(John M. Grohol, Psy.D.) People throw around the term “narcissism” all the time. And that’s not surprising, in an age where our technology (e.g., social networks and social media) reinforce narcissistic behaviors through social comparisons.
What can get confusing is understanding the difference between a personality trait — narcissism — and a full-blown personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder. Let’s dive into understand the similarities and differences between these two related psychological concepts.
Some narcissism — called healthy or normal narcissism — can be perfectly normal and good in a person’s life. As Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D. notes in this excellent resource about normal and abnormal narcissism:
That quick check in the mirror is normal, healthy narcissism. Feeling good about oneself, talking about it, even bragging now and then, isn’t pathological. Indeed, it is essential to a positive self-esteem. As comedian Will Rogers once said, “It ain’t bragging if it’s true.”
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What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
Narcissistic personality disorder, on the other hand, is an enduring, maladaptive pattern of thoughts and behaviors that occurs in two or more of the following areas:
- Thinking
- Emotion
- Interactions with others
- Impulse control
This pattern of behavior and thoughts is inflexible and significantly impacts the person’s life in ways that cause the person distress. It’s not enough for the behaviors to cause problems in other people’s lives. It has to cause the person who has the disorder some distress and upset as well.
This pattern can be traced back to the person’s teenage years or childhood. It’s not a temporary problem caused by events in the person’s life, nor is it a part of another mental disorder.
In narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), this pattern of thoughts and behaviors includes the following primary symptoms:
- An overwhelming grandiose sense of self
- Has constant fantasies of unlimited success and power
- Can only be understood by others who are as special and as unique as they are
- Requires constant admiration, because of their fragile self-esteem
- Has an unrealistic sense of entitlement, expects others to cater to their needs and wishes
- Exploits others to get what they want
- Lacks empathy for others
- Focuses on envy, as either the target of others’ envy, or believes are envious of them
- Displays constant arrogant attitudes and behaviors
For a person to be diagnosed with NPD, they need to meet five or more of the above symptoms on a regular basis. Many people refer to someone with these symptoms as being a “narcissist” — implying the person would likely meet the criteria for NPD. This can also be known as “malignant narcissism.”
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Healthy Narcissism
The good news is that you can have a healthy, non-dysfunctional amount of narcissism. Sometimes we call folks with such narcissism as having good self-confidence, or good self-esteem. But it’s often combined with an acknowledgment of their limits, security in knowing their own strengths and weaknesses, strong, empathetic relationships with others, and understanding that a person can learn from their mistakes in life.
Even healthy narcissism can sometimes fall into dysfunctional narcissistic behavior. The key is that most people who take the rare narcissistic behavior to an extreme realize they’ve done so. In most cases, they also feel some regret and recognize the error made. People with healthy narcissism seek to repair relationships when they’ve inadvertently hurt others.
Contrast this to NPD. A person with untreated NPD often has little regard for other people’s feelings, or how the person’s behaviors may hurt others. They generally lack the empathy and compassion to put themselves in another person’s shoes or situation. While some people with narcissistic personality disorder may recognize their failings, they often don’t feel the need to do anything about them. Instead, they believe that others should adapt to their needs.
Want to learn more about these differences?
Read the next article…
Narcissistic Personality Disorder vs. Normal Narcissism
In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a proud young man who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. He was so enchanted by his image that he couldn’t leave it, so he starved to death. Now, if he had just looked into the pool (as many of us do when we check the mirror as we go out the door in the morning), said to himself something like, “Lookin’ good, dude” and moved on, he would have been okay.
That quick check in the mirror is normal, healthy narcissism. Feeling good about oneself, talking about it, even bragging now and then, isn’t pathological. Indeed, it is essential to a positive self-esteem. As comedian Will Rogers once said, “It ain’t bragging if it’s true.”
But there are those, like Narcissus, who need to see themselves as especially attractive, interesting and accomplished most of the time — whether they deserve it or not. They have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), this is only 6.2 percent of the U.S. population.
Let’s look at the distinction with more detail: For the sake of this discussion, I’ll contrast the characteristics of people with diagnosable narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), those who are always checking their reflection in the “mirror” of other people’s admiration, with the traits of people with healthy normal narcissism (NN), those who are deservedly proud of themselves.
Remember: An important difference between the two is that NPD is an enduring, consistent pattern of self-aggrandizing attitudes and behaviors. Thoughtless, selfish behavior once in a while is just what normal people do when they are having a bad day.
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At their core, those with NPD have desperately low self-esteem. It can look to others like they have egos as big as Texas, but that is only a front for the scared little person inside. Their feelings of low self-worth make them need constant reassurance, even admiration, from others.
Those with NN have healthy self-esteem. They are usually engaged in doing things that contribute to their families, jobs and communities and that give meaning to their lives. Appreciation from others feels good but they don’t need it to feel good about themselves.
Relationship with others
To ease painful insecurity, people with NPD surround themselves with people who will stroke their egos. They are always checking to make sure they have more power, more status and more control than others. Their relationships are often based on whether others are useful to them or make them look good. It’s not unusual for them to drop someone once he or she is no longer needed to forward their personal agenda. Because they need to be in control to feel safe, people with NPD manipulate partners, coworkers and those who think they are friends through cycles of approval and rejection.
Those with NN are secure within themselves. They don’t need to feel superior in order to feel “enough.” They may seek relationships with other doers but it’s because of shared excitement about what they are doing, not in order to use them. Their friendships are based in equality and are characterized by balanced give and take. They make enduring relationships of mutual acceptance and support.
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Capacity for empathy
People with NPD can act caring, but only if it will further their need for the relationship. To them, sympathetic behavior is seen as a way to gain status as a “good” person in the eyes of others. If it will cost attention to issues other than their own, their show of sympathy is short-lived.
Those with NN genuinely want to be there for others. If they do talk about their charitable actions, it is to enlist more support for someone in need. Their empathy is selfless and their love is unconditional.
Relationship with success and failure
People with NPD often inflate their accomplishments and overestimate their abilities. It’s not unusual for them to take credit for others’ work. If they can’t dazzle with what they have done, they will work to look good by contrast, emphasizing what others haven’t done or have done badly. Not surprisingly, they are unwilling to talk about their failures or mistakes, fearing that it will have a negative impact on other people’s opinion of them.
When people with NN talk about an achievement, it is without embellishment and with deserved pride and appropriate humility. Unlike those with NPD, they have no need to put their efforts in contrast with the efforts of others. They are quick to give credit to others. People with NN are comfortable sharing their failures or missteps. They understand that to err is only human and that talking about their imperfections doesn’t diminish their worth.
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Response to criticism
People with NPD are oversensitive to criticism and are highly reactive to any real or perceived slight. They don’t take responsibility for making a poor decision or for behaviors others find offensive. If they are held accountable for a mistake or insult, they quickly shift the blame to someone else. If that isn’t successful, they will protest that someone else made them do it.
Those with NN may not like conflict or criticism either and may avoid it if they can. But once they think about it, they are able to participate in healthy dialogue when things go wrong. They take responsibility for their missteps and are willing to make changes in their perceptions and behavior. They are able to apologize to others without feeling diminished for doing so.
Narcissistic behavior or a narcissist?
People with NN are certainly capable of moments of narcissistic behavior. Everyone is self-centered or selfish at times. Everyone has the capacity to inflate an achievement, duck responsibility or treat people badly now and then. In people with NN, such things don’t last. They quickly realize when they have been inappropriate, work to heal their relationships and move on. They see no shame in getting support from friends or help from a professional if they need it.
In contrast, true narcissists (NPD) are preoccupied with themselves most of the time. They are always looking over their shoulder, scared that someone else may be more competent, have more status, or take control away from them. Their black hole of need for admiration never gets filled. Although there is treatment, those with NPD usually don’t agree that they have a problem or truly believe relationship issues are the other person’s fault.
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