(Ulonda Faye) Often, in life, we can get caught up in the expectations and needs of our world. This can be within a culture, society and community, in a macro way; and it can also be experienced in a micro way through our place of employment, circle of friends, family and day-in-day-out life needs.
Related The Multidimensional Self: The Soul, OverSoul, and Beyond
by Ulonda Faye, March 30th, 2018
The journey calls us as we set our feet on the ground, we know and feel it is so.
How do we truly break free and hear our own heart? How do we tap into our intuition, spirit guides, and our true ‘I Am’ source of connection to bring forth our absolute knowing of our unique divine plan?
We can soar, using the wind to help us fly higher, while adjusting our flight as needed in using this natural flow, seen and felt though the wind. Birds are great teachers when we observe how they soar in the sky. It is effortless and it is instinctual. There is a one-pointed focus. There is a goal. There is action, and there is trust. There is a complete surrender to the present moment knowing that this present moment is all there is. There is a ‘go for it’ action.
In taking this example, we realize this flight can only truly take place when we let go of anything and everything that has ever weighed us down. We do this because we know these are blocks that prevent source energy from flowing through us and manifesting our needs and desires.
What can be let go of?
What can be forgiven?
What can be released into the wind, and then harnessed as a support for our flight?
A meditation focusing on our third eye, while feeling into our heart, can be extremely revealing. It is far too easy, yet not effortless, to move about our days not truly seeing what blocks our vital life flow.
There are many great meditations and forms of meditations out there. The main thing is to be loving and compassionate with yourself, and to allow the process to unfold as you become more and more familiar with silencing the mind.
While doing so, letting go of stimulants can be extremely beneficial as they disrupt the flow of our nervous system, which is our great connector to cosmic consciousness. True relaxation, though not produced through chemical compounds, help open us up to our divine gifts and to the gift the Universe is ready and waiting to breathe through us.
Yogananda once said that God is in our spine. This is a direct link to the pure consciousness flow between our nervous system and the God-source that lives within and all around us. A source that can be referred to as the presence. This presence breathes through us and is us, and this presence is the tree and bird next to us. It truly is everything. It is our Oneness.
Spiritual transformation is personal and global transformation. It is all in our spine, and our nervous system flows the divine order of the cosmos. Consciousness is always moving through us, and our heart is the speaker in this orchestra of frequency.
Will we remember and see our truest nature?
Will we be the love that we came here to be?
Are we ready and willing to allow nothing and no one to disturb our inner peace?
When we say yes to all of these questions, the heart beats forth our answers. The cosmos realign within and outside of us, and right timing begins to shape our lives.
We must take time for meditation, solitude, reflection, exercise, rightful eating, mother nature, friends and family, and for our pure hearts desire.
There must be a balance, and there must be an allowance of constant flow of divine energy.
If something feels non-beneficial, simply walk away from it. If something feels heart-centered, move closer. Follow the happiness of the soul as it leads us deeper on our path. It will reveal to us, why we are meant to be here at this time.
As much as possible, do only what you love, and do only what empowers your soul. Do this every single day, and at the end of the week, month and year, big changes will be visible.
It is true, we are supernovas, and the Dhammapada is our soul. Through opening up to our gifts, we open others up to their gifts. We begin to then see how our mere presence and spoken word creates deeper and deeper ripple effects on everything and everyone around us. When we unfold ourselves, we unfold others.
There is a strong gravity pulling us into the higher presence of divine living love. Will we open up to this energy field, and quiet our minds while listening to our heart?
We can trust, we are very blessed to be here at this time. The dawn is ready to break open and flow through us, and a new age is here. Will we birth it forward?
Are we ready to take full responsibility of our thoughts, spoken and written words, actions, intonations, and whole beingness?
If we are ready to step into more lighted times, then the true answer from the soul shall be yes.
Every second, moment, day, week and month count. They create our year. Yet, we needn’t feel bound to linear time.
And so it is, in a society with structure and rules, we must live balanced within this system while creating the new. Once the new is born, the former simply falls away. We can visualize this as a floating away sensation.
Will you create… the new you, us, and life breathing through me and you?
Will you see that the time is here and now?
Move forward releasing the past and meeting the present through mindful and equal exchange in all things.
Big change is within us and all around us.
No one creates for us. We create it all. The vision is being created through every single act.
Everything happens at exactly the right time and place, and thus we move forward with absolute faith and trust in this divine plan.
Water yourself, and water us all.
Create a beautiful life for yourself, and for us all.
We are well on our journey.
The prayer wheel is spinning.
Now, take care of your Self, your soul and your heart.
You are standing on solid ground, like never before.
Do you hear the calling?
Listen to the wind.
Set sail and fly.
Here and now.
Go forth
open soul.
We are
me and you.
About the Author
Ulonda Faye has a B.A. in Political Science and International Studies, and studied Peace and Conflict Research during her Masters program in International Relations. She survived a Near Death Experience during an accident that led her into Mind-Body-Spirit studies. She is a certified Wellness Practitioner, Rejuv Miracles Practitioner, holistic esthetician and an ordained spiritual minister. She walks a combination of the Shamanic and Buddhist path, and aspires to open and deepen the spiritual heart within each of us through her work. For more information, please visit fayenaturales.com, Faye Naturales Facebook and Faye Naturales Instagram.
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