(Richard Enos) In my previous 7-part series of articles on Who Lucifer Really Is & Why They Are Here, we became aware of the existence of a highly organized group of bloodline families that have essentially been ruling our planet since antiquity. There we focused on the spiritual contradictions about who Lucifer was and his ultimate purpose for being here.
Related Who Lucifer Actually is Series
by Richard Enos, August 24th, 2018
Here, we will use that discussion to center ourselves in a more narrowly focused examination of our material world, of what is actually happening on the ground, ‘in the game’ as it were. Of paramount importance now is that we, as conscious individuals in the awakening community, band together to expose the hidden evils of those in power in order to achieve the particular real-world changes that we came here to instigate.
The Mission Of The Bloodline Families
For those who have not read the Lucifer series, I will state briefly the working paradigm for our discussion here. It was revealed by an anonymous source called Hidden-Hand during a set of posts to the Above Top Secret forum in 2008 that the world is run by extraterrestrial beings (individuations of the Lucifer group soul) who have incarnated throughout history into ‘family’ bloodlines that have always held the levers of power in the world. These extraterrestrial bloodlines have guided the lower human bloodlines (let us call them Illuminati bloodlines, based on the testimony of famed whistleblower Svali) to become the de facto hands-on rulers of the planet. This powerful elite group includes royal families, aristocracy, clergy, top bankers, corporate heads, military heads and people in any other important axes of power and wealth.
Hidden-Hand said that his Lucifer group soul has this particular mission:
In order to “win” (or more accurately to be successful in) the Game, we must be as Negatively Polarized as possible. Service to Self in the extreme. Violence, War, Hatred, Greed, Control, Enslavement, Genocide, Torture, Moral Degradation, Prostitution, Drugs, all these things and more, they serve our purpose. In the Game.
The human Illuminati bloodlines, numbering several million people, according to Hidden-Hand, are known to go through extremely harsh and severe training since birth in order to fulfill their mission, which for them is understood to be complete world domination through the use of fear, coercion and deception. In reality, their mission is merely an extension of the mission of the Lucifer group soul in ‘the game’: provide all manner of evil as a catalyst for human free will, and subsequently human growth and evolution.
And so, we have a basic context to understanding how, at the highest levels of power globally, there is an occult philosophy/religion taught from birth, call it Illuminism (as Svali does), Luciferianism, Satanism, or other such title, which leaves its members with the absolute conviction that conducting themselves in the most self-serving ways possible, in the complete absence of any compassion, respect, or humaneness towards human beings outside of the cult (and in some ways, within it) is the road to their collective salvation.
Buy Book Blood Lines of the Illuminati
What Salvation?
From a spiritual angle, their salvation involves acting in full service-to-self 95% of the time, in order to ‘ascend’ from the 3rd Density to the 4th Density (again, this was all covered in the Lucifer series). At the appointed time, there was supposed to be a return of their demonic leader, and their families would openly rule the planet, putting the rest of the human population in abject slavery, a population which, as prophesied by the Georgia Guidestones, would have been reduced to a manageable 500 million.
Alas. As we concluded in the Lucifer series, the human bloodlines were actually fooled into believing this, in order that they would fulfill their mission properly. The real goal was to help prepare all of humanity for the ‘Harvest,’ which represents the ‘Ascension’ of those that become ready to move into a higher density of existence. While ascension has not yet happened, there is a growing feeling that the rule of the bloodline families has passed its expiry date, and it is time for them to step down.
In ‘An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families‘ that comes to us from Adamu, a Pleiadian entity channeled through a healer named Zingdad, there is an assertion that some of the more spiritually inclined bloodline members are starting to realize that there is an energetic shift going on, a change about to take place, and
…that the time of your watching over humanity is at an end. Indeed, that it is ending without the return of your master, your dark god-king. And that there is no longer any real hope that he ever will return. You are on your own. Your secret prophecies have come to naught.
There is much insider testimony, from sources of David Wilcock and others, that confirms that although the Illuminati bloodlines achieved tremendous power in the world historically and seemed to be invincible, and they looked like they were on the cusp of open world rule through novus ordo seclorum only a few short years ago, things have not been working out for them of late. Adamu describes the current situation for them:
[Humanity] are almost ready to be taken and controlled. But… right here at the very last… you find yourselves losing grip here there and everywhere. You find your attention being constantly diverted by all manner of seemingly trivial, but irritating, diversions. And in concert, your energy and attention is so diverted that you can never quite act to gain total power.
There is even some contention that the entire Luciferian group soul has left the playing field, as it were, that perhaps even they were deceived by the Council of Elders as to their mission to create a ‘Negative Ascension,’ and that now the stage is set for human beings to choose what will happen next. If indeed that is the case, then what is our mission, as conscious individuals in the awakening community?
The Mission Of The Awakening Community
Our first objective needs to be awareness. Awareness is curative. And so it becomes very important that we start to fathom and then piece together what has been an all-encompassing hidden network of violence, evil, and inhumanity that the Illuminati bloodlines have had in place since long before any of us were born.
For those who would argue that we should not give credence or attention to these dark forces, for fear of giving then more ‘reality,’ I would respectfully suggest that this a rather disempowering form of ‘spiritual bypass’. Just as we must look at our own shadows for our own healing and freedom, so too do we as a collective need to acknowledge and confront the roots of darkness and evil on our planet to begin to heal ourselves and come together as a collective, a collective which ultimately will not exclude even the worst perpetrators. We need neither obsess with nor become numb to the darkness, but rather give it solemn and courageous attention in order to come to a more holistic understanding of ourselves as a species.
Related CE Podcast: How Conspiracies & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected
For The Skeptics
For those who don’t believe the Illuminati exist, but have gotten this far in the article, I first applaud you for your open-mindedness. But secondly, I would ask you if you have a better and more cohesive explanation for why humanity has been so pervasively fraught with war and destruction, economic fraud of the highest possible kind, drug abuse and trafficking, human and child sex and slave trafficking, murder and human sacrifice, mind-control and genetic experimentation, perversion of the food and water supply, chemtrails and weather warfare, and other crimes against humanity that often reveal the hand of a powerful hidden authority in action.
If you don’t have a better explanation, then let’s agree to the use of the term ‘Illuminati’ to represent the central brain and network of these activities, whether or not the real central power identifies itself fully or partially as such. And then let’s look at all the clues, events, and testimony and see if there’s a way we can piece together the puzzle and gain a big-picture understanding. This will be the purpose of subsequent articles I will be writing on this subject. From this understanding, we can prepare ourselves for the appropriate actions that we can take in the world as part of our mission.
Buy Book The Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty
End Times
I truly believe we are in the prophesied ‘End Times’ right now. But this does not mean our world is going to be destroyed. It means the old order will fall, and there are many signs of this happening already. The watershed moment awaits our readiness to put a new order in its place, with values catalyzed by but antithetical to those of the old order; a new order founded on our highest and most positive collective ambitions as a species.
Buy Book The Science of Ascension: A Study of our Being
Watch our most recent interview with Franco DeNicola about ‘The Shift In Consciousness‘ we are experiencing.
Stillness Commentary on this Article
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Lucifer is arguably one of the most hated and reviled characters in history. Lucifer is cited as the reason Eve ate the apple. Lucifer is worshiped by the dark occult, and is the antagonist of major religions. But as those who have walked far on their path toward truth and knowledge realize, there’s always more to the story.
Lucifer etymologically breaks down into two words: light bearer. Light, symbolically is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Bearer simply refers to one who holds or carries. Thus, the literal meaning of the term Lucifer is one who holds true knowledge, and shares it with others. It also means one who holds knowledge, as a kind of steward.
Given this meaning, anyone who holds or transmits true knowledge, is embodying the Lucifer archetype. But what the definition doesn’t speak to is what kind of knowledge.
Generally, knowledge is amoral—it isn’t good or bad. It’s how knowledge is used in life that determines if something is good or bad, right or wrong.
The dark Luciferian cults of this world, populated by elite power players and immoral individuals, seek knowledge and use it against the people, to maintain their power. This knowledge encompasses a wide range of topics, particularly, true psychology, law, and science.
Related What We Need to Know about the Dark Occultists and Satanists Running Our Institutions — Mark Passio
The term occult refers to things that are hidden. Dark Luciferian’s are also called dark occultists because they hide information from the general population so they can use it against them. They worship a dark version of Lucifer, the archetype, not the mythical figure, organizing their dark religion around a concept of darkness symbolized by a black sun wreathed in flame, not unlike the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings films.
As the following well researched and articulated article describes, poring through the contemporary and historical usages of the Lucifer concept is quite the adventure. As you’ll discover, it’s not so easy to blindly paint the idea of Lucifer as totally bad. That being said, the article and my introduction here is not an attempt to convert people into worshiping Lucifer.
Consider that the pure version of the archetype is that of a light-bearer, one who holds and shares true knowledge. There are some who act within the definition of Lucifer, but who aren’t evil or bad. Thus, this exploration of the Lucifer archetype serves as a good exercise for contending with personal prejudice.
Generally speaking, when we encounter things in life that we find reprehensible or bad, we avoid them. We avoid learning about them because we rest our conclusions on whatever we do know, usually marked by intense negative emotions. But from a truth-seeking and ethical perspective, we should look deeper than surface level assessments. Sometimes your first impression of something is wrong, and if you didn’t look beyond it, you’d have missed something big.
As such, while I agree that the dark Lucifer concept is arguably bad and has been used to do negative things in this world, learning about it and the grander concept helps provide me greater knowledge. And with knowledge comes power, specifically, the power to be more moral because I’ve integrated my shadow.
So while it might seem strange to review these concepts, know that in the act of learning about these things, you provide yourself the knowledge you need to make moral choices.
In this sense, moral action doesn’t take place in ignorance. A true moral choice comes from understanding why something is bad or wrong, and choosing to do otherwise despite any temptations.
In other words, one cannot be truly moral if they do not spend time understanding the shadow as well as the light.
– Justin
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
Brad says
The Cabal are instruments of the ET Alliance. Much more info @ Get-Wisdom.com… Brad
Why does the ET Alliance: Anunnaki, Nordics and Reptilians want our planet for themselves so badly, and/or to eliminate humanity?
There are many reasons on many levels, and like humans themselves there is a mix of viewpoints, a mix of desires, and a mix of intentions. In the end what will matter is solely the desires of the leadership, as these are authoritarian regimes who are under lockstep, oversight, and control by a long‑standing hierarchy that keeps things in alignment and working for them. So the investment here has been tremendous, certainly from your perspective, having been involved in the earth plane for tens of thousands of years, by all parties still present. With that kind of investment and using, exploiting, manipulating humanity for various purposes, the natural desire is to get all they can. So they have a long‑standing presence and interest in tinkering with human, exploiting, manipulating, and taking away things of value.
This began with natural resources and mining operations hundreds of thousands of years in the past, and using humans as slave beings for that purpose. The more recent manipulations have been involved with having playthings, and having a way to exert their power, and have beings who are truly expendable to manipulate, and subjugate, and to punish for their own gratification. This is a form of depravity that is very much like some authoritarian regimes in the human realm who preyed on others they felt were weaker, or less deserving and drew a kind of enjoyment from the subjugation and witnessing the suffering. There are beings who use you as food. There are beings who use you as instruments to confound and confuse other humans, and take delight in orchestrating all these schemes of subterfuge to drag things down to lower levels of efficiency and progress. They ultimately are serving as well their own minions, the alien Grey beings, who have studied human genetics for tens of thousands of years as a kind of laboratory project, seeking to improve their own genome. And so humanity has served as a pool of unwitting guinea pigs for that enterprise as well. They have some interest at the moment to keep humanity going but they are tiring of this game. It is costing them greatly in terms of energy, and the complications that are growing as the divine realm continues with the shift in consciousness to make humans who escape their grip.
This is a back and forth contest and a kind of tug of war playing out. The extraterrestrials differ in the extent to which they retain an appetite for these games. Some are ready to disengage but are part of an agreement and an alliance to support their fellows. Others want this to be over with and desire the direct annihilation of all humans. Others still want to preserve at least a critical mass of humans to be sure the research has reached a sufficient level. But already humans are being eliminated and also replaced by extraterrestrial impostors and implanted beings who are substituted for human fetuses and are born to human families, and raised as their own despite the fact the genome is extraterrestrial. In this way they can displace humans altogether down the line, given enough time. So the handwriting is on the wall currently, that they may well shift their perspective and then the consequences will become more severe than tinkering with you around the edges, to keep humans running in circles and fighting among one another, as has happened all through history.
We cannot tell you ourselves how this will turn out, as it is up to you. We are waiting to see what you choose. Do you choose to do nothing? Do you choose to resist actively? Do you choose to bring in a divine partner who does have capability to make a difference without bloodshed? Those are three basic choices and most people are in the first camp, through complacency, mind manipulation, and subjugation, and states of ignorance all conspiring to keep people looking elsewhere and unable to engage, even with the idea of an extraterrestrial presence, much less there is anything at stake for them. So the destiny of human is still in your hands and has been in your hands all along. We have helped to support you, for you are actually an extension of the Creator. And this is why our interest is so keen and we view you with great importance. This is our desire to have the divine human thrive and expand in all ways. But the test is, can you handle adversity, and the encroachment, and corruption to appeal to ego and to selfish desires for power? If you fail that test, then the experiment will end. Your souls will live on, but you will not have your world to live in any longer. You will be doing other things and will have missed a tremendous opportunity for a glorious new future.
…”one cannot be truly moral if they do not spend time understanding the shadow as well as the light.”
Right “Know thyself”. That’s the difference between 3D and 4D living. In 3D it’s good enough to do what’s right because someone told you it’s right (religion for example). In 4D it takes more than being obedient you have to understand WHY a thing is negative or positive, otherwise it doesn’t count, so to speak. Creator Source doesn’t want obedient slaves he wants friends, companions, counter-parts. Are you a child who needs the cookie jar put out of reach before dinner time to be good, or are you an adult who wants a cookie, can reach the jar, but will wait ’till desert time to have ONE? …(or maybe 2 lol)