Zika virus is the latest health scare pushed by officialdom. The modus operandi of our would-be masters is to deceive us into thinking there is fire, when we can’t even smell any smoke. And for the masses who have lost touch with reality, accepting the dictates of experts as unquestioned fact, the scare about Zika can feel very real. That’s the whole point, to make us feel as though there is something to fear, when in fact there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
The following is a compilation of Zika virus articles, chiefly penned by Jon Rappoport, whose spend over 30 years investigating frauds pushed by the medical sick-care system.
What Rappoport demonstrates there is no tangible evidence to connect the Zika virus with microcephaly, the medical condition describing abnormally small heads of newborn children. The condition can be caused by any number of ‘insult’ to the fetus during pregnancy, such as “a toxic drug, a toxic pesticide, the pregnant woman falls down a flight of stairs.” So-called medical experts have associated Zika virus to microcephaly with no supportive evidence; there is no causal relationship with Zika and microcephaly being demonstrated, only baseless claims.
Zika virus was discovered in 1947 and later patented by the Rockefeller foundation. Some companies even allow one to purchase Zika virus for laboratory purposes, and some have claimed that GMO mosquitos could be carriers of the virus.
But as Rappoport reveals, there is no epidemic of actually taking place. The World Health Organization’s recent press release claiming that a major epidemic of Zika virus spread to over 24 countries is completely unfounded.
There were only 17 instances of ‘Zika association’ out of over 4,000 reported cases of microcephaly in Brazil. That doesn’t qualify as an epidemic.
In addition, since Zika virus has been well known since the mid 20th century, and has been documented in many different countries all over the world, it seems more likely that the virus was already present in the population. Claims that recent cases are due to an epidemic do not take into account pre-existing pathogenic exposure from other sources.
All and all the picture painted is fairly clear for those with the eyes to see.
The Zika virus is the latest false flag hoax pushed on to humanity to incite fear and reinforce confidence in the medical system. Considering that the real causes of microcephaly are most likely due to food toxicity and environmental pollution, the system of control can easily trick the masses into accepting a false epidemic exists, but only if the truth remains hidden.
In light of this, let us spread the truth and transform this attempt at a false flag into one more red pill to further help our brothers and sisters awaken. Eventually, once the frauds of our age have been properly recognized, a wave of righteous indignation will sweep humanity, and then, finally, we will be empowered to change this world for the better.
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Zika Freakout: The Hoax And The Covert Op Continue
One: Pesticide use in Brazil:
Two: The TdaP vaccine:
Three: Genetically engineered mosquitoes that have already been released in Brazil to “combat” dengue fever—a project implemented by Oxitec, a company supplied with grant money from Bill Gates:
Four: Pesticide manufacturing in Brazil:
Five: Severe and endemic malnutrition, lack of basic sanitation, and grinding poverty:
Six: anti-mosquito sprays:
Zika Hoax: Five Things That Will Happen Next
Now we have a January 27 Associated Press story out of Rio, published in SFGate: ‘270 of 4,180 suspected microcephaly cases confirmed.’ That’s called a clue, in case you’re wondering. Of the previously touted 4,180 cases of microcephaly in Brazil, the actual number of confirmed cases so far is, well, only 270. Bang. But wait, there’s more. AP: ‘Brazilian officials said the babies with the defect [microcephaly] and their mothers are being tested to see if they had been infected. Six of the 270 confirmed microcephaly cases were found to have the [Zika] virus.’ Bang, bang, bang. Out of all the microcephaly cases re-examined in Brazil, only six have the Zika virus. That constitutes zero proof that Zika has anything to do with microcephaly.
In May 2015, Brazil reported its first case of Zika virus disease. Since then, the disease has spread within Brazil and to 24 other countries in the region.
Arrival of the virus in some countries of the Americas, notably Brazil, has been associated with a steep increase in the birth of babies with abnormally small heads… A causal relationship between Zika virus infection and birth defects and neurological syndromes has not been established, but is strongly suspected.
WHO’s Regional Office for the Americas (PAHO) has been working closely with affected countries since May 2015. PAHO has mobilized staff and members of the Global Outbreak and Response Network (GOARN) to assist ministries of health in strengthening their abilities to detect the arrival and circulation of Zika virus through laboratory testing and rapid reporting. The aim has been to ensure accurate clinical diagnosis and treatment for patients, to track the spread of the virus and the mosquito that carries it, and to promote prevention, especially through mosquito control.
The Zika virus is for sale online courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation
Here is a link to the site: Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™)
Apparently the zika virus started in Uganda back in 1947 where is was found in monkeys..
Blood samples were taken from the monkeys and freeze-dried and are now on sale… presumably for researchers to use in vaccine testing.
According to Aangirfan: The Uganda/East African Virus Research Institute, in Entebbe, Uganda, was established in 1936 by the Rockefeller Foundation.
The institute has a field station at the Zika Forest near Entebbe.
In 1947 scientists placed a rhesus macaque in a cage in the Zika Forest, near the institute in Entebbe, Uganda.
The monkey developed a fever, and researchers isolated from its serum a transmissible agent that was first described as Zika virus in 1952._________
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