(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an eye-opening exposé from a former teacher of how we treat our children in the modern world and ultimately this is the reason why almost everyone grows up to become a loyal mind-controlled slave. For those on the awakening path, it is essential to comprehend that the reason why people act the way they do is largely because of how they were raised. In order to turn the tide we, as a people, must face the fact that our current methods of raising and educating children are destructive to their being, an offense to morality, and part of the agenda of the Cabal or dark occultists.
To be sure, there is much to unpack in this discussion, but one of the more central points is that of behaviorism, a psychological theory developed as a way to train animals. Behaviorism is founded on the premise that all of a person’s behavior (including their desires, dreams, and subjective experience) is merely a product of their environment. People are nothing more than biological machines. Within this model, the soul or consciousness is an illusion—this philosophy is diametrically opposed to principles of inherent sovereignty, morality, and true law.
Why? Because if there is no soul, there is no free will. And if there is no free will then there is no right and wrong, no objective morality. In other words, when you can convince people that the human soul is an illusion then it becomes very easy to convince people to do all manner of horrible things. Since right and wrong are subjective—according to this model—what we decide is fair, just, and right is all that matters. If we decide killing millions of people is right, it now is.
Related Deep State Neuroscientists Believe They Can Turn Off Free Will
And if one looks back in history, the tragedies of antiquity are laden with examples of people led to believe hurting others is justifiable.
But the premise of behaviorism is a fallacy. It is a lie.
Right and wrong are objectively real. The human soul does exist. And free will is a primal reality. However, proving these things using materialistic methods is impossible because they are metaphysical qualities of consciousness.
This means that, at present, one of the only ways to recognize the truth of consciousness is to understand it at a personal level. But modern educational institutions are not designed to foster critical thought and inquisitiveness—essential for personal comprehension—they are designed to destroy free thinking and foster blind faith in academia.
And this is why destroying a young person’s mind is so important—because they can’t think for themselves, which forces them to blindly accept what the intellectual elite tells them is real, or else face social abandonment.
As parents, our task is to do the work of educating ourselves so as to ensure what we do for our children is truly beneficial. We can’t blindly trust the state. If we avoid this responsibility, we ensure another child will be victimized by the State, likely becoming an agent of the matrix as an adult.
But if we do accept this solemn and sacred charge, then the truth becomes our burden. The good news is there is a wealth of information available to learn how to empower our children instead of disempowering them.
Joseph Chilton Peirce is one pioneer who has produced several works about how to raise healthy children that are happy, moral, critical thinkers, capable of questioning the status quo and making ethical choices.
Buy Books:
Alfie Kohn is another respected author who recognizes the personally and socially destructive nature of education and childrearing, developing a groundbreaking parenting method that is specifically designed to encourage empowerment, autonomy, and moral development.
Buy Books:
- Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason
- Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes
- The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and “Tougher Standards”
In the act of gaining knowledge about how compromised our present methods are when it comes to children, one can also see how easy it can be to turn things around. Likely parents will realize that they too were victims of indoctrination systems and that most of their personal struggles can be traced to lack of proper development and support.
The cycle of harm can end here and now.
We have the chance to make a generation that finally has the love and support they need. Not just for their sake but for all our sakes.
For it is unquestionably true that the children are the future. It’s time we started educating ourselves and facing reality so we can work with newer generations to make this world a better place.
Related Parents, We Are the Ground Crew of the Awakening
by Willem Felderhof, February 2017
Following absurd and fake disorder labels like ADHD and ADD, the ignorant “mental specialists” recently invented another pseudo diagnose called ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder).
In other words anyone who still has the natural, and thus normal, inherent reflex of opposing any form of evil.
Let it be crystal clear; the real patients here with a disorder are not the children but the ones making the fake diagnoses and are doing the toxic prescription jobs.
These agents of death are nothing less than order followers because they as well have a neo-cortex that is in an imbalanced, or total shut down mode.
Otherwise they would apply their knowledge and conscience and refuse to commit these immoral actions.
What we are witnessing here is a relentless mind control assault on a precious and highly gifted generation that is being neutralized in the global war on humanity and consciousness.
That might sound charged and cause some unpleasant emotions, but it still is the Truth.
The armies of pseudo psychologists, scientists, and youth workers that are labeling and poisoning the tsunami of children with psychological “problems” have been mind controlled into a severe brain imbalanced and fragmented mental state themselves as a result of their own common core style dumbing down programming.
Symptoms in hell diagnosed as disease
Even more shocking is that the facilitators and with that the causal factors of this massive emotional and physical child abuse are the presumed guardian angels of the child; the parents.
In this time of information they willfully ignore the fact that their child is showing symptoms that are absolutely normal reactions from the exposure to the multidirectional assaults on their minds.
It might sound strange to unaware parents or left brained “specialists” but living in a microwaved, immoral, toxic, torture society or in short, HELL, can cause some side effects. These are NORMAL and need not be treated but used for the understanding process of the causal factors.

Before attacking the messenger here; I speak from knowledge and experience as a father, and as a former ADHD/ADD/ODD “patient”. My youth was destroyed like most of us because my parents served as agents themselves and the cycle repeats on and on.
I was kicked out of all the schools I went to and had (still have) extreme difficulties with “authority”.
And of course I took it on myself because I was labeled as a problem child. The result; self-loathing, fear disorders, addictive behavior; the complete six flags fun package.
50 years later I more and more understand how normal I am. What a waste.
Related Solutions For Common Core’s Absurdity, Mind Control, Surveillance and Sexualization of Children
Refined mind control for the final stage
So I decided that this would never happen to my child, but I failed. I could not avoid and protect my son going through a similar kind of hell because the social engineers have refined their sick programming to unimaginable levels.
Luckily my son is blessed with a powerful spark of consciousness, just like so many of his fellow generation members, but he is still battling on getting his mind back.
The vicious mind control attacks by killing any aspect of Morality and Truth with disgusting and relentless dumbing down tv programming, satanic computer gaming, or empty drugs, sex and alcohol driven “social” activities have largely demolished the sacred masculine and feminine aspects of Willpower and Care in the next generation.

When my son did not go to school, and for very good reasons, we were forced to look for “help” in the Dutch youth care. What we experienced there during that period was literally sickening.
What I found there were numerous pseudo psychologists who do not know anything about human consciousness, EMF radiation, nutrition, the workings of the brain or the physical body in general, and most of all know nothing about the devastating health effects of the compulsory Nazi/Marxist model “education” system with it’s outcome based education (OBE) doctrine.
And yet despite this blatant ignorance on all levels, these infant pseudo psychologists have the “authority” to prescribe the most disgusting types of medication in this “health” swamp.
In the Netherlands alone more than 100.000 children are zombified by mind & body poisoning medication regimes. And in other countries it is even worse.
Most of the children (and their parents) do not have a strong free Will to reject that madness and are completely at the mercy of the agents of the satanic control system.
Ignorant parents and pseudo psychologists are enforcing the identification of the child with their so-called problem, thereby pushing the child further into an engineered structural state of psychological stress and self-loathing.
Willfully ignorant parents are evil parents
Any parent, who still continues to offer their children to these mind destruction factories without any significant resistance, is willfully facilitating the destruction of the authentic true Self and mind of his/her child.

The compulsory “education” system is nothing less than a worldwide network of concentration campuses for mind destruction.
The extent of the mind destruction of our youth is also reflected in increased rates of mental illness, suicide, violent crime, and further child abuse. Suicide in the Netherlands amongst youngsters between the age of 18 till 25 is the number one cause of death.
Not a word about the effects of the education system of course.
But again, it is the parents who willfully dump the pure beings of consciousness in these conveyer belt zombie factories, despite the overwhelming evidence that is in the open today for anyone who CARES, of what exactly the current education system is, where it comes from, who created it and for what reasons and most important; what the dramatic effect on the children is.
Related 9 Year Old Rocks Modern Day Education By Asking School Board ONE Question
Child Abuse in the Classroom
John Taylor Gatto is a well known former school teacher who taught in the classroom for nearly 30 years.
He devoted much of his energy to his teaching career, then, following his resignation, authored several books on modern education, criticizing its ideology, history, and devastating consequences.
He is best known for the underground classic Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling. He was named New York City Teacher of the Year in 1989, 1990, and 1991, and New York State Teacher of the Year in 1991.
He states in an article under the title The Public School Nightmare, that ALL compulsory education systems are copied from the Prussian 19th century system with the objective to produce:
1) Obedient soldiers to the army;
2) Obedient workers to the mines;
3) Well subordinated civil servants to government;
4) Well subordinated clerks to industry;
5) Citizens who thought alike about major issues.
The 7 lesson teacher
In another article Gatto confesses to being “the 7-lesson schoolteacher.” To keep his job as a teacher he is compelled to teach the seven lessons:
Confusion. Gatto admits that everything he teaches is out of context.
Class position. Children must know their place and stay in the class where they belong. “The children are numbered so that if any get away they can be returned to the right class.”
Indifference. “Nothing important is ever finished in my class nor in any class I know of.”
Emotional dependency. Gatto says that he teaches children to surrender their will to the chain of command, using “stars and red checks, smiles and frowns, prizes, honors and disgraces.”
Intellectual dependency. The most important lesson. Children must wait for the expert authority to make all the important decisions, to tell them what to study. There is no place for curiosity, only conformity.
Provisional self-esteem. Because it is so difficult to make self-confident spirits conform, children must be taught that their self-respect depends on expert opinion.
They must be constantly tested, evaluated, judged, graded, and reported on by certified officials. Self-evaluation is irrelevant – “people must be told what they are worth.”
You can’t hide. Children are always watched. No privacy. People can’t be trusted.
According to Gatto, these are the consequences of the seven lessons:
• The private Self is almost non-existent; children develop a superficial personality borrowed from TV shows.
• Desperate dependence.
• Unease with intimacy or candor; dislike for parents; no real close friends; lust replaces love.
• Indifference to the adult world; very little curiosity about anything; boredom.
• A poor sense of the future; consciousness limited to the present.
• Cruelty to each other.
• Striking materialism.
• The expectation to fail; the idea that success has to be stolen.
Only moral right action embodies awakening
The evidence of the disastrous effects of the destruction of the minds and the abuse on multiple levels as a result of the “education” system is overwhelmingly present and in the open, as are the effects of the EMF’s, vaccines and the rest of the weapons used on our children and ourselves.
It is really a choice to stay ignorant of the facts and ignorance in the presence of information is evil.
Even more so, if one is informed and aware of the information but does not follow up on those dynamics in consciousness with actions based on Truth and morality, then that is the refusal of the arisen moral obligation to act upon ones thoughts feelings and emotions based on fear.
If there was such a thing as a global awakening visible we would have seen a massive and exponentially growing number of global disobedience, especially by parents who protect their children as a result of their knowledge, and actions accordingly.
Because it is not the knowledge that is the measure of wisdom, it is solely the actions or lack of, that determine the quality of the manifestation of any awakening. And we don’t see a massive shift like that happening in society. Only in the minds.
The engineered happy slave
The ongoing fear based obedience and belief in authority of the parents globally have produced the rise of “new” human beings that were largely “raised” by the state-run trauma based mind control education factories, television/computer, and “pop” culture.
They have been conditioned by these systems to behave in ways that are complacent, immoral, compliant, unquestioning, unthinking, and narcissistic.
They absorb huge amounts of television programming and/or computer gaming, consume poisonous genetically modified foods, are obsessed with escapist pursuits, conduct only vapid, inane conversations, and express an extreme lack of concern or interest in real world issues.
If they are confronted with someone who questions authority or addresses immoral behavior they will react either with apathy, aggressively, or will collectively ridicule the person that is expressing the normal moral behavior.
The fear of being different is engineered through the compulsory education system that enforces traumatic abandonment issues by creating further separation from the parents, and through television programming and other media tools. The new human beings are the absolute dream of the social engineers.
Sacrificing the false ego identified self for Truth and Morality
Fact is that we already live in a fully operational fascist socialist system. When I was Gestapo style interrogated together with my son and his mother by a NAZI style youth police officer because my son did not go to school, I was again confronted with that harsh reality.
The aggressive female police officer asked my son if he really thought that he was smart enough to judge for himself whether he should take medication or not while just being at the age of 16 at that time.
Might it be possible that the millions of drugged and zombified sensitive and gifted ADHD/ADD and ODD labeled children are in fact an army of potential rebels for morality and real freedom, and who can still act from conscience and the sacred dynamics of Care and Willpower to help save humanity from yet another downfall?
It is time for the parents to grow up, become an adult and take responsibility and more important; appropriate ACTION.
There is a war going on against YOU, accept it, get over it and act accordingly.
Our children have waited way to long and we have a moral obligation to make up for the decades of being in a state of apathy and obsessed with self serving trivialities while the dark occultists, the social engineers, had the time of their life.
WE have facilitated the almost complete manifestation of their dream of irreversible total control in a pitch dark world order by our own ignorance and lack of Care and Willpower.
WE must sacrifice everything for the rest of our lives until we see REAL freedom and REAL order coming into manifestation.
We must save the highest gift of the Universe to humanity, our Free Will, from extinction. If only for our children and the World.
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Do you think this article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.
February 28th, 2017: Minor grammar corrections were made to the introductory portion of this article.
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