(Richard Enos) As we described in Part 1, Lucifer is considered to be a highly evolved ‘group soul’, having reached 6th density, while our world is currently in 3rd density transitioning to 4th density. The concept of ‘group soul’ is important here, as it suggests that, as individual souls evolve towards reunion with the One Creator, they gather into ever larger sub-groups of consciousness from which they came.
Related Who Lucifer Actually Is & Why They Are Here (Part 1)
by Richard Enos, June 19th, 2018
In this context, the ‘Fall of Lucifer’ is actually based on an agreement between Lucifer and the Earth’s planetary logos (creator) known as Yahweh, an agreement designed to introduce ‘evil’ to the planet in order to foster human free will and subsequently accelerate human evolution.
Fallen Angel
In the Bible there is reference made to the fall of Lucifer, characterized as God’s punishment for a self-centered angel who aspired to be above the one almighty God:
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;” –Isaiah, 14:12-13
What this in fact represents is the result of Yahweh’s anger at his human population having disobeyed him by succumbing to Lucifer’s temptation in the garden. Yahweh had only reluctantly accepted the proposition that his human subjects be granted free will, and actually went ahead with it believing they would not disobey him.
If you are wondering ‘How could God the Creator be angry?’ it helps to understand that Yahweh is not the One Creator but rather simply the creator of the planet Earth, and as a planetary logos had not evolved beyond anger, jealousy, and revenge. While being fully aware and very powerful, Yahweh’s soul had not grown much since the creation of the planet. It is, in fact, the evolution of the human race that is the vehicle for Yahweh’s own evolution into higher densities.
Lucifer Confined To Astral Planes
And so Yahweh took out his wrath, not only on his human population–which is well documented in the Old Testament–but on Lucifer as well. He confined the group soul to the Earth’s Astral Planes. Lucifer’s ‘fall from grace’ is actually a consequence of Yahweh’s jealousy, because Lucifer, as a 6th density group soul, had become a more highly evolved being than Yahweh was. Here is how Hidden-Hand explains the blowback from Yahweh’s actions:
Now that Free Will had been granted, Yahweh could not retract it, and we have to stay here as contracted to continue to provide the planet with the Polarity choice. Since then, Yahweh has confined us (as a Group Soul) here within the Earth’s Astral Planes (which is very constricting and uncomfortable for a Being of our Wisdom and experience).
The Council of Elders gave us the choice to be released (against Yahweh’s will), but at the cancellation of our contract to Serve the planet earth; or to remain and fulfill our assignment, and endure Yahweh’s self-proclaimed “Wrath”. We stayed, but as a karmic result of our Group Soul’s confinement by Yahweh, our own individuated Souls were given the mandate (by The Council) to “Rule” over Yahweh’s people during our physical incarnations here on your planet.
The fact that the soul group’s individuated souls ‘were given the mandate (by The Council) to “Rule” over Yahweh’s people’ is of paramount importance. It gives us a much greater and more profound understanding of the nature of the presence of evil on this planet. The oft-heard references to a nefarious ‘Cabal’ or ‘Illuminati’ group running the planet, no matter how accurate or inaccurate as those words may be, appears to be validated in this big-picture view.
Buy Book The World Order – Our Secret Rulers
The 13 Bloodlines
In effect, due to the karma that Yahweh created by his petty acts of jealousy and rage, the group soul named Lucifer would not simply be stoking the fires of evil on the planet from afar, but the individuated souls of that group soul would incarnate on the planet via 13 sacred bloodlines to actually rule the planet from a much higher level of consciousness and self-awareness that humans would have.
The original ‘incarnation’ seems to correspond to the Nephilim or ‘Fallen Angels,’ whose integration into the human race is described in Genesis 6:4:
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them.
This may be where the 13 bloodlines got started. What is important to note is that, while the human race lived on the Earth with a healthy dose of ‘amnesia’ of who they were for the purposes of their own evolution, it does not seem as though the individuated souls of Lucifer were in the same boat. They consciously understood their role on Earth, and have had a structure in place to maintain cohesion in their role as rulers through their understanding that they are part of the ‘Family,’ an understanding that is passed down by every generation. Hidden-Hand, in fact, identifies himself as a ‘generational member’:
I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family, our Lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest times of your recorded “history”, and beyond, our Family has been ‘directing’ the ‘play’ from behind the scenes, in one way or another.
There are 13 ‘base’ or ‘core’ original bloodlines. Yet there are many many other lines that spring from these, as do rivers from the oceans. If you imagine the 13 Original lines as Primary colour, that can be mixed to create a vast array of other colours, then you will have some comprehension. Again, no competition, just Family.
Buy Book Blood Lines of the Illuminati
Disciplines Of Training Within The Family
The Family, then, appears to be essentially the group soul of Lucifer, whose core members unify around their sole and original purpose, to provide the catalyst for human growth through playing the role of controlling rulers of the planet. They do so, according to Hidden-Hand, through a very comprehensive program of training of family members in key areas of human influence:
There are six disciplines of training within the Family, and each member of the Family is schooled extensively in all of them, from early childhood. We all have an area of specialty, though we have experience in all spheres. The six spheres or ‘schools’ of learning are Military, Government, Spiritual, Scholarship, Leadership, and Sciences. In practice, out there on the ‘stage’ of public life, we hold key positions in all of these main areas of importance. With the addition of a complicit Media machine and ownership of your Financial establishments, all bases are covered.
Hidden Hand Of Influence
These positions of power are not what we first think of–politicians, generals, corporate heads, even the visible monarchy. In reference to a question about the British Royalty, Hidden-Hand says the following:
The British Royalty is not the most powerful line. The names that you know, do not hold the real ancient power. There are others above these lineages in the Hierarchy. You will not know the names of these lines.
So the individuated souls of Lucifer do indeed play the role of a hidden hand, and hold the true power behind those people and institutions who seem to exert the most authority in the world. Are these powerful Luciferian souls actually perpetrating evil in the world themselves, or are they just inciting evil within human beings? We will examine this question in part 3.
Stillness Commentary on this Article
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Lucifer is arguably one of the most hated and reviled characters in history. Lucifer is cited as the reason Eve ate the apple. Lucifer is worshiped by the dark occult, and is the antagonist of major religions. But as those who have walked far on their path toward truth and knowledge realize, there’s always more to the story.
Lucifer etymologically breaks down into two words: light bearer. Light, symbolically is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Bearer simply refers to one who holds or carries. Thus, the literal meaning of the term Lucifer is one who holds true knowledge, and shares it with others. It also means one who holds knowledge, as a kind of steward.
Given this meaning, anyone who holds or transmits true knowledge, is embodying the Lucifer archetype. But what the definition doesn’t speak to is what kind of knowledge.
Generally, knowledge is amoral—it isn’t good or bad. It’s how knowledge is used in life that determines if something is good or bad, right or wrong.
The dark Luciferian cults of this world, populated by elite power players and immoral individuals, seek knowledge and use it against the people, to maintain their power. This knowledge encompasses a wide range of topics, particularly, true psychology, law, and science.
Related What We Need to Know about the Dark Occultists and Satanists Running Our Institutions — Mark Passio
The term occult refers to things that are hidden. Dark Luciferian’s are also called dark occultists because they hide information from the general population so they can use it against them. They worship a dark version of Lucifer, the archetype, not the mythical figure, organizing their dark religion around a concept of darkness symbolized by a black sun wreathed in flame, not unlike the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings films.
As the following well researched and articulated article describes, pouring through the contemporary and historical usages of the Lucifer concept is quite the adventure. As you’ll discover, it’s not so easy to blindly paint the idea of Lucifer as totally bad. That being said, the article and my introduction here is not an attempt to convert people into worshiping Lucifer.
Consider that the pure version of the archetype is that of a light-bearer, one who holds and shares true knowledge. There are some who act within the definition of Lucifer, but who aren’t evil or bad. Thus, this exploration of the Lucifer archetype serves as a good exercise for contending with personal prejudice.
Generally speaking, when we encounter things in life that we find reprehensible or bad, we avoid them. We avoid learning about them because we rest our conclusions on whatever we do know, usually marked by intense negative emotions. But from a truth seeking and ethical perspective, we should look deeper than surface level assessments. Sometimes your first impression of something is wrong, and if you didn’t look beyond it, you’d have missed something big.
As such, while I agree that the dark Lucifer concept is arguably bad and has been used to do negative things in this world, learning about it and the grander concept helps provide me greater knowledge. And with knowledge comes power, specifically, the power to be more moral because I’ve integrated my shadow.
So while it might seem strange to review these concepts, know that in the act of learning about these things, you provide yourself the knowledge you need to make moral choices.
In this sense, moral action doesn’t take place in ignorance. A true moral choice comes from understanding why something is bad or wrong, and choosing to do otherwise despite any temptations.
In other words, one cannot be truly moral if they do not spend time understanding the shadow as well as the light.
– Justin
About The Author
Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake? Send an email to [email protected], with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you for reading.
KP says
If the bloodline families are keeping secrets from humanity then our resulting choices and actions have no basis in truth. If we are being manipulated and lied to that would cause a false set of circumstances, actions and reactions to manifest. I think it’s pretty arrogant to suggest that these families serve a higher purpose of helping us evolve when they lack the fortitude of basic honesty. If moral action doesn’t take place in ignorance then why the secrecy? If the ultimate goal is the soul’s advancement, then rape, torture, murder and attempted genocide are pretty fucked up ways to get there. Pure evil isn’t just the polarity of good. It does nothing except traumatize a soul into a catatonic state of fear. Hardly the path to enlightenment. Sounds like someone with little horns on his head is whispering a whole lot BS into your ear in order to justify his cruel behavior. Quoting the Bible when you make no mention of Jesus Christ and the New Testament proves you are missing the whole point of God’s unconditional love.