This was a great conversation in which Julian Wells shares some profound truths about our personal experience, and what we can each do to liberate ourselves, and in turn humanity. I love hearing others who have hit the vein of truth which is paramount on earth right now. That truth is KNOWING YOURSELF, and know the difference between service to others, and service to self. This is HUGE. Do not take this for-granted, because there are on victims on earth, which means there is on one enslaving us, we are CONSENTING to enslavement.
The Long Conversation continues…
This week, I am in Queensland with Anoka having given a presentation to the Gold Coast One People’s group. We will be in the same room for today’s show!
Julien Wells will be on for the first half with an energies update
Please keep an eye out on this page and on Facebook for the updates on dates and times.
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