(Cat Stansell) “Clueless” is the nicest thing I can say.
by Cat Stansell, April 16th, 2022
The conservative John Locke Foundation published an article on April 13, 2022, advocating that North Carolina join ERIC, the voter fraud machine. Are they clueless or have they been infiltrated by the Left?
From all else I have ever read or known of the NC conservative think tank, I will have to choose “clueless”. At this time. In their efforts to support election integrity, the JLF Director of Civitas, Center for Public Integrity, Dr. Andy Jackson, published a piece about Mark Meadows, the former Trump administration Chief of Staff. Meadows was registered to vote in both NC, his home state (in two different counties), and Virginia. He last voted in 2021 in Virginia, where he resided during the Trump administration while retaining his legal residency in NC, as permitted by law, (GS 163-57(8).
Meadows last voted in NC in 2020 at his Macon County address. He had another address of registration in NC, where he had never been known to live – OR VOTE. These kinds of duplications/ineligible registrations should have been purged by the state before it became news. I totally agree. Of course. So should have the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent registrations that have been found in states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan alike. “Based on his 15-month study of election practices in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Texas and Michigan, cyber expert Greg Phillips estimates that at least 4.8 million votes were trafficked nationally.” Yes. WE NEED VOTER ROLL INTEGRITY!
This particular instance of “voter fraud”, however, about big bad Mark Meadows, is laughable in the extreme, and utterly nauseating when viewed in context of the larger national voter fraud picture. Remember, however, the Left’s need to divert attention from Biden and his messes: the infamous laptop; his Ukraine connections; his failures in Afghanistan. the inflation and supply line crises brought about by his acts, etc. . So…let’s think as a lefty. Let’s make a mountain out of a grain of sand.
Gee… Mark Meadows that former Trump staffer is registered to vote in more than one place!!! Grrrrr . . . The little creatures with long fangs and small brains (aka, the mainstream media) are lunging to the attack. “Prosecute him” bleats Claire McCaskill, like a good sheeple dancing the leftist jig for MSNBC; “Send him to jail”! Similar reports have popped up in the New York Times, the HuffPo, etc. ad nauseum. As usual, I might add.
The amount of publicity being received by Meadow’s voter registration, from the trained media lemmings is SO obviously more MSM scum, that I would think that an organization the caliber of The John Locke Foundation would see right through it.
Meadows has been under attack by the Jan. 6 committee since he refused to appear at their command. They demand that he be charged with contempt. With all the Lefties who have refused appearances requested by the right, this McCaskill dance looks all the more ridiculous. There is a lot of venom (snake or otherwise) circulating in Leftist circles, aimed at anyone who dares question their scams. Mark Meadows did so, thus exposing himself to every possible attack the dirtbags can dig up. So, they hit on his voter registration records. Have they no self-awareness?? McCaskill has slathered MORE icing on the cake of ridiculous Leftist hypocrisy by demanding Meadows be prosecuted and put in jail! LOL is all I can say
I do agree with Locke’s man, Dr. Andy Jackson. Voter rolls are in desperate need of purging and maintenance. Inaccurate voter lists are the fertile soil from which election fraud is grown. We ALL must work to secure the ballot, and do so before the November 2022 midterms – IN EVERY STATE! IF we cannot secure our ballots so that they accurately reflect the choices of EACH voter – left or right – we will have lost our republic and our precious freedoms granted by its founding documents.
The ERIC system – organized and developed in 2012 by David Becker with a Soros grant to the Pew Charitable Trust – is NOT the solution. In real fact, ERIC is the problem. Becker himself, a former DOJ employee, fired in 2005 for his overt anti-Conservative actions, is still on the ERIC board of directors, along with the chief election official of each member state. I refer you to https://www.influencewatch.org/David-Becker
Here is the construct for fraud. ERIC takes ALL VOTER RECORDS from each member state – including records of illegal aliens, green card holders, and under-aged driver’s license and work permit applicants. ERIC mandates these be sent to its massive AI system EVERY 60 DAYS where they are merged with all USPS addresses in the state as well as the Social Security death records. THIS IS WHERE THE FRAUD OCCURS. BLATANTLY. BY ERIC MANDATE. >>> Once the names of illegal aliens, undocumented workers, green card holders, and under-aged youth are mixed in, there is no separating them. Also, the ERIC SYSTEM HAS NO DIRECT MANDATE FOR REMOVAL OF THOSE WHO HAVE DIED OR CHANGED ADDRESSES. The lists they provide for members’ use are of voters who have moved in-state; voters who have moved to another ERIC state; those who have duplicate registrations in the SAME state; and those who have died. What about people moving to a state that is NOT an ERIC member? Where are the lists of ineligible voters?? See https://www.thegatewaypundit.com>2022>01>cleaning-voter-rolls-Soros…) or my article, “Dissecting the Beast” on 100percentfedup.com, amricanpolicy.org, newswithviews.com, or educationviews.org. for more detail.
This information and much more has been published on national websites and has been met with full denial by ERIC leaders. So what? My position is that, if the ERIC constructs – as spelled out in their own website – are not doing as stated above, then prove it. Show the mandates for members which demand culling. Show where green card and ID card holders never reach the lists. So far, that has not happened. ERIC did add to its FAQ’s, lately, in response to one expose. While still not proving that role culling is a mandate, FAQ #15 says that each state must obey the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA ) which requires annual roll maintenance.
(THE NVRA ALSO requires that “Each state must include a voter registration form as part of an application for a state driver’s license and any application for drivers’ license renewal”, as taken from its US Government official website. Two ERIC states, Wisconsin and Minnesota, are exempt from the mandates of the act, because they had either “no voter registration requirements or had election-day voter registration at polling places with respect to federal elections.”)
So what? Is culling a direct mandate for their membership? NO. All 30 ERIC member states have rolls polluted with ineligible voters. IT IS IN THOSE 30 STATES THAT THE VAST MAJORITY OF PROVEN VOTER FRAUD HAS OCCURRED!!! This can be no coincidence, but rather, proof that ERIC is NOT the system we need to save our election integrity.
All of the puny arguments I have read, in support of ERIC, say that, because states are required to maintain their rolls by federal law, they might as well be a part of ERIC. Gee…it’s “harder than you’d think” to develop accurate state systems. So, just give over all of your voter integrity to a construct like the Electronic Registration Information Center because it’s easier that way. The election officials of the member states are already accustomed to working with ERIC, so let it roll. REALLY?? This is incredible, especially coming from anyone who believes in election integrity.
The recommendation of the John Locke Foundation that North Carolina JOIN this corrupted system is shocking. How can a conservative group with the reputation of JLF miss all of this?? Tagging them as “clueless” is my most accurate assessment for the moment. I want to believe better of them, as I know millions of their supporters do. I believe we should join together to develop strong honest systems to watch over our precious rights. Data management knowledge is prevalent today, especially in government. I believe that there are enough smart HONEST people to design and develop accurate and secure voter roll maintenance systems. These may well cost less than ERIC in the final analysis, just for an added bonus.
My point here is that if the informed consumer of news is aware of the potential for fraud in the ERIC constructs, how can the John Locke Foundation NOT be? I urge them to do further research on ERIC and withdraw their request that the NC legislature provides immediate funds for ERIC membership. NOW. The John Locke Foundation is better than this latest article. I hope.
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