Source – Discerning The Mystery
The reality revealed by the ordeal in North Dakota—in which the Standing Rock Sioux along with Native friends from across the continent—are facing off against corporate powers who are attempting to complete the pipeline project at any cost. The acting authorities in this region, the workers, the engineers, and a handful of mercenaries seem to have abandoned Constitutional law entirely in order to enforce plutocratic control over the property and livelihood of others.
The corporate media has largely ignored the struggle for life of the Standing Rock Sioux. Hardly any of these media sources have chosen to report the truth of the situation for what appears to be a media blackout. At the same time, the journalists who have shed light on the situation have been arrested or brought up on trumped up charges for doing so—proving that fascism has a comfortable home in America.
The pleas of these Natives tribes—the historic targets of American “progress”—have been ignored by Washington, ignored and silenced by the banks, ignored and dismissed by the acting authorities who seem to care about little more than their paychecks.
I do not doubt that many of the acting authorities who are pepper-spraying and pointing loaded guns at unarmed women and children choose to believe they have just cause for doing so. However, such people seem to have little ability to determine proper ethical procedure on their own.
The national sickness which the ordeal in North Dakota reveals seems to be a repeat of history. In the early 1930s, the Nationalist Socialist part rose to power in the same subtle way which the current acting governance did. These historically criminal Nationalists stopped at nothing to achieve their own goals.
They too cared little or nothing about human rights for those who did not look like them. They stole, vandalized, brutalized and murdered at will, all while continuing a non-stop campaign of propagandistic hypocrisy. This propaganda helped to maintain efficiency on the front lines of their rampage across Europe and Northern Africa.
Much like modern-day America, these Nazis pushed excessive propaganda focused toward national pride and national values. In reality, the nation was in the process of brutalizing and murdering a large percentage of its population (not to mention thousands of civilians in foreign lands). Though Nazi Germany had its differences from modern-day America, there are too many similarities to consider ourselves any better.
This is Why the Media Is Silent – Award Winning Journalist To Be Jailed For Covering Dakota Pipeline
The situation at Standing Rock is the same as is everywhere else in this country. The veneer of equality and freedom are generously glossed over a steadily decreasing regard for human life and prosperity. It is my belief that the world must know every last detail about the crimes taking place against these Native protectors, who did nothing to deserve the treatment they’ve received for simply speaking out. If we do not want to see history repeat itself any longer, it is up to each of us to make these deeds known and to bring them to an end.
In all of this, it’s important to know who was behind the initial violation of human rights in this situation and who willfully continues that violation for the sake of profit. Here is Democracy Now with the article of interest.
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