, your world view, spiritual attainment etc.
Ultimately no thing is Positive or Negative by itself, you create that experience, only for yourself and that emotional reaction is the universe speaking to you. Your emotions reflect back your beliefs and if you are experiencing something as ‘negative’ its because you have something within you which deems it as such. As a result, we each are empowered to change this by addressing the root, our beliefs and things we accept into ourselves (both energetically and informationally). This is why honoring ALL experiences are so important to growth and healing.
Energy is all around us – right? Actually, we ARE energy, and when we need to heal our physical bodies, we do so by applying the right energy healing techniques to raise our vibration to correspond with the energy of well-being.
Okay, admittedly that’s a bit “out there” given the teachings of modern medicine that focuses on alleviating physical and psychological symptoms without addressing the true cause of the ailments… the cause being an overabundance of low-vibrating energy in the individual’s energy field or imbalances in that field.
Energy healing has been used by ancient healers since the dawn of man. Modern science is finally catching up, thanks to quantum theory, and recognizing that energy is medicine. Modern medicine considers energy healing to be a ‘new’ field of study, but even in modern medicine, energy has been used unwittingly for healing. For example, changing a patient’s mindset is a shift in the patient’s energy; good doctors, even those absolutely convinced that a physical approach to healing is the only reliable treatment protocol, recognize the importance of a patient’s mindset in promoting healing.
High-vibrating positive energy promotes healing; low-vibrating negative energy hinders healing.
Virtually every ancient society across the globe has used or continues to use energy healing. Ancient healers knew that there was more to healing than fixing wounds or relieving fevers. They understood that thoughts and other invisible threats caused or contributed to psychological and physical ailments. They knew how to take healing out of the realm of the physical and into the psychological and spiritual dimensions.
As modern medicine developed, the body and the mind came to be seen as separate entities and a more physical approach to healing was adopted.
We are now experiencing a resurgence of spiritual or energy healing. Quantum physics has proven that everything is energy and everything affects everything else. Scientists are now measuring what the ancients have always known: that there is a unified field of energy that makes up (not permeates, but makes up) everything: objects, thoughts, emotions, the space between objects, light, sound, etc.
Sometimes you feel energy, even though it’s invisible. When you walk into a room full of people, you can instantly feel the energy – positive, negative, angry, happy, fearful, optimistic, bored, enthusiastic, anxious, loving, supportive, etc.; depending on your state of mind, you are either attracted to, or repelled, by the group’s energy.
Think back to a prolonged period of stress you may have experienced, such as divorce, death of a loved one or other personal crisis. Remember what your energy was like, then? Dark, gloomy, lethargic, uninterested, depressed, achy, ill, painful, hopeless… yes, these emotional and physical symptoms are all manifestations of the negative energy of your thoughts during that difficult time! You’ll notice (in yourself or others) that ill health and rapid aging seem to go hand-in-hand with negative thoughts andemotions.
Thoughts are energy, emotions are energy, and these affect the state of your health. You choose your thoughts and emotions and so, you create your own health.
The quality of your thoughts matters. When negative energy in the form of thoughts and emotions becomes dominant in our energy field, it will, absolutely, manifest as psychological or physical problems.
Healers attract positive energy from the unified energy field and through their own energy field, transmit that energy to the patient, thus changing the patient’s own energy field. They also clear the blocked energies that prevent free flow of energy in the body, allowing the body to heal itself.
You can learn to expand your awareness to attract the right kind of energy and perform energy healing? Take charge of your health on an energetic level, starting this instant!
Similar energies attract each other. If you are vibrating at a predominantly negative frequency, you will attract correspondingly negative energy in the form of unwanted circumstances, unhappy relationships and poor health. Clearing out negative energy is done by introducing positive energy; that means raising your vibration in order to attract correspondingly high-vibrating energy.
Take five minutes right now to raise your vibration:
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths to help dissipate any tension you are feeling. Then, silently repeat the word LOVE to yourself with each inhale and exhale, allowing the love to come in and to radiate outward. Just breathe the word. Feel the love. Feel yourself becoming lighter and happier with each breath.
Of course you don’t have to limit yourself to five minutes; if you do this daily, you are helping to create a more positive, high-vibrating state of being that will promote good health.
The instant you begin working on raising your own vibration, you begin attracting positive, high-vibrating energy of love, light, well-being, abundance and excellent health. This is the best way to ensure good health; and if you have current health issues that need resolving, first focus on raising your own vibration, and if you need extra assistance, seek out a qualified energy healer.
Let the power of energy healing transform your health!
If other people, situations and places cause a reaction inside of you, you know that your own energetic vibration causes reactions in other people too!
Similar energies are attract each other. Positive people hang out together and leave the negative ‘downers’ out. And the complainers, drama queens and haters attract people with the same energy!
Become fascinated with the cause and effect of energy and the attractiveness of similar energies! Play around with matching your vibrational energy with things, people and situations you want and quickly attract them!
You can think of “what you want” as the tuning fork – and you are the instrument that has to be brought into tune with the tuning fork.
How do you match your vibrational energy to that which you desire to manifest in your life? Since everything has a different vibrational quality, how can you possibly match your energy to everything you want, when the vibration of the person you wish to attract is different from the lifestyle you want? Great questions!
Well… is it really different? After all, the person you want to attract is someone you want to share your life experience with, right? So that means that person also has to be a vibrational match for your ideal lifestyle! It’s a holistic thing: you don’t just attract a person, you attract their vibe; and their vibe and your vibe are a match for a certain life experience. So in effect, you get it all. Anything that’s a vibrational match for one of your desires is going to help you attract other things/people that are at that same vibrational level!
Look around you at people who are depressed or angry. They attract negative people, unpleasant circumstances, boring and low-paying jobs, unreliable cars, etc. You might think that they are depressed and angry because of those circumstances, but they actually attracted them! When their circumstances match their vibration, they become angrier and more depressed – a downward spiral that is difficult to get out of. By contrast, people who are happy and grateful have good lives. They may not have a ton of material things – because they may not want them – but their lives are happy, healthy and fun. They are surrounded by good people and life flows easier for them.
To attract what you want, then, (the assumption being that what you want is GOOD), you must raise your personal vibration. Here are some ways to accomplish this:
2. Visualize. You begin feeling what you want inside you; you are feeling its vibration inside you (as if the tuning fork were suddenly placed right next to your heart and in your brain). The more youvisualize and feel how good it is to have what you want as part of you, the more you bring your energy into alignment with your desire.
3. Affirmations remove energetic blockages to manifesting! If you don’t believe you can have what you want, you are putting up an energetic block; you are matching your energy to what you believe you can have, not necessarily what you want.
4. Feelings. If you feel what you desire vibrating as a part of you, you become the instrument in tune with the tuning fork. Feel how awesome it is to have and do what you want! Feelings are the most powerful vibration-lifters. You can talk and talk to yourself, but unless you FEEL it, you won’t raise your vibration.
6. Radiate LOVE. Love is a flowing energy, an energy that permeates everything with light. Flow feels good, right? It’s soothing, smooth, gentle, uplifting, kind… By contrast, hate is a forceful energy that pushes against everything and damages it; and if you are sending out forceful energy, that’s what you’ll get back. Spend time every day sending out waves and waves of LOVE!
But vibrational energy is not just about manifesting. Be aware that everything, yes, absolutely everything, has an energetic vibration. For example, essential oils have a vibration – rose vibrates at 320 MHz! Thoughts, herbs, food, songs, etc. ALL have energy. If you surround yourself with high-vibrating objects and think high-vibrating thoughts of love, peace and compassion, you cannot help but attract similar energies!
Linda Livesay says
Thank you, Justin for sharing this article. In my opinion, it is so easy to "get" this concept the way it is written here. Once we understand that all is energy and we have the power in every NOW moment to tap into our energy field, then we become the ruler of our own domain. Hopefully we will no longer choose to be a victim.
Bronny NZ says
Hi Justin, I've just been doing a little writing on this subject myself over this last few weeks : )
The topics on the Energy Healing tab and on the Biography tab I think will help people see the practical applications of these technologies in the physical 3-D realm. All consciousnesses (dimensions) are destined to be known by all other consciousnesses. At the moment, there is separation. One of the 'goals' of the Universe is to bring interplay between these worlds… So we will all be able to interface with each other. Currently, there are dimensions of which no other dimension is aware… : )
Namaste. Bron
energy healing techniques says
The first thing to consider is that no matter which energy healing technique you may be considering – spiritual healing, visualization, qigong, Reiki, acupuncture or others – there's a common theme used in all of them, which is that they in some way manipulate the subtle energies from which are bodies, and all other material things, are manifested.